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Career for freshers in government as Jr. Pharmacist Trainee - 8 posts | salary around 25000

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SAIL, a Maharatna Company, and a leading steel-making company in India with a turnover of 49350 crores (FY 2012-13) is in the process of modernizing and expanding its production units, raw material resources and other facilities to maintain its dominant position in the Indian steel market. Bokaro Steel Plant, one of the modernised integrated steel plants of SAIL employing a motivated workforce of around 18000 employees is producer of HR Coils/Sheets/Plates, CR Coils/ Sheets, GP Sheets/Coils. Bokaro Steel is working towards becoming a one-stop-shop for world-class flat steel in India.

SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant invites online applications from energetic, dynamic medical professionals as Consultant/Specialists for its Bokaro General Hospital , which is a prestigious 910 bed hospital with state of the art equipment, recognised by NBE for DNB teaching in many specialities. Opportunities are also being offered for paramedical staff in the following disciplines for providing best healthcare facilities at Bokaro General Hospital and its Health Centres.

Post: Jr. Pharmacist Trainee S-3*  


No.of post: 08
UR-04, ST(C) - 02, ST(BL) - 01, OBC(NCL) - 01

Pay Scale & Grade: # Regular Grade on successful  completion of two years of training. Pay Scale (S3 Regular Grade) - Rs.  16800/- 3%- 24110/-

Upper Age Limit (As on 04/04/2016): 28 yrs.

Essential Qualification and Experience (As on 04/04/2016):
Full time Degree in Pharmacy (with 50% marks for GEN/OBC & 40% marks for SC/ST/PWD/Departmental candidates) or 10+2 (Science) with Full time Diploma in Pharmacy (with 50% marks for GEN/OBC & 40% marks for SC/ST/PWD/Departmental candidates) of minimum 2 years duration and registered with Pharmacy council of India/State Pharmacy council and with at least 1yr post qualification experience in a Hospital/Nursing Home.

Eligible candidates for post of Jr. Pharmacist Trainee will be required to appear in Written Examination. The minimum qualifying marks in Written Test will be determined based on 50 percentile score (for UR Category) and 40 percentile score (for SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PWD) candidates. Candidates who qualify in the written test will be called for Trade Test / Skill Test in the ratio of 1:3. Trade Test / Skill Test will be only qualifying in nature and the final merit list of candidates who qu alify the Trade Test / Skill Test will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the written test only. Information for Written test and Trade Test/Skill Test will be provided on our website only.

Candidates  selected  for post of Jr. Pharmacist Trainee will  be  placed  on  training  for a  period  of  2  Years which  may  be  extended  by  another  two  years  as  per  requirement.  On  successful  completion  of  training  period,  they  shall  be  regularized in  S-3 Grade.  After  successful  completion  of  Training,  Candidates  shall  be  placed  under probation for 1 year.

Candidates selected for S-3 grade for posts at Jr. Pharmacist Trainee will be paid consolidated Pay of Rs. 10700/- pm during 1st year of training and Rs. 12200/- pm during the 2nd year of training. During the period of 2 year training, Trainees will also get Medical facility for self, spouse and dependent children. Leave etc will be as per the Rules of the Company.

The emoluments for the post at Jr. Pharmacist Trainee on confirmation after 2 years of training will include basic pay, industrial dearness allowance, reimbursement of local travelling expenses and other facilities such as medical facili ty for self and family, provident fund, gratuity, LTC, etc., as per rules of the company. In addition, House Rent Allowance will be paid only where company accommodation is not available. Pay Scale of S3 grade is Rs. 16800/ - 3% - 24110/-.

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Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online through SAIL’s website: (Career with sail). No other means /mode of application will be accepted 

Before applying the candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibili ty norms. Their registration will be provisional as their eligibility will be verified only at the time of interview /Trade Test /Skill Test . Mere issue of admit card /interview/Trade Test/Skill Test call letter will not imply acceptance of candidature. Candidature of a registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or even on joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria at any stage or if candidate fails to produce valid documentary proof in support of his eligibility.

Before registering their applications on the website the candidates should possess the following:
a) Valid e - mail ID, which should remain valid for at least one year.
b) Candid ates should ensure that they possess requisite qualification at the time of applying.
c) Provision to pay application fee for the post at sl 1 of 500/- (Non- refundable) for OBC Candidates , application fee for the post at sl 2 of 500/- (Non-refundable) for General & OBC Candidates and application fee for the posts at sl 3 to 8 of 250 /- (Non - refundable) for General & OBC Candidates. Candidates can opt to pay through internet banking account or credit card/debit card/cash at SBI branch, through SB collect. SC/ST /PwD/ESM/Departmental candidates are exempted from payment of Application fees.
d) Candidates should have latest colour passport size photograph as well as photograph of signature in digital form (.jpg or .jpeg only of less than 500 kb size) for uplo ading with the application form.
e) Candidates are advised to read carefully instructions for online submission of application. The same will be available in the website itself.
f) While filling on - line application the candidates must carefully follow all the steps. Incomplete application/application without fee/application not fulfilling any eligibility criteria will be rejected summarily. No communication will be entertained from applicants in this regard.
g) After applying online, candidate is required to downloa d the system generated Provisional Registration Slip with unique registration number and other essential details.
h) Candidates are not required to send any document to Bokaro Steel Plant at this stage. The candidates will be allowed to appear in the Written Test only if they possess the valid Photo Admit Card which will be available for downloading from the SAIL website as per schedule indicated below.
i) The application being online, if during verification of documents prior to interview/Trade Test/Skill Test, it is found that the candidate does not possess the requisite eligibility criteria, he/she will not be allowed to appear for the interview / Trade Test / Skill Test.

Closing date for submitting applications through website: 04/04/2016

Advt. No. BSL/R/2016 - 01


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