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Tata Memorial Hospital invites application for Scientific Assistant - pharma candidates can apply

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Tata Memorial Hospital invites application for Scientific Assistant - pharma candidates can apply

The Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) is a Comprehensive Cancer Centre with a mission to achieve the highest standards in patient care, cancer prevention, cancer research and professional development for oncology and allied disciplines. TMC is an autonomous body funded, controlled by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. TMC is affiliated to Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI). The HBNI is a Deemed University of the Department of Atomic Energy with a mission to develop high quality postgraduate educational programs in science and technology including those related to Life and Health Sciences.

TMC invites applications from eligible candidates of Indian nationality, who are keen to pursue a career in TMC. Full time positions in various departments available in TMC are listed below :


Level: Level 6 [Pre-revised  PB-2, Rs.9300-34800 + 4200 GP]
Level of Pay: Rs.35,400/-  Level 6, Cell 1 + Allowances applicable
Age :Upper Age limit as on: 14.07.2023 30 yrs.
Qualification & Experience :
B.Sc (Biotechnology / Pharmacy / Microbiology / Life Science and Allied Health / Biological Science) with minimum 50% marks and Degree / diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT) from Government recognized Institute with 1 year experience in relevant field OR B.Sc in Medical Laboratory Technology with 50% marks with 2 years experience in relevant field. Preference will be given to candidates having working experience in Tissue Banking / Tissue handling, clean environment and Quality Control System.

LOCATION: Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai

1. For posts at Sr.No.1 to 16 (Medical posts), the Academic designation such as Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor etc. will be given after joining as per the National Medical Commission norms.
2. India Citizens, Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) card holders and foreign nationals who fulfill the conditions of qualifications, experience etc. are eligible to apply. The appointment will be subject to necessary clearance/ approval as applicable.
3. (a) Last date for online application is 14.07.2023 upto 05.30 p.m. (Indian Standard Time).
(b) Candidates must send in their candidature through “Online Application” only. Candidates will have to upload required documents mentioned in the form at the time of filling the Online Application.
(c) Candidates will be initially screened and called for Interview / Written Examination / Skill Test on the basis of information provided by them in the online application form.
(d) Incomplete & Online non-submitted applications will be summarily rejected.
(e) Candidates who would be called for Interview / Written Examination / Skill Test are required to carry original documents alongwith one set of copy in support of the details furnished in the online application form regarding date of birth, qualifications, experience, caste, disability certificate etc., failing which such applicants will not be allowed to appear for Interview / Written Examination / Skill Test.
(i) Date of Birth : Birth Certificate / School leaving certificate / S.S.C passing certificate.
(ii) Educational Qualification : Mark sheet & Passing Certificate of final examination.
(iii) Experience Certificates :
· Past Employment : Experience certificate indicating the date of joining and relieving.
· Current Employment : Appointment letter , last Pay Slip, Identity Card.
(iv) Caste Certificate : Valid Caste Certificate (in the format of Government of India), Caste Validity Certificate in case of ST, Non Creamy Layer Certificate in case of OBC candidates is mandatory. Formats are uploaded on TMC website.
(v) Economically Weaker section (EWS) :Valid income certificate (in format of Government of India) is mandatory.
(vi) Persons with Disability : Physical Disability Certificate
(vii) PwBD : Autism, Intellectual Disability, Specific Learning Disability & Mental illness with disability i.e. Specific Learning Disability (SLD)
(f) Through Proper Chanel : Persons working under Central / State Government / Autonomous Body / Semi Government Organisations and other Public Sector Undertakings must obtain the permission from their Head of the Organisation to apply for the post & to produce the same at the time of Written Examination / Skill test / Interview, failing which they shall not be allowed to appear for Interview / Written Examination / Skill Test.
(g) Referees : Three Referees listed by the candidate should have been associated with the training or supervision of the candidates work.
(h) Tata Memorial Centre reserves the right to fix minimum eligibility standard / bench mark and restrict no. of candidates called for Written examination / Interview / Skill test taking into account various factors like no. of vacancies, percentage of marks in Graduate / Post Graduate Degrees etc. Tata Memorial Centre also reserves the right to fix minimum eligibility standard / cut-off marks (Group / Stream / Discipline / Category-wise etc.) while finalizing such candidates to be called for Written test / Interview / Skill test as well as selecting the candidates for final selection after Written test / Interview / Skill test. The decision of the Director, Tata Memorial Centre in this regard shall be final and binding and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained with the candidates.
(i) Tata Memorial Centre reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates called for the Written Examination / Interview / Skill test to a reasonable limit, on the basis of qualifications and experience of the applicants. Mere fulfilling the prescribed qualifications will not entitle an applicant to be called for Written test / Interview / Skill test.
(j) In case it is found at any stage of recruitment that the candidate does not fulfill the eligibility criteria and / or, the candidate has furnished any incorrect / false / incomplete information or has suppressed any material fact (s), his / her candidature will be cancelled. If any shortcoming is detected, even after appointment, the services of the candidate are liable to be terminated forthwith. Therefore, before applying for any post, the candidate should ensure that he / she fulfills all the eligibility criteria under the norms mentioned in the advertisement.
(k) Tata Memorial Centre also reserves the right not to call any candidates to appear for Written examination / Interview / Skill test without assigning any reason there of.
(l) Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature.
4. Age & experience will be reckoned as on 14.07.2023. Experience will be reckoned post required qualifications.
5. Reservation of posts under various categories shall be applicable as per Govt. Rules.
6. For Inquiry : Candidates may email to . No phone calls will be entertained

