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Vacancy for Senior Research Fellow at National Institute of Nutrition

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Vacancy for Senior Research Fellow at National Institute of Nutrition

The National Institute of Nutrition is an Indian public health, nutrition and translational research centre located in Hyderabad, India. The institute is one of the oldest research centres in India, and the largest centre, under the Indian Council of Medical Research, located in the vicinity of Osmania University.

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post / position for ad-hoc intramural research projects funded by ICMR-NIN.

Senior Research Fellow (Non-Medical)
Essential Qualifications : Masters in Life Sciences / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Nutrition / Biotechnology with at least Two years of Research Experience
Desirable : Experience in handling field studies (food, blood and urine sample collection) and handling of analytical instruments like HPLC,LCMS / MS with good publication skills.
Age : 35 years (Cut-off-date for age limit for SRF will be as on last date of walk-in-Interview)
Consolidated salary / Stipend : Rs.35,000/-plus HRA.
Tenure  : One year
Place of work : NIN, Hyderabad

Senior Research Fellow (Non-Medical)
Essential Qualifications : Masters in Life Sciences/Biotechnology /Biochemistry with at least Two years of Research Experience
Desirable : Experience with mammalian cell culture and animal experimentation
Age : 35 years (Cut-off-date for age limit for SRF will be as on last date of walk-in-Interview)
Consolidated Salary / Stipend : Rs.35,000/- plus HRA.
Tenure : One year
Place of work : NIN, Hyderabad

CANDIDATES WHO HAVE COMPLETED PH.D OR SUBMITTED THESIS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO APPLY. The Director & Appointing Authority has the right to accept/ reject any application without assigning any reason(s) and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained. After Scrutiny / Verification, the names of eligible candidates will be informed on the same day for interview.

Applications will be received from the individual by hand duly filled in the prescribed format on the date of walk-in-interview i.e. on 11-07-2023. The candidates will not be allowed to enter the Institute after 11.00 a.m under any circumstances. The candidates are required to bring all the original certificates along with a set of self attested Photostat copy of certificates (i.e. educational / professional qualification / Caste Certificates / Publications if any). The candidates have to make their own arrangement for attending walk-in-interview. After verification of the applications, the name of eligible candidates will be informed on the same day for interview. The applicants are advised to visit the website regularly for any updates and changes in the recruitment process.

Selection Procedure : The short listing will be merely depending on the fulfillment of the essential education qualification and age will be reckoned as on 11-06-2023. Further, the result of the final selection of the candidate will be placed on the ICMR-NIN and website.

General Conditions : The conditions of employment will be the same as that of the project staff on contract basis. The candidates have no right to claim for any regular employment at this Institute. The Director & Appointing Authority has the right to accept/ reject any application without assigning any reason(s) and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained.

Application Form

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