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Career for B.Pharm at Puducherry State Pharmaceutical Price Mentoring & Resource Unit

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Career for B.Pharm at Puducherry State Pharmaceutical Price Mentoring & Resource Unit

PMRU will create public awareness of the benefits of the DPCO (revised from time to time) trickle down to the grassroots levels. The activities will include market-based data collection, compilation; analyzing and management of scheduled/non-scheduled formulations; Monitoring of price movement of scheduled/non-scheduled formulations; Collection/purchase of test samples of medicines; Advertisement and publication of newsletter, etc; conducting Training, seminars and workshops at the State and District levels for consumer awareness and publicity.

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates who are residents of Puducherry for filling up the post on contractual basis for a period of One Year in the Puducherry State Pharmaceutical Price Mentoring & Resource Unit (PMRU) is a society registered under Department of Drug Control to provide necessary technical assistance to the Puducherry State Drugs Controller (Controlling Authority) and National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority(NPPA) towards ensuring the availability of medicines throughout the state (all four regions) at the notified prices, Monitoring and intervening the prices of formulations including medical devises as notified prices.

Project Coordinator - 01 post
Age upto - 35 years
Monthly Remuneration (Consolidated) : Rs.45,000/-
Qualification & Eligibility Criteria :
• Bachelor degree in Pharmacy with at least 2 yrs experience in Pharma Sector who is registered in Pondicherry Pharmacy Council.
• Candidates who possessed Master Degree in Pharma shall be given preference.
• Experience related to Pharma Trade (Retail / Wholesale).

Field Investigator - 01 post
Age upto - 35 years
Monthly Remuneration (Consolidated) : Rs.25,000/-
Qualification & Eligibility Criteria :
• Bachelor degree in Pharmacy who is registered in Pondicherry Pharmacy Council.
• Candidates who have practical experience in Pharma Sector shall be given preference.
• Experience related to Pharma Trade (Retail/Wholesale)

Other conditions
a. Contractual recruitment will be made for 1 year from the date of appointment. However, contract may be extended or terminated on the basis of satisfactory/dissatisfactory service and directions received from NPPA, Govt. of India.
b. The age for the post of Project Coordinator should not exceed 35 years and the age for the post of Field Investigator should not exceed 35 years from the date notification issued for the of contractual appointment.
c. The persons engaged on contract basis have no right to claim for permanent or regular employment in this administration as this is purely a temporary contractual engagement for a specific tenure period and will remain valid upto which the engagement is approved on each occasion.
d. Last date for receiving the application is 23.06.2023 till 5 p.m. (on all working days from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
e. The shortlisted candidates would be called for personal interview, the date and venue of the interview will be intimated later through e-mail/post only. The shortlisted candidate will have to appear before the recruitment committee along with latest original certificates i.e birth, educational, Pondicherry Pharmacy Council Registration Certificate, residence, Nationality/Nativity, community certificate and experience certificate for necessary verification. Candidates have to bear the cost of transport and logistics etc.
f. The society reserves the right to cancel/postpone the recruitment wholly or partly if so required. No claim will be admissible in case of such cancellation/postponement.
g. Candidates from other states/Union Territories are not eligible to apply for the post.
h. The decision of the Competent Authority regarding selection of candidates will be final and no representation will be entrained in this regard.
i. The selected employees shall go field investigation on all regions of U.T of Puducherry and also to attend the training program to be conducted by the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority.
j. Applications incomplete in any aspect will be summarily rejected.
k. Change of address, if any, after submission of application should be intimated to the Department or otherwise the Department is not responsible for any postal delay/non delivery of letters etc.
l. The claims of the candidates with regard to the date of birth, educational, experience, community, nativity and residence are accepted only on the information furnished by them in their application without physical verification of their claims. Their candidature therefore will be provisional at all stages and this department has the right to reject any candidature at any stage, even after the selection has been made.
m. The waitlisted candidates shall be utilized against the requirement in the PMRU as an when necessity arises for the next two years.

Method of Selection
a. Project Coordinator :
i. 70% weight age for marks obtained in bachelor degree in Pharmacy.
ii. 10% weight age for master degree in Pharmacy.
iii. 0-5% weight age for experience in Pharma sector.
iv. 0-15% weight age for personal interview on subject related to guidelines DPCO 2013, Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules made thereunder and field of experience submitted by the candidates.
b. Field Investigator :
i. 70% weight age for marks obtained in bachelor degree in Pharmacy.
ii. 0-10% weight age for Practical experience in Pharma sector.
iii. 0-20% weight age for personal interview on subject related to guidelines DPCO 2013, Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules made thereunder and field of experience submitted by the candidates.

How to apply
The application should be in the prescribed format, duly signed along with self attested copies proof of evidence for the date of birth, Educational, experience certificate, Community Certificate, Nationality/Nativity Certificate and Residence Certificate should be sent through registered post/speed post/courier/by person on or before 23.06.2023 ( to the address as shown below,

The Member Secretary,
The Puducherry Pharmaceutical Price Monitoring Society and Resource Unit Society,
1st floor, Department of Drugs Control, Indira nagar, Gorimedu, Puducherry – 605006.

Application Form

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