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Vacancy for Research Associate at THSTI - Ph.D, MSc, M.Tech Apply

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Vacancy for Research Associate at THSTI

Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI) is an autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. The institute is an integral part of the interdisciplinary NCR Biotech Science Cluster located at Faridabad, and is designed as a dynamic, interactive organization with the mission to conduct innovative translational research and to develop research collaborations across disciplines and professions to translate concepts into products to improve human health.

Post : Research Associate-III

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate-III in DBT funded project titled “Investigating and translating genomic evidence for public health response to SARS-CoV-2 (INSIDE SARS-CoV-2)”

Work location : THSTI, Faridabad
Age :  40 years
*Age relaxation- 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC (must carry original caste certificate)
Maximum monthly emoluments : Rs.54,000/- month + HRA 24%

Minimum Qualification and Experience
Ph.D in Biotechnology or Microbiology or any branch of Life sciences from a recognized university or M.Sc./ M.Tech in Biotechnology or Microbiology or any branch of Life sciences from a recognized university with 3 years of experience working in research lab with at least one research paper in Science Citation indexed (SCI) journal Proficiency in working with mammalian cell culture, Isolation of RNA, Reverse-transcription and PCR & other molecular biology techniques.

Desirable Experience
Working with virus culture, determination of infectious titer, virus isolation from clinical sample(s), Isolation of viral nucleic acid, Virus neutralization assay. Immunological assays like ELISA, Immunoblotting, Indirect Immunofluorescence etc. Experience in animal handling and working in a BSL3 Laboratory

Interested candidate may mail their resume at mentioning the name of post in the subject by 15th June, 2023 till 5 PM. If the name of the post is not mentioned - you would not be called for the interview.
The candidate should satisfy the eligibility criteria. If ineligibility detected at any stage of the recruitment, their appointment will be cancelled.

Only Shortlisted Candidate will be invited for the interview. No TA/DA will be provided for appearing in this interview.

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