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Vacancy for M.Pharm, M.Sc, M.Tech as Senior Research Fellow at NRCE

Clinical research courses

Vacancy for M.Pharm, M.Sc, M.Tech as Senior Research Fellow at NRCE

National Research Centre on Equines is a premier institute established under the aegis of Indian Council of Agricultural Research for conducting research on equine health and production. The importance of equines in India is well known. India possesses 1.17 million equines. Major population of equidae comprising donkeys, mules and ponies that provide livelihood to the rural societies living in arid, semi-arid and hilly regions, specially in the foot hills of Himalayas, through transport and draught where as remaining small population of equines is used in army, police, border security force, racing industry and sports.

Post : Senior Research Fellow - two

Walk-in-Interview for selection of two positions of Senior Research Fellows under the NASF project entitled “Development of vaccine against animal’s haemoprotozoan parasites for mitigating biotic stress'’ at ICAR-NRCE, Hisar purely on contractual basis for a period of three years or co-terminus with the project, whichever is earlier, will be conducted on the date / time and venue and other details shown against each position. The eligible and interested candidates are invited to appear for the same on the scheduled date, time and venue.

Monthly emoluments : Rs.31,000/- per month + 8% HRA for 1st & 2nd year & Rs.35,000/- per month + 8% HRA for 3rd year. No other allowances admissible.
Duration of engagement : 3 years
PI- Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Principal Scientist

Post graduate professional Degree Viz. M.V.Sc. / M.Tech / M.Pharma in Parasitology / Microbiology / Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Public Health and Epidemiology or other related subject along with 4 years / 5 years of Bachelor’s degree. The candidates having Post-Graduate degree in basic sciences with 3 years Bachelor’s degree and 2 years Master’s degree should have NET qualifications and 2 years of research experience.
Desirable : Preference will be given to candidates having research experience in molecular biology techniques and handling of cultures.
Place of posting : NRCE, Hisar (Haryana)

Age limit : 35 year for Men and 40 years for Women on the date of interview. (Upper age Relaxable for SC/ST/OBC candidates as per Government norms) The selected candidates shall have no right/claim for regular appointment at this Centre.

Eligible and interested candidates may attend walk-in-interview on the dates as indicated in the Advertisement alongwith original certificates and typed bio-data with one set of attested copies of each of their certificates with passport size photograph. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Note :
1. Those candidates who are already working in any Project/Scheme/Organization should bring “No Objection Certificate” from his/her present employer.
2. On the date of walk-in-interview requisite degrees/certificates should be in hand. A photocopy of the all certificates should be submitted to the Interview board.
3. The experience will be counted after acquiring the basic minimum qualifications.

All eligible candidates are advised to be present at least 30 minutes before scheduled time on the date of interview for completing necessary formalities. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidates.

Date & time and venue of walk-in- interview : 21.06.2022 at 11.00 AM at NRCE, Hisar

Application Form

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