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Recruitment for Scientists at National Institute of Biologicals - M.Pharm, MSc Apply

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Recruitment for Scientists at National Institute of Biologicals

The National Institute of Biologicals is an apex autonomous Institute under the administrative control of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India engaged in Quality Control Evaluation of various biological products like vaccines, blood products, blood reagents, sera, Immuno-diagnostic kits etc. produced and imported in to India. 

The National Institute of Biologicals, an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India is premier Scientific Organization to ensure quality of biologicals in the country. Applications are invited for the following posts on Direct Recruitment basis

S.N.1 Scientist Grade-I
No of post : 01
Scale of pay : Pay Matrix Level-13 Rs. 123100-215900/- + NPA for medical personnel
A. Essential : Medical : (i) MBBS from MCI recognized Medical College, (ii) PG Medical Degree in the field of Microbiology/ Biochemistry/ Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion/Pharmacology/ Bacteriology/ Serology /Hematology from the recognized University and 10(Ten) Years' relevant experience after acquiring essential qualification. B. Non- Medical (Essential):(l) Master in Microbiology/ Clinical Microbiology /Biotechnology /Bioinformatics/ Biochemistry/ Bacteriology/ Physiology/ Pharmacology/Serology/Molecular Biology from any recognized university with at least 60% marks and (ii) A minimum 10(Ten) years' of relevant experience in any of the following areas : (a) Quality Control Testing of Biologicals and Biotherapeutics, (b) Review of Technical Dossiers of Biologicals and Biotherapeutics including Vaccines in respect of Chemistry Manufacturing Control (CMC), non-clinical trial data on Animal Pharmacology/ Animal Toxicology, Clinical Trial data; (c) Review of Technical Dossiers of ‘In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Medical Devices' in respect of conformation to the Essential Principles of Safety and Performance of Medical Devices which include Product Description, Design and Manufacturing information, Product performance specifications and associated validation and verification studies, Labelling and Regulatory history: (d) Evaluation & Review of Adverse Events: (i) Following Immunization (AEFI) (ii) Associated with Biologicals and Biotherapeutics (Pharmacovigilance) (iii) Associated with blood transfusion and blood products administration (Haemovigilance); (iv) Due to indirect harm associated with IVD Medical
Devices (Materiovigilance). (e) Management of Quality System with application of ISO: 17025 and ISO:34 with Total Quality Management approach, (f) Research in Biologicals and Biotherapeutics, or (I) Ph. D in any of the discipline mentioned in B (i) and (ii) Six Years relevant experience after acquiring Ph.D. Desirable: At least 7 (Seven) publications or Articles in Indexed journals in any of the above mentioned fields of qualification or experience.
S.N.2 (Scientist Grade-ll)
No of post : 02
Scale of pay : Pay Matrix level-12 Rs. 78800-209200/- + NPA for medical personnel
Educational and other qualification required for direct recruitment
A. Medical (Essential):-
i) MBBS from MCI recognized Medical College.
ii) PG Medical degree in the field of Microbiology/ Biochemistry /Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion /Pharmacology /Bacteriology /Serology /Hematology from the recognized University
iii) Five years’ relevant experience after acquiring essential qualification.
B. Non-Medical (Essential)
I) Master's degree in Microbiology / Clinical Microbiology /Biotechnology / Bioinformatics / Biochemistry /Bacteriology / Physiology / Pharmacology /Serology /Molecular Biology from any recognized University with at least 60% marks, and
ii) Aminimum of 7 (Seven) years' of relevant experience in any of the following areas:
a) Quality Control Testing of Biologicals and Biotherapeutics;
b) Review of Technical Dossiers of Biologicals and Biotherapeutics including Vaccines in respect of Chemistry Manufacturing Control (CMC), non-clinical trial data on Animal Pharmacology/Animal Toxicology, Clinical Trial data;
c) Review of Technical Dossiers of 'In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Medical Devices’ in respect of conformation to the Essential Principles of Safety and Performance of Medical Devices which include Product Description, Design and Manufacturing information, Product performance specifications and associated validation and verification studies, Labelling and Regulatory history;
d) Evaluation & Review of Adverse Events:
i) following Immunization (AEFI)
ii) associated with Biologicals and Biotherapeutics (Pharmacovigilance)
iii) associated with blood transfusion and blood products administration (Hemovigilance)
iv) due to indirect harm associated with IVD Medical Devices (Materiovigilance)
e) Management of Quality System with application of ISO: 17025 and ISO: 34 with Total Quality Management approach:
f) Research in Biologicals and Biotherapeutics, or
I) Ph.D in any of the disciplines mentioned in B(i) above, and ii) Three years' relevant experience after acquiring Ph. D
Desirable : At least 5 (Five) publications or articles in Indexed Journals, in any of the above-mentioned fields of qualification or experience.

