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Career for the Junior Research Fellow at Indian Institute of Technology

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for the following assignment in a purely time - bound research project undertaken in the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad

Post: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

No. of Post: 01

Name of the Research Project: Liposome gold nanoparticles for cancer theranostics

Essential Qualifications: M.Tech or equivalent degree (Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Biotechnology , Pharma, Material science, Chemical ) with 60% marks or equivalent CGPA
M.Sc.( Biotechnology, Chemistry, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ) with 60% marks or equivalent CGPA with valid GATE Score 

Name  of  the  Sponsoring Agency:  DST, Govt . of India

Consolidated  monthly compensation: Rs.25,000/- per month

Age: Candidates should not be more than 28 years

Duration of the Project: Five years (05)

- Eligible candidates should apply with their CV via email to on or before March 8th 2016, with the subject marked as “ JRF-DST- INSPIRE ”.
- Candidates will be short listed for the interview based on merit and will be informed via email. (Tentative date of interview will be between 14th - 18th March, 2016)
- Candidates shortlisted for interview should appear in person with originals of degree certificates (one set of xerox), and date of birth proof a long with any other relevant information (like copies of publications, awards, recommendations etc.)
- No travelling or any other allowances is admissible for attending the interview.
- Tenure of the JRF will be initially for a period of 2 years subject to annual review recommendations.
- Preference will be given to the candidates whoever having valid GATE score or CSIR/UGC/NET.

For technical information of the project, the candidate may contact the Principal Investigator at the following address:
Name: Dr. Aravind Kumar Rengan
Address: Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
E - mail :


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