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Vacancy for MSc in Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Biochemistry at NIMHANS | Pay Rs. 38,440 pm

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Vacancy for MSc in Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Biochemistry at NIMHANS

The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) is a multidisciplinary institute for patient care and academic pursuit in the field of mental health and neurosciences.  NIMHANS is synonymous with providing high standards of clinical care, quality training and cutting-edge research in the frontier areas. Combined priorities for comprehensive patient care, manpower development and research, stem from the commitment to an integrated and multidisciplinary approach which addresses societal needs.

Post : Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up one post of Junior Research Fellow on-contract basis for the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) funded project entitled “Understanding the interactions and impact of Gut Microbiota and Mucosal Associated Invariant T (MAIT) cells in the pathobiology of Inflammatory Nodopathies” under Dr. Monojit Debnath, Professor & Head Department of Human Genetics and Principal Investigator, NIMHANS.

Essential Qualifications : i) M.Sc. in Life Sciences (Genetics / Biochemistry / Zoology / Biotechnology / Molecular Biology / Neurosciences or related subjects)/ M.Tech. in Biotechnology/ Genetic Engineering with experience in methods/tools/techniques used in genetics research.
ii) Qualified national level examination conducted by CSIR/UGC/ ICMR/DBT/MHRD or equivalent.

Desirable Qualifications : Candidates with prior experience in blood and fecal samples processing, nucleic acid extraction, ELISA, Multiplex Suspension Assay, Flow cytometry, Whole Genome Metagenomic analysis, Gene Expression analysis as well as recording and analysis of clinical data will be preferred.

Maximum age limit : 28 years

Emoluments : As per DST guidelines (No. SR/S9/Z-08/2018, dt. 30.01.2019). Rs.31,000/- pm + HRA 24% only will be paid to those candidates who have passed national level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies.

Duration of the post : 18 months. Initial appointment will be made for a period of 12 months, which will be extended till the end of the project depending upon the performance of the candidate.

Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria, may apply by sending their resume, certificates of qualification, experience and testimonial by email to The resume may be sent only in the PDF format provided below.

Candidates who apply, should invariably mention the Notification No. Date, email ID, Contact No. & Postal Address, failing which the application will not be considered.

The last date for receipt of applications along with the relevant documents is 14 days from the date of notification.

Last Date : 30th June, 2023

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