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Applications invited for JRF at Central University of Tamil Nadu

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Applications invited for JRF at Central University of Tamil Nadu

Central University of Tamil Nadu (CUTN) is an institution of higher education established by an Act of Parliament in 2009. The University aims at the fashioning of an enlightened society founded on a relentless pursuit of excellence through innovation in teaching-learning process, interdisciplinary studies and research. Tucked away 8 kms. off the headquarters of Thiruvarur District, which is both in the heart of the Cauvery Delta and in the centre of the Great Chola Empire, CUTN has, thanks to the generosity of the state government, a sprawling 520 acre campus, divided by a tributary of the Cauvery, spanning across two revenue villages. Having constructed its buildings as per the GRIHA norms, CUTN moved to the new campus in 2013-14. With a view to ensuring a green campus the university has registered for a green rating.

Post : Junior Research Fellow

Applications are invited for the positionof Junior Research Fellow (JRF-One Number) on contract basis (temporary) to work in a time bound SERB sponsored research project (Ref. No. CRG/2022/005847) sanctioned to the undersigned at the Department of Biotechnology, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur.

Project Title : Influence of 6Des and 6Elo Genes on Omega 3/6 Fatty Acid Biosynthesis inGroundnut - A Genetic Engineering Approach

Monthly Fellowship : Rs. 31,000/- + 8% HRA (As per SERB and Institute norms) for CSIR- NET/UGC-NET/GATE/ICAR-JRF or NET/DBT-JRF, CUCET for Ph.D or any other equivalent National Level examinations For Non-NET/GATE candidates, the fellowship will be as per SERB Norms

Tenure of Position : 3 years from the start of the project or till end of the project period.

Essential Qualification : i) MSc in Biotechnology / Botany / Plant Sciences / Life Sciences or any other equivalent disciplines with minimum 55% marks or CGPA.
Desirable : Preference will be given for those having research experience in the area of Plant Biotechnology i.e Plant tissue culture, Plant genetic transformation using Agrobacterium with gene cloning and r-DNA technology.

Age limit : 28 years (to be relaxed as per rules of Govt. of India).

Submission of Application
Applicants should submit the scanned copy of the filled in application (as per format enclosed) to along with all the documents, certificates, degree and mark sheetswith subject “SERB-CRG -Applicationfor Junior Research Fellow” and should reach the undersigned by 14thJuly, 2023, 5.00 pm. After scrutiny of applications, eligible candidates will be communicated through email for interview. The shortlisted candidates will be informed to attend the interview (may be off line) within two weeks. If called for interview, the candidate will have to bring 1) Dully filled application in the provided format 2) M.Sc Thesis/Dissertation 3) Original and attested photocopies of all certificates, degrees, marksheets (10thclass onwards); 4) Two recommendation letters (one from the present supervisor) and other relevant documents. Interviews will be held at the Department of Biotechnology, Central University of Tamil Nadu. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview

Note : All communications will be sent through E-mail/Phone only.

Last date of Application : 17th July, 2023

Dr.S. Kathiresan (Principal Investigator, SERB Research Project)
Associate Professor,
Department of Biotechnology,
Central University of Tamil Nadu
Thiruvarur 610 005, Tamil Nadu.
E-mail :

Application Form & More Info

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