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Applications are invited for Posts of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor in NIBMG

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The National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG)  is an Autonomous Institute of  the Government of  India , under  the aegis of  the Department of Biotechnology. This is  the first institution in India explicitly devoted to  research, training, translation & service and capacity - building in biomedical genomics.

Post: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

Professor- 02 post
Post Id: 1601
Pay Band & Grade Pay: Rs 37400 - 670 00  +  Rs 10000
Age Limit:  Not exceeding 54 years
(i) Ph.D.   in   any   branch   of   life   science   or   statistical   science   or  computational science or genetic epidemiological science, of relevance  to biomedical genomics or M.D.
(ii) Minimum of 12 years’ post - PhD experience in research and teaching or  translation  a t  a  recognized  university/  Institute  of  repute  and  having  proven leadership.
(iii) Excellent track record of independent research and research  guidance  for a minimum of 8 years, and high - quality scientific publications.

Recruitment on Depuation: Scientists/Officers  from  the Central/State  Governments  or  Autonomous  Bodies or Public Sector Undertakings,  -
(a) (i). holding analogous posts on regular basis in  the parent cadre or Department; or  (ii) 5 years regular service in a post  in Pay band - 4: Rs.37,400  - Rs.67,000 plus grade pay: Rs. 8,900 and 
(b)  P ossessing  the qualifications prescribed for direct recruits .
The Deputation   period   will   be   as   per   rules   of   Parent   Department / Organization.
Job Description: Professors will work in Research/ Education/ Translation & Service Division  of  the Institute  as  per  requirements  of  the Institute.  He/She is  expected  to  play  leadership  role  in  conduct  of  cutting  edge  research  in  biomedical  genomics,  structuring  training  c ourses  in  areas  envisioned  by  the Institute  with an aim to build capacity in Biomedical Genomics, through organizing  specialized  Post  Graduate  courses,  specialized  training  programmes  and  Ph.D  courses  in  relevant  fields  to  facilitate  early  participation  in research,  translation  and  services  from  promotion  of  genetics  based  He alth  care.  He/She is also expected to actively foster collaborations with o the r national  and  international  institutions  in  the field  of  biomedical  genomics,  through  undertaking research and translational activities.

Associate Professor- 01 post
Post Id: 1602
Pay Band & Grade Pay:  Rs 37400 - 67000  +  Rs 8900
Age Limit: Not exceeding 48 years
(i) Ph.D. in any branch of life science or statistical science or computational science or genetic epidemiological science, of relevance to biomedical genomics or M.D.;
(ii) Minimum of 10 years’ post-PhD experience in research and teaching or translation at a recognized university/ Institute of repute and having proven leadership.
(iii) Excellent track record of independent research and research guidance for a minimum of 5 years, and high-quality scientific publications.
Recruitment on Depuation:
Scientists/Officers from the Central/State Governments or Autonomous Bodies or Public Sector Undertakings, -
(a)(i). holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or Department; or
(ii) 5 years regular service in a post in Pay band-4: Rs.37,400 - Rs.67,000 plus grade pay: Rs. 8,700 and
(b) Possessing the qualifications prescribed for direct recruits.
The Deputation period will be as per rules of Parent Department / Organization.
Job Description:
Associate Professors will work in Academic cores in Research/Education/Translation & Services Division. Will be actively engaged in research, education and translation & service programmes of the Institute, to initiate new programmes in the Institute and to strive for placing the institute on par with similar institutes of international renown. He/She will be required to co-operate with Associate Directors and Professors of the Institute to move forward the goals of the Institute.

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Assistant Professor-01 post
Post Id: 1603
Pay Band & Grade Pay:  Rs 37400-67000 + Rs 8700
Age Limit: Not exceeding 42 years
Essential:(i) Ph.D. in any branch of life science or statistical science or computational science or genetic epidemiological science, of relevance to biomedical genomics or M.D.;
(ii) Minimum of 3 years’ post-PhD experience in research and teaching or translation at a recognized university/ Institute of repute and having proven leadership.
(iii) Good track record of high-quality scientific publications.
Desirable:Evidence of ability of conduct independent research.
Job Description:

Assistant Professors will work in Academic cores in Research/Education/Translation & Service Division of the Institute. He/She will be actively engaged in research, education and translation & service and other programmes of the Institute, especially to carry out novel research in biomedical genomics. He/She is expected to actively participate in the teaching & training programmes of the Institute and Help translate research findings of the Institute for improvement of genomics-bases Healthcare.

1) The Departmental officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation and similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by promotion.

1. Reservation/Relaxation/ Concession to candidates belonging to different categories shall be as per Government of India directives.
2. SC/ST/PwD/ Ex-SM candidates are exempted from payment of application fees.

The selection process shall consist of Scrutiny of Applications & Short Listing, and Personal interview of shortlisted candidates. Applications of candidates shall be scrutinized based on the Job Specification given and the details of experience to be given by candidates.
1- In the event of number of applications being large, Institute will adopt Short Listing criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable number, only from amongst eligible candidates by any or more of the following methods:
(a) On the basis of Higher Qualifications than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement; or
(b) On the basis of higher experience in the relevant field than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement; or
(c) By counting experience before or after the acquisition of essential qualifications; or
The candidate, should, therefore, provide complete information related to his/her qualifications and experience in the relevant field over and above the minimum qualifications. However, they must ensure that all information provided is true.

“NIBMG reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards/ criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called for Personal Interview, if so required.”

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1. Interested eligible candidates, as per detailed job specifications, should apply in the prescribed application format through SPEED POST or through Express postal service only. Candidates should submit separate applications, if applying for more than one post.

2. In respect of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor posts, filled-in application forms, in the prescribed format, may be sent through “ ” as e.mail attachment, followed by submission of hard copy of application, which should reach the Institute within the last date of submission of application.

3. Rs.100/- is payable by candidates (other than SC/ST/PwD/Ex-SM) towards non-refundable application fees in form of account payee demand draft drawn in favour of “NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BIOMEDICAL GENOMICS” payable at KALYANI. Candidates from abroad may transfer application fee to the following account: :

Beneficiary Name: National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kalyani
Account No.0579050053288
Bank Name; United Bank of India

Last Date of receipt of Application along with documents : July 15 , 2016. The closing date for  candidates residing abroad and from Andaman & Ni cobar and Lakshadweep Islands, S tates/Union  Territories in the North - Eastern region, Ladakh region of J&K, Sikkim, Sub - division Chamba and  Lahaul and Spiti distric ts of Himachal Pradesh is  July  22 ,  2016.


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