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Job for Pharmacist at District Integrated Health & Family Welfare Society Ratnagiri

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Job for Pharmacist at District Integrated Health & Family Welfare Society Ratnagiri

Ratnagiri District Integrated Health and Family Welfare Society is inviting applications from the candidates on net contract basis for the following posts in the prescribed format. The application should be filled in the link of Google form and attached with the print application and the application should be submitted by post or directly to the office of District Health Officer, Health Department, ZP Ratnagiri.

Post : Pharmacist (NVHCP) - 01 Post

Qualification : B.Pharm, D.Pharm
Experience : 1 Year
Salary : 17000/- pm

1) The posts in the advertisement are not regular posts of the State Government but are purely contractual.  
2) The selected candidate will be appointed on contract basis for 11 months.  
3) The selected candidates will have to accept the terms and conditions prepared by the committee and also have to submit an agreement on a bond paper of Rs.100 / -.  
4) Experience will not be accepted unless certificate of experience is attached.  
5) Age limit 1) Maximum age limit for the post of MBBS, Specialist and Extraordinary Specialist is 70 years 2) Maximum age limit for the post of Medical Officer, Staff Nurse, Technician, Counselor, Pharmacist is 65 years 3)  5 years relaxed for National Health Officer staff
6) Applicant above 60 years of age is required to submit Certificate of Physical Fitness certified by District Surgeon.  
7) Out of the above posts, for technical posts, staff nurse, pharmacist, medical officer e.  It will be mandatory to attach the registration certificate of the same council for the posts.  
8) No. Raaso / Manpower / Reservation / 24546-774 / 2016 of the Joint Director (Technical), National Health Mission, Mumbai, dated 20.07.  As per the letter dated 2016, in case of non-availability of the required reserved category candidates, candidates from other categories holding the required academic qualifications for the post will be considered. 

9) According to the above advertisement, only those candidates whose applications will be received within the prescribed time will be considered.  Applications received by this office in any other context will not be considered.  
10) The list of eligible / ineligible candidates in the selection process as well as the selection list will be published on the website of NIC Ratnagiri.
11) Candidate will be disqualified if recommendation or pressure is brought for selection.  
12) Postponement / Cancellation of Recruitment Process / Changes in Recruitment Process All the officers are reserved at the level of Hon'ble Chief Executive Officer.  No one will be able to make any claim in this regard.  Under the National Health Mission, as per the Government Resolution dated 01.07.2005, the condition of small family has been implemented and it will be mandatory to submit the affidavit of small family attached with the application form. 

Attested photocopy of required documents -
1) Marksheet and Certificates regarding educational qualification (average when a candidate with semester pattern mentions marks on the application) Attested copy of certificate
2) School Leaving Certificate / Date of Birth Certificate
3) Experience Certificate of Work done in Government / Semi-Government Institutions
4) Registration Certificate
5) Certified Copy of Caste Certificate

Method of Application:
1) Interested candidates should fill the application form given in Google form in the following link.  Similarly, the accompanying  should be typed or printed on one side of A4 size white thick paper and the application should be submitted in legible form
2) The name of the post and the name of the unit / cell should be mentioned in bold letters on the envelope.  
3) Candidates should submit separate application for each post if they want to apply for more than one post.  
4) Candidates in open category should add Rs.150 / - and candidates in reserved category should add Rs.100 / - DD and write their name on the back of DD.  It should be called District Integrated Health & Family Welfare Society Ratnagiri.  
5) Candidates are required to reach the office of District Health Officer, Zilla Parishad, Ratnagiri in person or by post in the prescribed format along with attested copies of required marks and certificates within 14 hours of office hours by 14/06/2021. 

Applications with the following shortcomings will be rejected:
1) Application not filled in Google Form.
2) Applications of candidates who do not have the prescribed qualifications,
3) Applications which are not in the prescribed format or not done properly.  Text incomplete or incorrectly filled application.  Application without signature, attested copy of required marks and certificate or similar information will not be properly provided.

Last Date : 14/06/2021

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