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Detailed info. on Pharmacists (36 posts) vacancies at Border Security Force

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Applications are invited from male & female Indian citizens for appointment of following posts (Group 'B' & 'C' Combatised) for Para Medical Staff in the Border Security Force, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. The post is temporary but likely to become permanent.

Post: ASI (Pharmacist- Qualified) (Group-C Post)

No.of post: 36 (Gen-19, SC-04, ST-03, OBC-10)

Age: 18-25 years

Pay Band and Grade Pay: Band Pay Rs. 5200-20200/- & Grade Pay- 2800/-

Education qualification:
(i) 10+2 or equivalent
(ii) Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy from any recognized Institution of the Central or State Government for which the period of Training in two years followed by an internship of which the practical training shall not be less than five hundred hours spread over a period of not less than three months.
Provided that not less than two hundred and fifty hours are devoted to actual dispensing of prescriptions.
(iii) Possessing the qualifications under Section 31 & 32 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 and registered under Section 33 of the said Act.

Note: (i) Vacancies are subject to change (may increase or decrease)
(ii) Last date.: 13th July 2015 for all candidates except candidates belongs to far flung areas. 28th July 2015 for the candidates belongs to far flung areas.
(iii) Any amendment will only be published on BSF Website. Candidates in their own interest are requested lo regularly log on to for updates.
(iv) The crucial dale for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications i.e. 13th July 2015.
(v) 100,6 vacancies are reserved for Ex-Servicemen in each post

Male candidates applying for Recruitment to the above posts should enclose along with their applications a Postal order or bank draft for Rs.50l as examination fee to be drawn in favour of the DDO of respective Examination Centres payable at respective branch, as mentioned at para No. VIII below. SC/ST and Female Candidates are exempted from paying examination fee.

NOTE-I: Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.

NOTE-II: Fee paid by modes other than IPO/BD, as stated above, will not be accepted and the applications of such candidates will be rejected forthright and the payment made shall stand forfeited.

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1. BSF will hold an All India Examination for recruitment to the various posts of para Medical Staff in BSF for the year-2015.
2. candidates are advised to go through the requirement of educational qualification, age, physical standards, etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the posts, before applying. BSF reserves the right to cancel the candidature of any candidate at any stage of the selection process, if he is found not qualifying any of the prescribed eligibility criteria. The detailed advertisement is available on the website of the BSF
3. Candidates seeking reservation benefits for SC/ST/OBC/Ex-servicemen must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the notice. They should also be in possession of the certificates in the format prescribed by Government of India in support of their claim at the time of application.
4. central Government civilian Employees/Servants claiming age relaxation should be in possession of a certificate in the prescribed format from their office, in respect of the length of continuous service which should be for not less than three years in the immediate period preceding the closing date for receipt of application (i.e. 13th fuly Z01S). They should continue to have the status of Central Government Civilian Servants/Employees from the day of application till the time of appointment on the basis of their performance in this examination to be eligible for such age relaxation.
5. Fee: Rupees Fifty only (Rs. 50/-) Fee is exempted for all women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe & Ex-Servicemen eligible for reservation.
6. closing Date: Application duly filled up in the given format may be sent within 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News (i.e. 13th July 2015). The last date of receipt of application in respect of candidates belonging to areas of North Eastern state, sikkim, Ladakh Division of jammu & Kashmir state, Lahul & spiti Districts and pangi Sub Division of chamba Dist of Himachal Pradesh, the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands or the Union Territory of Lakshadweep is within 45 days from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment News.
7. Mobiles and other Electronic Gadgets are banned within the premises of the Examination Centers.
8. The selected candidate are liable to be posted anywhere ln the Country as per the transfer policy of the Force.
9. The recruitment will be done on all India basis.
10. Selected candidate will be governed by BSF Act and Rules.
11. On appointment they shall be entitled for pension benefits as per the "New Restructured Defined contributory Pension Scheme" applicable for the new entrants to the Central Government services w.e.f 01st Jan' 2004.
12. Application form and Admit Card must be filled by the candidate in his/her handwriting. Correction, if any, should be legible and attested by the candidate.
13. The application form [Annexure 'A'J must be filled by the candidate in his/her own handwriting / typewritten. Correction, if any, should be legible and attested by the candidate.
14. Applications, which are not on prescribed format or not accompanied by the required enclosures or incomplete or defective shall be summarily rejected. No representation or correspondence regarding such rejection shall be entertained under any circumstances.
15. The envelope containing the application must be superscripted in bold letters as “APPLICATION FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF PARA MEDICAL STAFF-2015”
16. Candidate serving in Government/Semi Government/Public Sector undertakings should apply through proper channel. No objection certificate from their employer will be required to be submitted at the time of personal interview.
17. Candidates are not required to submit any original certificates in support to their claims. They should ensure they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for admission to the tests and interview. If on verification at a later stage it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature will be cancelled by the Selection Board.
18. Candidates are informed that written examination is only a preliminary test for screening and short listing. No result of any of the tests will be supplied to the candidates and no correspondence will be entertained by the Board in this regard.
19. All eligible candidates who apply in response to this advertisement before the closing date will be assigned Registration/Roll Numbers. They will be communicated through Admit Cards for appearing in the First Phase of the selection process i.e. Written Examination.
20. The recruitment board shall not be liable for any claim arising out of any injury etc. suffered during the tests. The decision of the recruitment board shall be final in all matters connected with this recruitment.
21. The decision of the selection board with regard to the matters connected with this recruitment will be final in all respects.
22. The appointment will be subject to the conditions that the candidates are medically as well as physically fit. The selected candidates will have to undergo Basic Training at any of the Training Institutions of BSF. The services of those candidates who fail to complete the training successfully are liable to be terminated.
23. An employee serving in the same rank and pay grade will not be entitled to apply for said post.

