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Job for Pharma Apprentices at Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd

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Job for Pharma Apprentices at Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd

Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd a  Navratna  Central  Public Sector  Undertaking,  is  a  premier  Aeronautical  Industry  of  South East  Asia,  with  20  Production/Overhaul/  Service  Divisions  and  10 co-located R&D Centers spread across the Country. HALs spectrum of  expertise  encompasses  design,  development,  manufacture, repair, overhaul and upgrade of Aircraft, Helicopters, Aero-engines, Industrial & Marine Gas Turbines, Accessories, Avionics & Systems and structural components for Satellites & Launch Vehicles.

Post : Pharmacy  - Apprentices

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates who have passed Degree/Diploma in concerned branches/subjects & MOM & SP, for undergoing Apprenticeship Training under the Apprentice Act 1961, in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Transport Aircraft Division, Kanpur.

Qualification : 2 Years Diploma, from any Recognized Board/University in concerned Branches

Candidate must have passed Diploma/Degree in the year 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. Candidate should possess Pass Certificate as on date of Application. Candidate with status “Appearing” or “Result awaited” shall not be eligible. Candidate with pending Back Papers or whose Supplementary Exam results are awaited shall not be eligible.

Age Limit : Candidate should be minimum age of 18 years. The maximum age is 26 years as on 31/07/2023(relaxation of 5 years in age for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC(NCL), and 10 years to PWD candidates in respective category is admissible)

Instructions for filling & Submission of application Forms
1. The applicants are advised to register to get the Registration Number in the portal; and must indicate the Registration Number in Application Form.
2. Candidate pursuing Apprentice Training or having complete apprentice training will not be eligible to apply.
3. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
4. Before applying, the candidates should satisfy themselves regarding eligibility criteria. The candidates should also ensure that the particulars furnished by him/her in the application are correct in all respect. In case any discrepancy found during the engagement process/apprenticeship training or if found, he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material facts his/her candidature will be cancelled/terminated at any stage.
5. The dependents (Children & Spouse only) of the Serving /Retired /Deceased Employees of HA are required to submit the details of the Employee, duly certified by the Concerned HR Officer respective division in the attached Format.
6. Application Form is enclosed along with this Advertisement.
7. No Application will be accepted by Hand individually
8. Candidates claiming reservation is required to produce Caste certificate and Domicile Certificate from the same State which is either home state or migrated State.
9. HAL reserves the right to cancel the advertisement and/or the selection process there under.
10. Mere successful application doesn’t confer candidate right to participate in test/ process. Decision of HAL Kanpur on the eligibility of the candidate is final.
11. List of provisionally selected candidates will be intimated through Post.
12. No TAJ DA is Payable for selected candidates for undergoing initial selection process.
13. Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification.

Selection Process
1. The Selection for Engagement of Apprentices will be based on 100% Merit basis, taking into consideration 100% Weightage of Total Aggregate Marks secured in the Diploma/Degree /Diploma in MOM & SP Examination.
2. SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/PWD/ will be extended reservation as per Apprentice Act 1961, and Government of India/HAL Guidelines. EWS candidates should produce valid certificate of financial year 2023-24.
3. Candidature shall be cancelled if found ineligible as per rules at any stage of the selection process or after the selection without any prior notice.
4. Candidates should enter a valid email id and contact mobile Number in the apprenticeship portal. Also Diploma/Degree Certificate number, Aadhar Card Number, Date of Birth, Category and Trade details. However, the company shall not be responsible for any application being reject or candidate not shortlisted due to incorrect data/ Post not delivered due to incorrect address late delivery.

Last Date : 5th August 2023

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