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Applications invited for the post of Director at University of Waterloo

Clinical research courses

In the heart of Waterloo Region, at the forefront of innovation, the University of Waterloo is home to world-changing research and inspired teaching. At the hub of a growing network of global partnerships, Waterloo will shape the future by building bridges with industry and between disciplines, institutions and communities.

Post : Director

The School of Pharmacy in the Faculty of Science at the University of Waterloo invites applications for the position of Director of the School.
Candidates are expected to have a distinguished record of teaching, professional practice and research, along with demonstrated success in leadership and administration. The successful candidate should be eligible for appointment into a tenured faculty position, normally at the rank of Professor.
Associate Professors may be eligible for consideration in exceptional circumstances. The Director will set the academic tone for the School as well as be responsible for relationship building between the School and the broader health care community while playing a lead role in the academic planning and management process within the Faculty of Science.
The Director will provide leadership in pharmacy practice and academia, as well as lead advancement initiatives to foster the reputational and funding growth of the School. Further, the successful candidate must have experience in developing methods to recognize and support excellence in teaching, research, clinical practice and staff development.

Applications should include a detailed resume, the names and contact information for three individuals willing to provide references, and a statement of capabilities and qualification.

The deadline for applications is March 21, 2018

The anticipated start date is September 1, 2018 or as mutually agreed. Nominations, applications or expressions of interest should be directed to Jason Murray or Gerri Woodford at


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