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Vacancy for Pharmacist at Chief Medical and Health Officer

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Vacancy for Pharmacist at Chief Medical and Health Officer

Appointment is to be made on vacant contract posts in various national health programs under National Health Mission, Mahasamund.  The details of the contractual posts to be recruited are as follows.

Post : Pharmacist (RBSK)

No of Posts : 01
Salary : Rs 16,500/- pm
Education Qualification : Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy (50%) &
Registration in CG Pharmacy Registration Council. (Common Merit list will be Prepared)

Age Limit
Age should be minimum 18 years and maximum 64 years for managerial category and 70 years for medical category as on 1st January 2021.  Calculation of age will be done from the date 01 January 2021.This age limit is inclusive of all types of relaxation.  
Selection Process : Reservation and other conditions in respect of contractual recruitment National Health Mission CG.

Application Fees
Application Fees for Salary 25, 000 or below 25, 000
Unreserved : Rs. 300 /-
OBC : Rs. 200 /-
SC, ST, Female, PWD : Rs. 100 /-

Application Fees for Salary Above Rs. 25,000
Unreserved : Rs. 400 /-
OBC : Rs. 300 /-
SC, ST, Female, PWD : Rs. 200 /-

1. The application fee will be payable through demand draft in the name of “District Health Society Mahasamund”.  Bank drafts made in any other name will not be accepted and such candidate will be ineligible for selection.
2. Application without application fee and application fee less than the prescribed amount will not be considered and the candidate concerned will be kept ineligible in the selection process
3. Photocopy of bank slip, demand draft received from the bank as application fee will not be accepted.

General conditions and guidelines regarding recruitment
1. Application form with self-attested documents, up to 5.30 pm, date 15/07/2021) Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, District Hospital Complex Kharora, Mahasamund, District Mahasamund CG, by registered post / speed post / self-attend the application form  / Can deposited .  Apart from this, the application will not be accepted through any other means.  
2. Application received after the prescribed date and office hours will not be accepted.
3. Posts approved under National Health Mission whose monthly salary is Rs.  16500/- per month or Rs.  Preference will be given to eligible natives of Mahasamund district on those posts which are less than 16500/-.  In case of non-availability of eligible natives in Mahasamund district, priority will be given to the eligible candidates from other districts of the state in order of merit.  
4. It is mandatory for the candidate to attach the domicile certificate of the concerned district by the competent authority.  
5. Incomplete and erroneous applications will not be accepted.  Every applicant should see the instructions given in the advertisement and all the information in the application form and fill the correct and complete information carefully.
6.  If any information is given incomplete or incorrect in the application form, then it will be the full responsibility of the applicant.  The application form can be canceled at any stage of selection without giving prior intimation to the applicant on the basis of daughter or incompleteness.  
7. It is mandatory to have prescribed educational qualification and computer related degree / diploma from recognized university / institution.
8. It is mandatory to have the prescribed educational qualification and computer related degree / diploma from recognized university / institution. 
9. Experience certificate issued by the employer has to be submitted along with the application.  It is mandatory to submit a No Objection Certificate from the employer in case you are currently employed.  It is necessary to clearly mention the outgoing number and date of the issuing office in the certificate.  
10. The name of the post applied for, the cadre should be clearly written on the envelope of the application submitted for the vacant post advertised.  In case the name of the post is not found mentioned on the top of the envelope, the selection committee will have the right to accept / invalidate the application.   
11. It is mandatory to enclose a self-attested photocopy of the complete mark sheet of each year of the essential / desired educational qualification along with the application.

Last Date : 15th July, 2021

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