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NACO invites applications for Internship Programme | Government of India

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National AIDS Control Organisation under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India is the nodal organisation for HIV/AIDS Prevention & Control Programme in India. India’s AIDS Control Programme is globally acclaimed as a success story. The National AIDS Control Programme (NACP), launched in 1992, is being implemented as a comprehensive programme for prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in India. Over time, the focus has shifted from raising awareness to behaviour change, from a national response to a more decentralised response and to increasing involvement of NGOs and networks of PLHIV. Prevention Services; and Care, Support & Treatment Services form the two key pillars of all the AIDS control efforts in India. Phase IV of the National AIDS Control Programme is aimed at reducing new infections by 50% (2007 Baseline of NACP III) and providing Comprehensive care, support and treatment to all persons living with HIV/AIDS.

Post : NACO Internship Programme

To provide a legal and human framework to protect the rights and dignity of People Living with HIV, the Government has enacted the HIV/AIDS Act, 2017. The HIV/AIDS Act provides for the prevention and control of the spread of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and for the protection of human rights of persons affected by the said virus and syndrome and for matters connected with. HIV/AIDS Act has been notified on e-gazette on 21, April 2017.

India has demonstrated a successful HIV programme with decrease in new infections and AIDS related deaths. With the Government’s roll out of “Test and Treat”, a major impact will be seen in reduction of infections, reduction in progression to AIDS and prevention of TB among PLHIV. The Government of India is committed to achieve the global treatment targets of 90:90:90 by 2020 (90% of people living with HIV know their HIV status, 90% of people who know their status are receiving treatment and 90% of people on HIV treatment have a suppressed viral load) and “End the epidemic of AIDS” by 2030. Government of India is also committed to “Reduce new HIV infections by 75% (baseline 2010)”, “Eliminate Mother to Child Transmission of HIV”, and “Eliminate HIV-related stigma and discrimination” by 2020.

NACO receives many applications for internship from research institutes, academicians/ students, PG/PhD students. In the past, many interns have worked with NACP. NACO has initiated the Internship Programme for young students who wish to engage with the Government. The internship programme envisages an opportunity for young students to get familiar with and understand the various dimensions of policy making & implementation of the National AIDS Control Programme. It will serve as an exposure for the interns regarding functioning of Government of India. It will be mutually beneficial for the organization as well as students to have a structured internship programme under the aegis of NACO, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The internship programme would provide an excellent opportunity for budding scholars to familiarise themselves with the process of formulation of health policy and its implementation by the Government of India, with specific reference to the National HIV/AIDS and STD Control Programme.

NACO Internship Programme is open to students pursuing undergraduate, post graduate, M.Phil and PhD courses in various disciplines e.g. Preventive & Social Medicine, Public Health, Health Management, Statistics, Social Sciences etc (the list is only illustrative and not exhaustive) pursuing graduation or post graduation courses from a recognized and reputed University, who may apply for the internship programme. The list of programmatic courses applicable for the internship at NACO is placed at Annexure II.

Process of Engagement Any prospective candidate can apply to NACO in the prescribed format duly recommended/ authenticated by the educational institution. The candidate can directly access the NACO website & download the form. Detailed process is available on the website and updated from time to time.

Prospective interns shall apply on a prescribed format online or through physical communication expressing their interest in the programme during the phase of opening of enrolment along with copies of necessary documents.

Short listing and approval of candidature based on eligibility criteria would be done within two (2) weeks of receipt of application and successful candidates shall be intimated by email/ speed post. As the internship positions are limited in number, only the selected candidates would be allowed internship.

Interns shall be expected to report to NACO, submit their joining report and work under close supervision of the concerned Head of Division (HOD). The areas available for internship at NACO are listed at Annexure III.

Interns would be required to observe the functioning of the divisions, participate in activities as well as conduct data analysis & research, write reports, undertake field visit, or carry out any other task entrusted to them by the HOD.

Salient features of Internship Programme
No. of interns : Number of interns can vary depending on the applications and requirement of NACO. However, at any point of time, the number of interns shall not be more than 10.

Enrolment Enrollment for internship shall be kept open throughout the year and offered based on the requirement of the different Programmes.

Duration The internship would be for a minimum duration of 6 weeks and max. duration of 3 months, as per the prerequisites of the study programme. There shall be no bar for candidates to apply for a second internship with NACO. Candidates whose internship was terminated or those who discontinued before completing the set duration would not be considered for future batches.