S.N.3 (Junior Scientist) 
No of post : 03
Scale of pay : Pay Matrix level-7 Rs.44900-142400/-
Essential (i) Master in Microbiology/Clinical Microbiology / Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ Biochemistry /Bacteriology / Pharmacology /Serology/ Molecular Biology/ Physiology from any recognized university with at least 60% marks and (ii) A minimum 1 (One) year’s of relevant experience in any of the following areas: (a) Quality Control Testing of Biologicals and Biotherapeutics, (b) Review of Technical Dossiers of Biologicals and Biotherapeutics including Vaccines in respect of Chemistry Manufacturing Control (CMC), non-clinical trial data on Animal Pharmacology/ Animal Toxicology, Clinical Trial data; (c) Review of Technical Dossiers of 'In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Medical Devices’ in respect of conformation to the Essential Principles of Safety and Performance of Medical Devices which include Product Description, Design and Manufacturing information. Product performance specifications and associated validation and verification studies, Labelling and Regulatory history.(d) Evaluation & Review of Adverse Events (i) Following Immunization (AEFI) (ii) Associated with Biologicals and Biotherapeutics (Pharmacovigilance), (iii) Associated with blood transfusion and blood products administration (Haemovigilance), (iv) Due to indirect harm associated with IVD Medical Devices (Materiovigilance) (e) Management of Quality System with application of ISO: 17025 and ISO: 34 with Total Quality Management approach (f) Research in Biologicals and Biotherapeutics. 
Desirable : At least 1 publication or an article in an Indexed Journal in any of the above-mentioned fields of qualification or experience.

Age Limit : -
1. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the last date of receipt of applicationi.e. 23.09.2024.
2. No age relaxation will be given to SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer) candidate applying for the Unreserved posts as per Govt, of India order No.36011 /1/98/Estt(Res.) dated 01.07.1988 as amended from time to time.
3. The age relaxation to SC/ST/OBC/(None Creamy Layer)/PwD/Ex-Servicemen etc. shall be considered as per the DoPT OM No. DoPT-1667569393892 dated 06.09.2022 as amended time to time.
4. Age concession of 5 years are allowed to Departmental Candidates and Central Government employees for appointment by direct recruitment subject to the usual condition that the Group post to which direct recruitment is being made are in the same line or allied cadres and that a relationship could be established that service rendered in the post will be useful for efficient discharge of the duties in other categories of posts.
5. The Central Government/Autonomous body/Departmental Candidate should submit No Objection Certificate from their employer at the time of documents verification.

Others :-
1. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the written Test/Skill test and the candidate will have to make their own arrangement.
2. Date, time and venue of the written test/skill test/interview will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates through call letter/admit cards and no enquiry/request in this regard will be entertained. Candidates are advised to visit NIB website from time-to-time on the updated status of the recruitment process.
3. Any change in the address for communication should be intimated to Nl B by the candidate immediately.
4. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or to bring political or other outside influence with regard to the selection/recruitment shall be treated as disqualification.
5. The candidates working in the Central/State Govt. Departments/Public Sector undertakings etc. should submit “No Objection Certificate” and Vigilance clearance certificate at the time of documents verification failing which the candidature of applicant will be summarily rejected.
6. Educational Qualifications should be from a Recognized Board/Organization/Institute of repute and experience should be in a Govt, recognized/approved/registered laboratory/institution.
7. No person (a) who has entered into, or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living, or (b) who, having a spouse living has entered into, or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible for appointment to the service provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and there are othergrounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
8. Separate application form should be filled for each post. Single application for multiple posts will not be allowed.
9. OBC certificate for the purpose of age relaxation will mean “PERSONS OF OBC CATEGORY NOT BELOINGING TO CREAMY LAYER" as defined in DoPT's Om No. 36012/22/93-Estt(SCT) dated08.09.1993, modified vide OM No. 36033/3/2004-Estt(Res) dated 09.03.2004 and 14.10.2008 and subsequently revised vide Om No. 36035/1/2013-Estt.(Res) dated 27.05.2013. The closing date for receipt of application will be treated as the date of reckoning of OBC status of the candidates and also for assuming that the candidate does not fall in the Creamy Layer on the reckoning date. OBC candidates must, therefore, furnish valid and updated OBC certificate, which should specifically include the clause regarding “Exclusion from the Creamy Layer" Non-Submission of such certificate shall be treated as disqualification. In order to get age relaxation, they have to furnish a declaration given in the application form.
10. The OBC (NCL) certificate should have been issued between 01.04.2024 to 04.03.2025 and should be valid for the FY- 2024-25. Similarly, the EWS certificate should also be valid for the FY-2024-25.
11. The applicant applying in response to this advertisement, in their own interest, are advised that they should satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for the post applied for. They must ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria viz. Age limit, essential qualifications, experience, reservation etc. as on the last date of receipt of applications i.e. 23.09.2024. In case, at any stage of recruitment or even after appointment, it has come to the notice that any of candidates does not fulfill the required qualifications in respect of the above mentioned eligibility criteria or has furnished any wrong or false or misleading information in the application form or has suppressed any material fact(s) or is not eligible otherwise, his/her candidature will automatically stand cancelled without assigning any reason or notice thereof irrespective of his/her marks obtained in the written test and no enquiry/request/correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

