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Vacancy for Junior Research Fellow at Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University

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Vacancy for Junior Research Fellow at Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University

Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University Kanpur, a premier landmark of higher education in Uttar Pradesh is named after the great social reformer Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj also known as Rajarshi Shahu. It is a well-established and respected educational community where students of all backgrounds study and work together in a congenial and encouraging academic atmosphere. The university is geared to provide maximum scholastic benefit to each individual student and nurture them to achieve their full potential and evolve as a responsible global citizen.

Post : Junior Research Fellow

Applications are invited for the temporary positions for Project Junior Research Fellow (Project- JRF) in the Research projects sanctioned under ‘Empowerment and Equity Opportunities for excellence in Science (EMEQ) Scheme’ of Scientific and Engineering Research Board (SERB), funded in CSJM University by Department of Science and Technology (DST)-SERB, Govt, of India as mentioned below.

Title of Project : Elucidating the mechanism of motor clustering and de-clustering in Saccharomvces cerevisiae.

Name of Principal Investigator : Dr. Akhilendra Pratap Bharati  (Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology)

Age : Maximum age limit is 28 years (Relaxation as per central govt. rule)

Essential qualification : Master degree in the relevant subject (M.Sc / M.Tech. in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Life Science) or B. Tech. Biotechnology who have selected through (a) National Eligibility Tests CSIR-UGC NET including Lectureship (Assistant Professional ship) or GATE or (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DBT, ICMR, ICAR etc.

Desirable Qualification : Preference will be given to those candidates having prior working experiences in molecular biology and proteins biochemistry.

Emoluments per month : Rs. 31,000/- month + HRA (as per DST).

Tenure of Appointment : 1 year (Likely to be extended up to the closure of project on the basis of performance)

Interested candidates with strong inclination towards research and development may attend walk-in interview proposed on 3rd July, 2023 at 11:00 AM at Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology (Wing B), CSJM University Campus. The candidates should present themselves before the interview board with all original documents, a copy of bio-data and 3- sets of self- attested photocopies of all relevant mark sheets and certificates.

1. No TA/DA is admissible for appearance in the interview.
2. The terms and conditions for the appointment of project-JRF would be as per regulations mentioned by DST-SFRB and CSJM University, Kanpur.

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