Interns will be entitled to a stipend at the rate of Rs. 8,000 per month payable on successful completion of Internship and submission and acceptance of their Internship reports by the Reporting Officer in NACO. No other expenses like travel costs etc. will be admissible and no claims would be entertained. Payment shall be made from domestic budget grants of NACO under appropriate Head. Stipend will be made at the completion of the internship upon satisfactory performance certified by the HoD. Students who discontinue the internship would not be paid any remuneration by NACO.

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Interns coming from outside Delhi / New Delhi have to make their own arrangements for stay/ accommodation at their own expenses.

Logistic support
Interns will be provided with the necessary office logistics supports i.e. work space, stationery and facility for photocopying. They will need to have their own laptop computers and internet connectivity.

Placement for internship
The Interns will be placed in selected programme division within NACO or rotated through different divisions based on the pre-requisites of the study programme

Deliverables Follow : the standard schedule of activities. Perform work assigned by the Reporting Officer. At the end of the internship, the Interns will be required to submit a report on the areas of internship/study to respective Department.

Certificate of internship
Stipend and Certificates will be issued on satisfactory completion of their internships and on submission and acceptance of the Reports. Students who discontinue the internship would not be awarded any certificate by NACO.

Eligibility Criteria for Applying
Criteria for candidates applying to internship programme is provided below:
1) Candidates enrolled for Graduate programme under a recognized university should have completed two years.
2) Candidates enrolled in regular Post Graduation course under a recognized university 3) M.Phil, PhD, others Candidates must have the approval of their Institution to apply for the internship. Prescribed format is placed at Annexure IV.

The following documents must be submitted at the time of joining:
1. Photographs
2. Photo-identity (Voter ID/ PAN/ Adhaar/ Passport)
3. Approval letter from the Dean/ Principal of College/ University
4. Students from abroad must have valid travel documents and approval letter from their Institutes Preference will be given to applicants having an excellent academic track record and to research scholars; and candidates bringing project work relevant to NACO’s activities or concomitant with NACP.

Duration of Internship
The internships would be for a minimum duration of 6 weeks and maximum duration of 3 months, as per pre-requisites of the study programme. However, at any of time, the number of interns shall not be more than 10. There shall be no bar for candidates to apply for a second internship with NACO. However, a candidate can apply for internship only once during a financial year.

Support to be provided
Internship programme shall not be construed as an employment or the assurance of any employment with NACO or any Ministry under the Government of India. NACO reserves the right to engage interns as per their discretion. An intern would be required to work from within NACO’s office and undertake/ participate in various activities. Daily attendance will be mandatory to obtain necessary certificate. Necessary office logistical support will be provided to on-site interns taking into account their functional requirements like seating arrangement, stationery, access to photocopiers/ printers. Laptops and internet connectivity will have to be arranged by the candidates themselves.

Deliverables and Rules of Engagement
The concerned Head/Supervisor/ Reporting Officer shall be responsible for ensuring that the work and output agreed upon with the Intern is satisfactorily completed. Interns will be required to submit a brief internship report, paper at the end of the internship to the Heads of the concerned Programme Division. The attendance record and details of work supervision shall be maintained by the concerned Programme Division. It may be strictly observed that the conduct of the interns and their access to data shall be the sole responsibility of the Heads of the concerned Programme Division. All incumbents shall undertake to maintaining confidentiality with respect to NACO data and its sharing beyond the officers of NACO. Interns can claim no right to be included as an author in a NACO publication and no interns shall attempt to independently publish reports or articles using NACO data.

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Mode of Application
At NACO Headquarters, the applications may be sent to the office of Joint Secretary by
registered/speed post or email communication, at the following address:
Deputy Secretary
National AIDS Control Organisation
9th Floor, Chandralok Building,
36, Janpath,
New Delhli – 110001.

An advance copy of the application along with Covering letter and attachments may be sent by e-mail to Query, if any, may be addressed to Under Secretary at Applications duly filled in and complete in all respect with required documents should reach at least one month before the commencement of the internship.

Intern must clearly indicate the area of interest in the order of preference.

Selection Procedure
All applications will be scrutinized in the Ministry by an Internship Committee and intimation will be sent to selected candidates. The Internship Committee may conduct a personal interaction/ interview either through face to face interview or electronic media (phone, skype, etc.) with the applicant and also verify original documents. The decision of the Internship Committee shall be final and binding and no queries shall be entertained after the completion of the selection process. Applicants are advised to apply at least one month before the intended date of start of the internship.


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