The Director, NIB reserves the right to: -
1. Fix criteria for screening the applications so as to limit the number of candidates to be called for written test Merely fulfilling essential qualification and requisite experience by the candidate does not confer any right to be called for the written test.
2. Increase/decrease/delete the number of vacancies in any category and at any stage of selection process.
3. Fill up or not to fill up any/all of the advertised positions without assigning any reasons thereof. Rectify any inadvertent error or omission in the advertisement, at any stage of the recruitment process by notifying it on the NIB website only.
4. In case of any discrepancy found in Hindi version of advertisement, the contents as given in the English version of Advertisement will be prevailed.

General Information
1. Application giving particulars as per the prescribed format with a passport size photograph on the application at the space indicated with self-attested copies of certificate should be sent to the Director, National Institute of Biologicals (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare) A-32, Sector-62, Institutional Area Noida U.P. 201309. The envelope containing the application form should be superscribed with “Application for the post of 
2. The post carries usual allowances as admissible to Central Government Employees of corresponding status.
3. Relaxation in age for Government Servants and SC / ST / OBC / Physically Handicapped candidates/ EWS will be as per the instructions of the Government of India issued from time to time.
4. The crucial date for determining age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications from candidates.
5. For Scientist Grade-I: The shortlisted candidates for Scientist Grade-I will be called for personal discussion. The screening committee will adopt a suitable short listing criteria, which may include relevant experience, publication etc.
6. For Scientist Grade-ll: Eligible candidates will be called for the written test. Merit list will be prepared out of the candidates obtaining the qualifying marks (minimum of 60%) in written test. Candidates in the merit list will be called for personal discussion in the ratio of 1:10. Selection of the candidates will be based on score in the screening test (40% weightage), credentials like experience, publications etc. (30% weightage) and personal discussion (30% weightage).
7. For Junior Scientist: The eligible candidates will be called for the written test. Merit list will be prepared out of the candidates obtaining the qualifying marks (minimum 50% for Gen. EWS & OBC and 40% in case the post reserve for the SC/ST category) in the written test. Merit list will be prepared out of the candidates obtaining the qualifying marks in written test.
8. For Assistant-ll: The eligible candidates will be called for the written test and skill test Merit list will be prepared out of the candidates obtaining the qualifying marks (minimum of 60%) in written test. Candidates in the merit list will be called for skill test in the ratio of 1:5 . Skill test will be comprise of practical skills related to job profile, and candidate will be required to score 60% marks in the skill test in order to qualify. The details of skill test will be intimated latter.
9. Merely possessing of minimum prescribed qualifications etc. will not entitle an applicant to be called for Written Test/Interview / Personality Test.
10. The Institute reserves the right to fill up or not to fill up any or all the posts.
11. Attested copies of the caste certificate PWD(OH)/EWS certificate as per the prescribed format of Govt, of India order shall be attached with the application.

The last date for submission of application shall be 23.09.2024 Incomplete applications or applications received after the last date will not be entertained.
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