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Opening to work as Senior Statistician in Diabetes Unit - KEM Hospital and Research Centre

GPAT courses

India is experiencing a burgeoning epidemic of diabetes and related disorders. It is one of the diabetes capitals of the world. The Diabetes Unit at the KEM Hospital and Research Centre is the first dedicated diabetes centre in Western India. It was started in 1987. We provide comprehensive diabetes care through our Pankuwar Firodiya Daycare Centre, and the Kamalnayan Bajaj Diabetology Research Centre which specializes in the investigation of peculiarities of diabetes in Indians. We described the novel finding that the small looking Indians are thin by BMI criteria but fat when you measure body fat, and that this characteristic is present at birth (Thin-fat Indian baby). We also described that maternal vitamin B12 deficiency and excess folate levels are related to 'fetal programming' of diabetes. This offers a novel approach to reduce fetal programming of diabetes. A trial is now in progress in adolescent girls and boys in villages around Pune. Our vision is to improve the health of the population, especially mother and babies by promoting research and local self-sufficiency.

Post: Senior Statistician (1 post)

Job Description:
Experience in bio medical and longitudinal data analysis. Expertise in life course analysis.

Candidate Profile:
- Ph.D
- Post-doctoral experience or 5 years experience in related field
- Good track record of publications and/or other recognition

Additional Information:
Qualification: Ph.D
Experience: 5 Years
End Date:

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Posted By,
Pallavi Yajnik
KEM Hospital and Research Centre

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