It is proposed to engage the services of the following personnel initially for a period of one year which may be curtailed or extended at the discretion of the competent authority on consolidated payment mentioned against each category. The written test will be held on the dates indicated against each category and only those candidates, who qualify the written test will be interviewed on the same day. The requirement and other details are as under
Post: Pharmacist- 01 Male
Qualification experience and age limit as on 01.1.2015: Essential
• Matric or Equivalent.
• Certificate of Pharmacy of min duration of 02 years from a recognized Statutory Board/ University/ Institution.
• Age not exceeding 25 years.
• Some Experience preferably in the Dispensary/Hospital in Ayurveda /Siddha Medicine or in a recognized Pharmacy.
Remuneration/Fee: Rs. 15000/-pm
Date & time of written test: 23.06.2015 Time: 10.30 am
Interested candidates fulfilling the essential qualifications and age limit prescribed above must report at the above address for screening by 09.00 A.M. along with duly filed in performa downloaded from CCRAS website and two resent passport size photographes, original certificates with one set of self attested copies of all relevant certificates. The screening procedure will end by 10.30 a.m. and no candidate will be allowed after 10.30 a.m. The eligible candidates will be allowed by interview of the candidates on the same day.
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