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Age relaxation



Age Relaxation permissible beyond the Upper age limit


Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe

05 Years


Other Backward Classes

03 Years


For Groun ‘B’ Post

Ex Servicemen (Unreserved)

05 Years


Ex Servicemen (OBC)

08 Years


Ex Servicemen (SC/ST)

10 Years


For Groun ‘C’ Post

Ex Servicemen (Unreserved/Gen)

03 Years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date.


Ex Servicemen (OBC)

06 Years (3 years + 3 years) after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date.


Ex Servicemen (SC/ST)

08 Years (3 years + 5 years) after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date.


Central Government Civilian Employees (Unreserved/General) who have rendered not less than 03 years regular and continuous service as on Closing date.

05 Years


Central Government Civilian Employees (OBC) who have rendered not less than 03 years regular and continuous service as on Closing date.

08 (5+3)Years


Central Government Civilian Employees (SC/ST) who have rendered not less than 03 years regular and continuous service as on Closing date.

10 (5+5) Years


Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir (Unreserved/General)

05 Years


Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir (OBC)

08 (5+3) Years


Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir (SC/ST)

10 (5+5) Years


Departmental Candidates (Unreserved) who have rendered not less than 3 years of regular and continuous service as on closing date.

05 Years


Departmental Candidates (OBC) who have rendered not less than 3 years of regular and continuous service as on closing date.

08 (5+3) Years


Departmental Candidates (SC/ST) who have rendered not less than 3 years of regular and continuous service as on closing date.

10(5+5) Years


The selection procedure will be as under FIRST PHASE OF THE EXAMINATION

(a)Written Examination
There will be one composite paper each for the above mentioned posts according to syllabus mentioned against each. Examination will be conducted on OMR Answer Sheets each question carrying one mark (OBJECTIVE TYPE MULTIPLE CHOICE). Duration of question paper for all posts (except CT/Peon, Ct/Kahar & CT/Masalchi) will be two hours and duration of question paper for the post of CT/Peon Ct/ Kahar & CT/Masalchi will be one hour.

Note:- The minimum qualifying marks of Written Exam for General & OBC Category is 45% and for SC/ST Category is 40%. However, number of candidates to he called for second phase examination (i.e. documentation, PST, PET, Trade Test,

Interview and MET) may be restricted to the ten (10) times the number of vacancies advertised.

Part-I: General Knowledge and numerical aptitude     - 25 marks

Part-II: Pharmaceutics
           Pharmaceutical Chemistry
           Pharmacognosis                                          - 25 marks

Part-III: Human Anatomy Physiology
            Pathology                                                   - 25 marks

Part-IV: Basic Nursing
            Health Education                                         - 25 marks

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Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
Directorate General Border Security Force
(Pers Directorate: Rectt Section)

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