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Career for Ph.D in Pharma or Life Sciences at Panjab University

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Career for Ph.D in Pharma or Life Sciences at Panjab University

University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Panjab University is a premier institute of pharmaceutical education and research assigned NIRF Rank 2 in the country. The institute set up in the pre-independent India, at Lahore, in 1944 has a prestigious and long history. The institute hosted Pharmaceutical Sciences Oration by a Nobel Laureate, Prof. Ben Feringa and other mega events including global alumni meet to commemorate its Platinum Jubilee Year in 2019.

Post : Research associate

Applications are invited for one position of Research associate (RA) in the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) sponsored research project entitled sanctioned to the undersigned.

Title of the project : “Development of Engineered, biocompatible and fluorescent carbon dots for effective targeting and treatment of ovarian cancer”

Principal Investigator : Dr. Nishima, UIET, Panjab University, Chandigarh

Essential Qualifications : Ph.D. degree in the field of Life Science / Chemistry / Nanoscience / Nanotechnology / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Immunology / Microbiology / Zoology / Biophysics / Pharmacy

Desirable : Prior knowledge/expertise in cell culture, chemistry and nanoscience

Salary : The selected candidate will be paid salary + HRA as per SERB rules.

Duration : Initial appointment for six months, extendable based on performance. The position is temporary and co-terminus with the project.

Interested candidates may submit their application (on plain paper or via email) along with detailed resume (with email & contact no.), attested copies of certificates and work experience to the undersigned latest by 05.07.2023 (Wednesday). The interview date will be intimated later.

Last date to apply : 05.07.2023 (Wednesday)

Note : No TA / DA shall be paid for attending the interview.

Dr. Nishima
(Principal Investigator)
Department of Applied Sciences
UIET, Panjab University, Sector-25

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