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Job opening for M.Pharm, B.Pharm as Technical Data Associate (67 posts) at CDSCO - Government of India

Clinical research courses

CENTRAL DRUGS STANDARD CONTROL ORGANIZATION, Under the Drug and Cosmetics Act, the regulation of manufacture, sale and distribution of Drugs is primarily the concern of the State authorities while the Central Authorities are responsible for approval of New Drugs, Clinical Trials in the country, laying down the standards for Drugs, control over the quality of imported Drugs, coordination of the activities of State Drug Control Organisations and providing expert advice with a view of bring about the uniformity in the enforcement of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act.

For engaging outsourced manpower in various categories CDSCO under the MH&FW have selected the following agencies through GeM as per procedure.

Technical Data Associate (Pharmacovigilance)

No of Posts : 10 CDSCO(HQ)

Salary : Rs. 50,000/- p.m.

Qualification: M.Pharm (Pharmacology) from a recognised university having two years experience in the area of pharmacovigilance programme of India. Preferably the candidate shall have knowledge on electronic clinical pharmacovigilance data management.

Experience : Minimum 2 years experience in the capacity of teaching and/or pharmacovigilance activities in Institutions and/or companies.

Technical Data Associate (TDA)

No of Posts :
CDSCO(HQ) : 30
North Zone, Ghaziabad : 2
South Zone, Chennai : 2
West Zone, Mumbai : 2
East Zone, Kolkata : 2
Ahmedabad Zone : 2
Hyderabad Zone : 2
Bangalore Sub-Zone : 1
Baddi, Sub-Zone : 1
Jammu Sub-Zone : 1
Goa Sub-Zone : 1
Mumbai Sea/Airport : 3
Nhava Sheva Port, Mumbai : 2
Chennai Port : 2
Kolkata Port : 2
IGI Airport, New Delhi : 2

Salary : Rs. 26,250/- p.m.

Qualification: The candidates should be B.Pharmacy or M.Sc. in Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Organic Chemistry/Microbiology/Biotechnology. The candidates should also have sound knowledge of computer operation. Preference will be given candidates having experience in manufacturing/ testing of drugs/drugs regulatory affairs.

Job Description: - To assist officers of CDSCO in scrutiny/examination of technical documents pertaining to import registration, Import license, new drug approval, Central License Approving Authority (CLAA) items and various NOCs. Documentation, Creation and maintenance of National Data Bank. Any other duties assigned by DDC(I) from time to time.

Persons fulfilling age/qualification/experience criteria of the respective positions may apply to the aforesaid agencies with their biodata copies of relevant certificates, photograph etc. latest by 26th June, 2019 for consideration by the agencies.

The candidates should mention on the top of their application the name of position applied for and the location where they desire to work.

Apply Through Email

Agency/Firm Name:  Hybrid Fleet Management Private Limited

TDA Pharmacovigilance :

Agency/Firm Name : Sai Communication

TDA  : ;

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