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Walk-In Interviews for Professor/Assoc Prof /Asst Prof in Bharat Institute of Technology & Bharat school of pharmacy

Clinical research courses

Bharat institute of Technology-Pharmacy (BIT) was established in the year 1999 by the CHMR Educational Society with the noble aim of imparting quality Pharmacy education to students aspiring to become responsible pharmacists and to cater to the needs of pharmacy profession. The college is situated in a sprawling 120 acres of campus situated 24 kms from the heart of the city. The focus of the architecture of the gigantic pharmacy building is to provide the right ambience needed for the overall growth of both the students and faculty.

Post : Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor

No of posts : As per institues requirement

Job Description for Professor/Associate Professor:
1.Candidate should have the command over the subject with first class throughout the  Academics.
2. Candidate should have Good Communication Skills.
3. Candidate should have good teaching, industrial research and / or professional experience in a reputed organization.
4.Published work, such as research papers and technical reports.
5.Experience of guiding the project work, dissertation of post graduate or research students or supervising R & D projects in industry
6.The  Professors  who ever having  sanctioned research  projects grants / patents will be paid Rs 1 Lakh and above.

Job Description for Assistant Professor:
1.Candidate should have the command  over the subject with first class throughout the  Academics.
2.Candidate should have Good Communication Skills.

Qualification for Professor/Associate Professor:
Qualification: Ph.D. and M.Pharm (Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacognosy,Pharm Biotechnology, Pharmacy Practice (HCP) or PHARM.D.  Experience : 0-28 years

Qualification for Assistant Professor:
M. Pharm (Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacognosy ,Pharm Biotechnology, Pharmacy Practice(HCP) or PHARM D, PHARMD (PB)

Additional Information
Experience : 0-28 years
Qualification : M.Pharm, Ph.D
Location : Hyderabad
Industry Type : Pharma
Functional Area : Faculty


 Bharat PG College for Women,
 Opp. Tourist Tiffins,
 Near Kacheguda Railway station,
 Kacheguda, Hyderabad

Interview Date : 30th June 2019

Interested candidates send your resume to

Posted by
Bharat Institute of  Technology (BIT) & Bharat School of Pharmacy
Mangalpally (V), Ibrahimpatnam (M)
Hyderabad - 501510, Telengana State,

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