7. Age Relaxation :
(a) Upper age is relaxable for persons belonging to Reserved Categories such as SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-servicemen & Other categories as per the instructions of Govt. of India as under:
05 Years : SC /ST
03 Years : OBC
10 Years : PWD [additional 5 years in case of SC/ST & 3 years in case of OBC]
Ex-servicemen : length of service in Armed forces plus 3 years (additional relaxation in case of SC/ST/OBC as per the instructions of Govt. of India)
(b) If the post is only for unreserved category, age relaxation will not be applicable to reserved candidates.
(c) Age relaxation maximum by 5 years for TMC employees and employees working in TMC on temporary basis / under project / on contract basis, etc.

8. Application Fee :
(i) Candidate shall pay the application fee of Rs.300/- online using Debit Card / Credit Card.
(ii) SC / ST / Female Candidates / Persons with Disabilities / Ex-servicemen (1st time applying for civil post after serving any rank) are exempted from paying application fees.
(iii) The application fee paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.

9. Candidates may be offered a lower grade than what is advertised based on their working experience, research track record and overall assessment at the time of interview and recommendation of the Selection Committee.

10. Benefits :
(a) Allowances : In addition to pay, other allowances including DA, HRA, TA etc. will be admissible as per the prevailing rules of TMC.
(b)Training & Development : All officers will be eligible for institutional financial support for active participation in National and International Medical Meetings, Workshops and Conferences after their probation is closed.
(c) Medical Facility : Will be admissible as per the prevailing rules of TMC.
(d) Accommodation : Residential accommodation will be provided subject to availability.
(e) Retirement Benefits : All are eligible for retirement benefits and pension under the New Pension Scheme.

11. Candidates appointed will be rotated in any Units of TMC (Tata Memorial Hospital,Mumbai, ACTREC, Navi Mumbai, Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital,Sangrur, Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Mullanpur, Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Vizag, Mahamana Pt.Madan Mohan Maliviya Cancer Centre(BHU),Varanasi, Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital, Varanasi, BBCI, Guwahati on the needs of the Units concerned as and when necessary.

12. Transfer : Selected candidates shall have to serve the respective location for minimum of 5 years before any request for transfer to other units of TMC. However, TMC management reserves the right to transfer any of the staff member.

13. The TMC also may exercise the option to offer appointments on “Contract Basis” for a fixed term on a consolidated remuneration.

14. Non Receipt of Application : Tata Memorial Centre does not take any responsibility for non receipt of application through Online.

15. Legal jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Mumbai.


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