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Walk in for M.Pharm, B.Pharm as Trial Co-ordinator at Tata Memorial Centre

GPAT courses

Walk in for M.Pharm, B.Pharm as Trial Co-ordinator at Tata Memorial Centre

The Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) is a Comprehensive Cancer Centre with a mission to achieve the highest standards in patient care, cancer prevention, cancer research and professional development for oncology and allied disciplines. TMC is an autonomous body funded, controlled by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. TMC is affiliated to Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI). The HBNI is a Deemed University of the Department of Atomic Energy with a mission to develop high quality postgraduate educational programs in science and technology including those related to life and health sciences.

Post : Trial Co-ordinator

Required Trial Co-ordinator on “A phase II study to evaluate oral chlorophyllin in hemorrgagic cystitis secondary to radiation therapy for pelvic malignancies” (CLARITY Trial) Project (A/c No.4780) Initially for a period of six months.

Trial Co-ordinator (Jr) 
Qualification : Graduation in Science (e.g. B.Pharm, Life Science, Biotech, Zoology, Botany etc.) with PG Diploma in Clinical Research is mandatory. 
Remuneration : Starting Rs.22000/- p.m. depending upon qualification and experience.        

Trial Co-ordinator (Sr)
Qualification : Post Graduation in Science (e.g. M.Pharm, Life Science, Biotech, Zoology, Botany etc.) with PG Diploma in Clinical Research is mandatory. 
Remuneration : Starting Rs.23000/- p.m. depending upon qualification and experience.  

Experience : 1year of experience in clinical research will be preferred. (Preference will be given to the candidate with TMH experience. Candidates currently working in TMC must bring NOC from their respective HOD at the time of interview.)

Interested candidates may come at Tata Memorial Hospital, 4TH Flr, Dinning Hall, Golden Jubilee Bldg., Dr. E. Borges Marg, Parel, Mumbai - 400012 along with Bio-data, recent passport size photograph, copy of PANCARD, AADHAR Card, original certificates and set of attested copies of all certificates.

ON 20.06.2023 Between 09.30 a.m. & 10.30 a.m
at Tata Memorial Hospital, 4TH Flr, Dinning Hall, Golden Jubilee Bldg., Dr. E. Borges Marg, Parel, Mumbai - 400012

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