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Job for Pharmacists at Chief Medical and Health Officer

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Job for Pharmacists at Chief Medical and Health Officer

Various vacant contracts under the National Health Mission / District Health Committee, District- South Bastar, Dantewada (Chhattisgarh) for the sanctioned posts in the ROP of the district for the financial year 2023 2024 under the National Health Mission and as per the instructions given in the Human Resource Policy 2018 Advertisement information is being published for recruitment to the posts through walk in interview. Interested and eligible candidates can submit the application along with the application form in the prescribed attached form by appearing in the Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, District South Bastar, Dantewada (Chhattisgarh) post wise on the prescribed date. Applications received through speed post, registered post, ordinary post or any other means will not be accepted and applications received after the stipulated date and time will also not be accepted. The category wise details of the vacant posts are as follows.

Post : Pharmacist - RBSK

No of posts : 03 (ST-3)

Salary : Rs. 16,500/-

Qualification : Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy (50%) & Registration in Pharmacy Registration Council.

Age Limit
1. Minimum age for contract recruitment should be 18 years and maximum 70 years for medical post and 64 years for managerial post. There will be a provision for relaxation in the age limit given by the government from time to time.
2. Age will be calculated according to the contract year 01.01.2023.

Application guidelines
1. Candidates seeking recruitment for more than one post will have to submit separate applications for each post. The format of the application can be obtained by downloading it from the official website of District- Dantewada
2. No information will be given to the candidates regarding incomplete, unclear and erroneous application forms. Every applicants should fill the correct and complete information carefully by looking at the guidelines given in the advertisement and all the information in the application form. If any information is given incomplete or incorrect in the application form, then on the basis of the said error / incompleteness, the application form can be canceled without prior notice to the applicant.
3. The candidate has to paste his/her latest passport size photograph attested by Gazetted Officer/self at the specified place in the application form.
4. Along with the application on the above posts, attach the desired qualification certificate, educational qualification from recognized institution / university, experience related certificate, caste, residence certificate and registration certificate and other documents after verifying them compulsorily. In case of non-attachment, the Chief Medical and Health Officer will have the right to reject the application.
5. All appointments will be completely temporary and non-transferable on contract basis.

Application fee
1. The applicant along with the application form has to pay the prescribed fee through DD drawn from any nationalized bank. It will be mandatory to get it made in the name of District Health Society, Dantewada, and submit it, which will not be refundable.
2. Candidates desirous of recruitment in more than one post will have to submit separate application and prescribed fee (demand draft) for each post.
3. It will be mandatory to mention the number, date, amount and bank of the demand draft in the application format. 4. The application form will be rejected if applied without the application fee (Demand Draft).
The details of application fee are as follows
Honorarium per month<=25000
Handicapped/SC/ST/Women - Rs. 100
OBC - Rs. 200
Unreserved - Rs. 300
Honorarium per month more than 25000
Handicapped/SC/ST/Women - Rs. 200
OBC - Rs. 300
Unreserved - Rs. 400

General conditions and guidelines regarding recruitment
1. According to the post advertised in the advertisement, only the applications of the prescribed qualified candidates will be accepted, otherwise the applications will be rejected.
2. Merely applying will not ensure one's selection. Original certificates will be checked before issuing the final selection list. Advance action will be taken for their selection only if it is found correct.
3. Educational Qualification Certificate only Ch.G. Government / U.G.C. / A.I.C.T.E. Will be valid only by the recognized institution.
4. It is mandatory for such candidates whose mark sheet is of grading method to mention the percentage by grading calculation method and in this regard it will be mandatory to attach the attested copy of calculation sheet/chart issued by the head of the institution from the concerned educational institution/school along with the application. .
5. According to the order of educational qualification published in the advertisement, priority will be given for selection in the recruitment. If the aggregate marks of 02 or more than 02 applicants become equal, then the priority order of their selection will be as follows
1. Weightage Marks of Educational Qualification
2. Skill Test Marks
3. Age (Priority will be given to applicants with older age)
6. During claim objection, additional/supplementary documents will not be accepted separately by the candidates after the last date or time and no application will be accepted after the last date of claim objection.
7. It will be necessary for the employees working in Government/Semi-Government institution to submit the No Objection Certificate issued by the employer of those institutions, otherwise the application will not be considered.
8. The recruitment process on the advertised posts will be subject to the final order of Hon'ble Supreme Court, New Delhi in SLP (C) No. 19668/2022.
9. All rights to take the final decision on any dispute that may arise during the recruitment process will be of the Constituted Selection Committee / Chief Medical and Health Officer District South Bastar Dantewada.
10. Factual/clerical error in the advertisement can be corrected at any stage of selection. The process of selection will remain unaffected by such error correction. No representation will be accepted in this regard.

11. No traveling allowance will be payable to the candidate for appearing.
12. The above appointments will be made through a committee constituted by the National Health Mission.
13. Reservation provision will be implemented according to the roster method prevalent in the district.
14. Any kind of recommendation for appointment by the applicant or political pressure etc. unethical handcuffs, the application will be canceled by taking unilateral action against the applicant.
15. The selection committee will have the right to qualify / disqualify the applicants on the basis of their merit in the recruitment process.
16. Applicants appearing after the scheduled date/time will not be considered.
17. On application by the applicant found involved in criminal tendency and misconduct and other unethical act, his application will automatically be considered cancelled.

Date of Interview : 03.07.2023
Application registration from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm (application will be collected)
(1) Publication of eligible ineligible list at 2:00 pm
(2) Claim objection and settlement at 3:00 pm
(3) Publication of eligible cum provisional list at 4:00 pm
(4) Publication of the final list at 5:00 pm

Application Form & More Info

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