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Job Openings for Pharmacists at Western Coalfields Limited, 13 vacancies

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Job Openings for Pharmacists at Western Coalfields Limited

Western Coalfields Limited (WCL) is one of the eight Subsidiary Companies of Coal India Limited (CIL) which is under administrative control of Ministry of Coal. The Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 has its registered office at Coal Estate, Civil Lines, Nagpur–440001. WCL has been conferred "Miniratna" status on 15th March'2007. The Company has contributed about 7.02% of the national coal production during 2015-16.

Post : Pharmacist (Trainee) in T&S Gr. C

Applications through proper channel are invited from eligible departmental candidates of Western Coalfields Limited against the vacancies for selection to the following posts as per the pay scale of NCWA - XI, who fulfil the following eligibility criteria according to Cadre Scheme:-

No of posts : 13
Minimum Qualification & Eligibility : Matriculate / Diploma in Pharmacy and registered with Pharmacy Council under Pharmacy Act 1948 with valid registration.
Mode : Selection through Aptitude Test
The following norms shall be adopted for empanelment of the candidates for the above posts : -
1. Empanelment for the above posts shall be on the basis of Marks obtained in Aptitude Test as shown below: - . 
Aptitude Test (Objective Type) : 90 Minutes duration (100 questions)
Maximum Marks : 100 Marks
Minimum Pass Marks : 50 Marks for General 40 Marks for SC/ST (10% relaxation)
2. The candidates shall be empanelled on the basis of merit based on total marks obtained in aptitude test and in case same mark is obtained by more than one candidate, their merit shall be decided on the basis of Date of Appointment, i.e., the candidate who was appointed first, shall be placed above the candidate who was appointed later. If there is a tie again, then the Date of Birth (elder being the first) will be considered for deciding the merit position.
3. Those candidates who are newly appointed as dependent/PAP and who have not completed their 6 (six) months training period as on the date of notification will not be considered for selection of the above posts.
4. Reservations norms for SC/ST and PWD candidates will be followed as per rule.

Instructions for filling up applications
1. The candidates are advised to go through the complete notification carefully for assessing & ensuring eligibility in accordance with the qualifications and other norms before submitting the application,
2. The candidates should send their applications in prescribed proforma (enclosed), affixing recent photograph duly attested by the controlling officer/unit-in-charge, along with self-attested
educational/statutory certificates as per eligibility prescribed above through proper channel only.
3. The respective Controlling Officer/Unit In-charge shall ensure correctness of the details mentioned in the application, counter sign with seal the documents enclosed with the application in each case (on the basis of original document) and also ensure that the Annual Performance Ratings and Departmental Clearance Certificate in the application proforma are duly certified before forwarding the same to to the concerned Area Personnel Manager (APM).
4. The APM must ensure that the original & complete applications of only those eligible candidates, who have secured minimum Good rating in performance should be physically forwarded to GM(P/IR) for consideration. In case of candidates of WCL HQ, the concerned .HOD shall forward the applications to Dy. GM (P/IR) as above.
5. The data of candidates in excel format (as per enclosed proforma) shall also be provided in soft copy for the notified post separately to Dy. GM (P/IR) through email on
6. Applications submitted in any format other than the prescribed form may not be accepted. Applications received directly from any candidate shall not be entertained.

Important Note
1. Only those candidates who are willing to work in any Areas/Establishments of WCL on selection may apply against this notification.
2. The selected candidates shall be posted in the Areas/Establishments of WCL as per the requirement.
Important Dates
1. Cut-off date for determining the eligibility of the candidates as per cadre scheme will be the date of issue of the internal notification.
2. Last date of receipt of application & soft copy of proforma of verified data at IR Department, WCL HQ is 08.08.2024 and applications received after 08.08.2024 will not be entertained.
All concerned are requested to please arrange to give wide publicity amongst the employees and also display a copy of this Notification on Notice Boards.

Application Form & More Info

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