The Central Council for Research in Siddha, an Autonomous Organization under the Ministry of AYUSH, invites applications from suitable candidates for the following Group B and C posts to be filled up by Direct Recruitment. The candidates are advised to read the instructions available in Council’s website, before filling up the application. The upper age limit, qualification and/or experience will be reckoned as on 01.01.2015.
Post: Assistant Research Officer, Research Assistant, Pharmacist, Lab Technician, Lab Assistant
Advertisement No. 02/2015
Assistant Research Officer (Botany/Pharmacognosy)
Scale of Pay: (PB2) Rs 9300 – 34800 +GP Rs.4600
No. of vacancies: 4 (UR -4)
Age: 35 years and below
Educational and other qualifications: Essential: (a) Post-graduate degree in Botany/Pharmacognosy from a recognized University/Institution (b) 3 years research/teaching experience in Botany/Pharmacognosy after obtaining the Degree (10+2+3 pattern) in a recognized Institution/ College/University (OR) Ph.D in Botany/Pharmacognosy from a recognized University/Institution.
Assistant Research Officer (Chemistry)
Scale of Pay: (PB2) Rs 9300 – 34800 +GP Rs.4600
No. of vacancies: 2 (UR -2)
Age: 35 years and below
Educational and other qualifications: Essential: (a) Post-graduate degree in Chemistry from a recognized University/Institution (b) 3 years research/teaching experience in Chemistry after obtaining the Degree (10+2+3 pattern) in a recognized Institution/ College/University (OR) Ph.D in Chemistry from a recognized University/Institution.
Research Assistant (Botany)
Scale of Pay: (PB2) Rs 9300 – 34800 +GP Rs.4200
No. of vacancies: 4 (UR -4)
Age: 30 years and below
Educational and other qualifications: Essential: a) Degree (10+2+3 pattern) in Botany from a recognized University/ Institution. b) Two years Research/Teaching experience in Botany after obtaining the degree (10+2+3 pattern) in a recognized Institution/ College /University. (OR) Post Graduate Degree in Botany from a recognized University/ Institution
Research Assistant (Chemistry)
Scale of Pay: (PB2) Rs 9300 – 34800 +GP Rs.4200
No. of vacancies: 4 (UR -3, SC-1)
Age: 30 years and below
Educational and other qualifications: Essential: a) Degree (10+2+3 pattern) in Chemistry from a recognized University/ Institution b) Two years Research/Teaching experience Chemistry after obtaining the degree (10+2+3 pattern) in a recognized Institution/ College /University (OR) Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry from a recognized University/ Institution
Research Assistant (Pharmacology)
Scale of Pay: (PB2) Rs 9300 – 34800 +GP Rs.4200
No. of vacancies: 1 (UR -1)
Age: 30 years and below
Educational and other qualifications: Essential: B.V.Sc/B.Pharm/M.Sc in pharmacology /Drug Assay from a recognized University/Institution.
Advertisement No. 03/2015
Scale of Pay: (PB1) Rs 5200 – 20200 +GP Rs.2800
No. of vacancies: 2 (UR -1, OBC-1)
Age: 25 years and below
Educational and other qualifications: Essential: (a) Matric or equivalent (b) Certificate/Diploma in Siddha Pharmacy of minimum duration of two years from a recognized statutory Board/ University/ Institution (c) Two years experience preferably in the dispensary/ Hospital in Siddha Medicine or in a recognized pharmacy.
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Lab Technician
Scale of Pay: (PB1) Rs 5200 – 20200 +GP Rs.2400
No. of vacancies: 11 (UR -7, SC-2, ST-2)
Age: 25 years and below
Educational and other qualifications: Essential: (a) Degree (10+2+3 pattern) in science in concerned discipline (Chemistry/Bio-Chemistry/MLT/Botany)/Degree in pharmacology or B.Pharm from a recognized University (b) One year experience in Laboratory technology in a Lab of a recognized Hospital/Institution (OR) (a) 12th (10+2) class or equivalent with Science subject from a recognized Board/ University (b)Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology of minimum one year duration from a recognized University/Institution (c) Two years experience in a laboratory of recognized Hospital /Institution.
