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Call for Proposal under WIDUSHI for Life Sciences, Engineering & Technology

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Call for Proposal under WIDUSHI for Life Sciences, Engineering & Technology

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) is implementing several women centric programmes under its umbrella scheme “Women in Science and Engineering-KIRAN (WISE-KIRAN)” in order to provide different opportunities to women in Science & Technology (S&T) domain. In this line, a new programme ‘WIDUSHI (Women's Instinct for Developing and Ushering in Scientific Heights & Innovations)’ is started by DST for senior women scientists to harness their knowledge and potential for betterment of Science and Society. WIDUSHI programme aims to encourage and support senior women scientists to conduct research in interdisciplinary areas of Science and Technology.

Proposal are invited from senior women scientists in following scientific disciplines viz., i) Physical & Mathematical Sciences ii) Chemical Sciences, iii) Life Sciences, iv) Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, v) Engineering & Technology and vi) S&T based Societal Research.

Target Group :
The target group is categorized in following 2 categories :
a. Category-A: Retiring or retired Women Scientist
b. Category-B: Senior Women Scientists who are not in regular employment

Eligibility : Following are primary eligibility criteria :
1. Employment : a. Women Scientists who are permanent employee but retiring in a year or already retired/superannuated from government academic/research institutions.
b. Women who are not permanent employee in any institution but working temporarily and have completed 2 independent research projects as Principal Investigator.
2. Age : 57-62 years (for Category A) and 45-62 (for Category B)
3. Qualification : Women Scientists having Ph.D in Basic/Applied Sciences or equivalent degree.
4. Research Experience : Minimum 2 R&D projects as Principal Investigator with excellent track record.
5. Publications : Minimum 20 research publications (for Category A) and minimum 10 research publications (for Category B) with impact factor.

Project Duration : Maximum 5 years.

Emoluments : The Programme provides fellowship to the Principal Investigator @Rs.75,000/- per month (for Category A) and @Rs.85,000/- per month (for Category B), One Research Assistant, Research Grant of Rs. 5.0 Lakh per year and Institutional overhead charges @Rs.1.00 lakh per annum.

Co-Investigator (Co-I) : WIDUSHI fellow should choose a permanent faculty as Co-I (male/female) of the project for academic and administrative support in project implementation. The service of Co-I has to be due for a period not less than the proposed period of the WIDUSHI project. The Co-I is not eligible for any separate grants under the programme.

Selection Process :
The project proposals received will be screened and Principal Investigator (PI) of ‘screened- in’ proposals will be called for presentation before Programme Advisory Committee for final recommendation. The final decision of DST will be communicated to the applicants only after obtaining due administrative and financial approvals.

A. Sanction Order :
i) After technical approval from the PAC, Approval Letter will be issued. The PI has to submit relevant documents like Zero Balance Subsidiary (ZBS) account details of the HI, HRA declaration, etc., for release of grants. The project approval shall stand cancelled if the sought documents are not furnished within three (3) months from the date of issue of Approval Letter.
ii) After receipt of requisite documents, the file will be processed and a formal sanction order is issued as per the recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committee (PAC).
iii) The first sanction order provides the detailed breakup of funds allocated to different heads like Fellowship, Research Grant and Overhead.
iv) Goods (Consumable/minor equipment) available in GeM portal are to be procured mandatorily online through GeM only as per the provisions of Rule 149 of GFR.
v) Any correspondence with the Department regarding the project should invariably quote the Sanction Order No. and date, and should be addressed to the concerned official by name.

B. Date of Commencement of Project & its Duration :
i) The duration of the project is generally up to 5 years and this is specified in the first sanction order. However, the duration may be less as per the recommendation of the PAC.
ii) The project becomes operative with effect from the date on which the first grant is released to the implementing Institution. This date should be intimated by the Institution authorities/ Principal Investigator to this Department. It will, in no case be later than one month after the receipt of the grant by the Institute.

C. Principal Investigator
i) The Principal Investigator (PI) will be primarily responsible for the implementation of the project. The project team consists of the PI, Co-Investigator and Research Staff and it is necessary to ensure that the project is carried out by the project team in a cohesive manner.
ii) Women Scientist i.e., PI of the project is to be treated as temporary employee and will be governed by the Administrative rules/ service conditions of the implementing Institute. No reference on these issues be made to this Department. The Department will have no liability, whatsoever, for the PI after completion of the project duration.
iii) PI has to report to the duty as per duty hours of host institute.
iv) As per DST’ new Scientific Social Responsibility Guidelines, the ethical obligation of knowledge workers in all fields of science and technology to voluntarily contribute their knowledge and resources to the widest spectrum of stakeholders in society, in a spirit of service and conscious reciprocity. In this regard the women scientists are required to use and disseminate scientific knowledge and associated skills to different section of society for at 6 least 15 days per year. PI may engage in SSR activities e.g. student internship, Training/workshops, individual lectures, popular articles, reports in newspapers, web articles, etc.
v) Apart from the project related activities PI may also carry out academic duties as and when assigned by the host institute. However, the additional tasks should not hamper the project work.
vi) PI will maintain logbook/register for all chemicals, glassware, minor equipment and travel details.
vii) Principal Investigator (PI) should acknowledge "WIDUSHI research grant” of WISE- KIRAN Division, DST in all publications emerging out of this particular project. For example, "author acknowledges Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, for financial support vide reference no………....under WIDUSHI Programme to carry out this work". PI is also advised to be either 'first' or 'corresponding' author in all publications.
viii) The Fellowship is scientist – specific and cannot be transferred. ix) Apart from the Fellowship and HRA, no other allowances such as PF, LTA, medical allowance, etc. will be permissible. No liability on any of these accounts will be borne by DST

The Implementing/ Host Institution (HI)
i) The host institution has an important role to play and in consultation with this Department, should take steps to ensure successful completion of the project by expedite processing of financial and scientific documents of women scientists.
ii) Host Institute will maintain the attendance register of PI. This information will be made available to DST as and when required.
iii) Head of the Department will provide administrative support to the Principal Investigator for implementation of project.
iv) In case, the PI is shifting to another institution on new appointment, the project could be transferred to that institution with the mutual consent of both the institutions and of this Department. Such requests for transfer of the project should be sent well in advance and should be accompanied with ‘No Objection’ certificates from both the institutions and the Endorsement Certificate from the new Institution.
v) In case the PI leaves the project due to unforeseen circumstances, the host institute has to 7 return the unspent balance along with the Utilization Certificate (UC) & Statement of Expenditure (SE) and details of equipment procured under the project along with equipment retention letter.
vi) The PI as well as the implementing institution has the responsibility of informing this Department about any change in the status of the PI including relieving her on short term deputation for a continuous period of 3 months or more.
vii) The implementing Institute should provide full infrastructural facilities such as accommodation, water, electricity, communication facilities etc. for smooth implementation of the project.
viii) Due acknowledgement of technical support / financial assistance resulting from this project grant should mandatorily be highlighted by the grantee organization in bold letters in all publication / media release as well as in the opening paragraphs of their Annual Reports during and after the completion of the project.

Last Date of Submission : Proposal submission is open throughout the year.

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