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Applications are invited for Senior Research Fellow at PGIMER

Clinical research courses

The PGIMER owes its inception to the vision of late Sardar Partap Singh Kairon, the then Chief Minister of Punjab and the distinguished medical educationists of the then combined state of Punjab, supported by the first Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru who considered the institutions of scientific knowledge as temples of learning and the places of pilgrimage. The institute started in 1962 and Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru inaugurated the hospital now named “Nehru Hospital” on 7th July 1963. The Institute was originally under the Government of undivided Punjab.

Applications are invited for the below mentioned post in DST-SERB funded project entitled "Detection and characterization of resistance to NS5A inhibitors in hepatitis C infected patients using Pyrosequencihg and in silica analysis ' under Dr. Mini P Singh, Professor, Dept of Virology.

Senior Research Fellow

Qualification : Masters in Life science as a part of regular course with 2 years research experience after obtaining essential qualification. The candidate should have had (i(i% aggregate marks in the post graduation course.

Desirable : Preference will be given to candidates with CSIR UGC NET, GATE, BET, ICMR JRF and research experience in Bioinformatics, Virology and Medical Microbiology.

Upper age limit : 32 years for Senior Research fellow and 28 years for Lab Technician and (Age relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC/PH Women candidate as per rules) as on 27.05.2019.

Remuneration : As per DST-SERB rule

The engagement in the projects is purely on contract basis for a period of one year (Likely to lie extendable beyond 1 year depending upon satisfactory performance). Interested candidates fulfilling the above conditions are required to submit their complete bio-data in the format attached duly signed and enclosing therewith photocopies of certificates/ testimonials in support of date of birth, qualification/ experience etc. & affixed with latest photograph on the application form and submit by 30.05.2019 at 5:00 pm in Room no 608, 6th floor. Research 13Mek-A PGIMER. Chandigarh. The envelope should be labelled as “Application for the post ol Senior Research fellow/ lab Technician for the project Detection and characterization of resistance to NS5A inhibitors in hepatitis C infected patients using Pyrosequencing and in Silico analysis". No Interview letters will be sent No TA/DA will be paid.

1. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that the applications are sent timely and the department will not be responsible for any postal delays. Application received after the due date will be summarily rejected.
2. Interested candidates may send their application as per the prescribed format given below \applications received without the prescribed format and will he summarily rejected
a) Proof of Age (self-attested)
b) Degree Certificate (self- attested)
3. It is responsibility of the candidate to ensure that he/she mentions the name of the post and the name of the project for which he/she has applied. The application received without this
Information will be summarily rejected. The selection will be conducted in a phased manner.

List of eligible candidates will be uploaded on website on 3rd-4th June 2019

Screening Test/Interview will be heald on 7th - 8th June 2019

Application Form & More Info>>

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