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Job for M.Pharm, MSc in IMR Research Projects at CSMCARI

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Job for M.Pharm, MSc in IMR Research Projects at CSMCARI

This Institute was established in the year from 1963 in IMPCOPS, Chennai with a motive to study the phyto-chemical aspects of medicinal plants in an around the city. Later Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homeopathy had taken over this Institute as grant in aid. In the year of 1979, this institute became a part of Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (formerly Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic and Siddha). This institute had diversified its activities to drug standardization besides phyto-chemical studies. This institute concentrates in formulating SOP and drug standardization of medicines belonging to Ayurveda and Siddha. This is the only institute which had been extended with license as Drug Testing Laboratory (DTL) for testing of Ayurveda and Siddha drugs by the Drug controller of Tamil Nadu (Indian System of Medicine).

Post : SRF / JRF

Walk-in-Interview for the post of SRF and JRF in IMR Research Projects will be held at our Institute at 11.00 AM as per the dates given below. The posts are purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. Selection process will comprise of a written test followed by interview of the candidates who qualify in written test on the same day. Fellowship of SRF will be Rs.35,000/- + 27% HRA and for JRF Rs.31,000/- + 27% HRA respectively.

SRF-01 (Ayurveda/ Pharmacy)
Name of the project : Development of Quality standards for selcctcd Arka formulations
Project Duration : 2 years
Essential qualification : M.D (Ayurveda)-(Rasasastra & Bhaishajyakalpana/Dravyaguna) or M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics / Pharmaceutical Chemistry) from a recognized University.
Desirable :- i) Experience in any research project by AYUSH,ICMR, CSIR or any equivalent organization in relevant field
ii) Good Computer Knowledge

Name of the project : Development of quality standards. Estimation of markers and Shelf-Life Study of Kwatha Cuma formulations AND Development of quality standards & SOP with markers- bascd analysis and shelf-life study of four medicinally important classical ayurvcdic formulations
Project Duration : 3 years
Essential qualification : M.Sc (Chemistry) or M.Pharm.(Pharmaceutical Chemistry) from a recognized University.
Desirable :-
i) Experience in handling instruments like HPTLC/HPLC etc.
ii) Research experience in projects related to AYUSH drugs.

General Terms and conditions
1. Age limit : Not more than 35 years as on the date of Interview. Age relaxation shall be applicable as per GOI rules.
2. The above position is purely on temporary basis and co-terminus with the project. There is no provision for re-employment after termination of project. The selected candidate will not have any right for claiming pay scale or absorption against any regular post being vacant on a later date at this institute/council.
3. No TA / DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Candidates attending the Interview should bring the original educational qualifications, experience certificate and publications etc. at the time of Interview. Candidates already working should produce “No Objection Certificate'' in case he / she is employed elsewhere.

Date of interview : 07/07/ 2023

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences,
Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India,
Arignar Anna Government Hospital Campus, Arumhakkam,
Chennai-600 106

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