Lab Assistant
Scale of Pay: (PB1) Rs 5200 – 20200 +GP Rs.2000
No. of vacancies: 3 (UR -3)
Age: 25 years and below
Educational and other qualifications: Essential: (a) 12th (10+2) class or equivalent with Science subject from a recognized Board/ University (b) Two years experience in a laboratory of a recognized Hospital /Institution (OR) Degree (10+2+3 pattern) in Science {(Chemistry/Botany)/Degree in pharmacology or B Pharm)
The candidates will be selected on the basis of written test followed by an interview. The date for the written test/interview will be displayed in the Council’s website and the call letter shall be sent by speed post. The last date for receipt of the application will be 60 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News.
Applicants are advised to read all instructions carefully before filling up their applications.
1. The applicant must be a citizen of India.
2. All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess essential criteria laid down for various posts. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained.
3. The prescribed essential criteria is minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for written test/interview. The Competent Authority reserves the right to shortlist candidates on the basis of higher qualifications/year of experience in the subject/other criteria. The decision of the Director General, CCRS will be final in this regard.
4. The period of experience rendered by a candidate on part time basis, daily wages, visiting/guest faculty will not be counted while calculating the valid experience.
5. The upper age limit, qualification and/or experience will be reckoned as on 01.01.2015
6. Candidates must have already passed the qualifying examination as on 01.01.2015. Candidates who have appeared for the qualifying examination but whose results are not declared by the crucial date, are not eligible.
7. Degree/Diploma etc. obtained by the candidates from open Universities/ Distance Education will not be accepted unless the same is accompanied by a certificate to the effect that the course is recognized by the Distance Education Council in terms of Ministry of Human Resource Development Notification No. 44 published in Gazette of India dated 08.04.1995 for the relevant period when the candidate has acquired the relevant qualification.
8. The candidates serving in Govt./Autonomous/Statutory bodies should apply only through proper channel and their duly forwarded application should reach the Central Council for Research in Siddha on or before the closing date. They should submit ‘NO OBJECTION’ certificate from their employer at the time of interview. In case they do not furnish the same, their candidature will straightaway be rejected.
9. Candidates applying for more than one post must send separate application for each post along with application fee. One envelope should contain one Application Form only. More than one application in one Envelope would lead to rejection of all such applications. Similarly, more than one application from the same Candidate for the same examination also leads to rejection of all such applications.
10. The vacancies advertised are provisional and liable to vary. This is subject to change without any notice. In case the vacancy position indicated in the Advertisement is reduced to any number or even to nil, Council is not liable to compensate the applicant for any consequential damage/loss.
11. DG, CCRS reserves the right to make any amendment, cancellation and changes in this advertisement in whole or in part without assigning any reason thereof.
12. Any corrigendum/ order regarding this advertisement will be issued on the website only. Candidates are advised to remain in touch with the website for this purpose. No separate corrigendum etc. will be published in Employment News or in any other Newspaper.
13. Applicants will be fully responsible for accuracy of the information they furnish. Any information furnished by the candidate, if found wrong at any stage, will result in his/her disqualification and/or dismissal from the service at any stage and no correspondence will be entertained at all.
14. The call letter for the written test/interview, in the case of shortlisted candidates, shall be sent by speed post, for which candidates have to enclose self-addressed 39/-Rs. stamp affixed 26x11 cm size envelope. However, the Council shall not be responsible for any postal delay/lapse, whatsoever. The date of written test/interview will be displayed in the Council’s website.
15. The appointment to the said post will be subject to candidate’s physical fitness certificate issued by the Competent Medical Board/Medical Authority before joining the post.
16. The candidate shall have to appear for written test/interview, if called for, at his/her own cost.
17. The appointment carries with it the liability to serve anywhere in India
18. No Correspondence or personal inquiries shall be entertained.
19. Canvassing in any form will be treated as a disqualification for the post.
20. Any dispute in regard to this recruitment will be subject to Courts/Tribunals having jurisdiction in Chennai.
No. of vacancies for all posts may vary depending on council’s need
Complete details and the application form can be downloaded from the Council's website. /
Last Date: 60 days from the publication in Employment News
Last Date: 7th May, 2015
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