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Job for Pharmacy Professionals at ESIC - Salary 1.25 lakh per month

Clinical research courses

Job for Pharmacy Professionals at ESIC

Employees State Insurance Corporation of India is an integrated social security system tailored to provide social protection to workers,immediate dependent or family, in the organised sector, in contingencies, such as, sickness, maternity and death or disablement due to an employment injury or occupational hazard. The ESI Scheme is mainly financed by contributions raised from employees covered under the scheme and their employers, as a fixed percentage of wages.

Post: Sr. Research Scientist, Research Scientist, Asst Professor

Sr. Research Scientist
No of Posts : 01 UR
Age as on The date of Interview : Not exceeding 45 years of age
Qualification : MD or Ph.D in Life Sciences / Molecular Biology / Computational biophysics/ Chemical Sciences / Pharmaceutical Science/ Engineering /Pro teomics or relevant branch from a recognized University with 3 years of relevant research experience in research project from an Institution/Organization of National Eminence.
Consolidated Pay per Month : 1,25,000/-

Research Scientist
No of Posts : 01 UR
Age as on The date of Interview : Not exceeding 40 years of age
Qualification : MD or Ph. D in life Sciences / Molecular Biology / Computational biophysics / Chemical Sciences / Pharmaceutical Science / Engineering / Proteomics or relevant branch from a recognized University with 1 years of relevant research experience in research project from an Institution/Organization of National Eminence.
Consolidated Pay per Month : 1,00,000/-

Assistant Professor (Microbiology)
No of Posts : 01 UR
Age as on The date of Interview : Not exceeding 69 years of age
Qualification : As Per MCI Norms
Consolidated Pay per Month : Level-11 (Rs, 67,700/- +0ther Allowances as admissible

All candidates are directed to report for interview at ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-10 by following the COVID appropriate behavior like wearing Face Mask, Using Sanitizers and maintaining Social Distance etc.

Terms and Conditions
1. The additional post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology is sanctioned by Headquarters Office vide Memorandum dated 08.07.2020 in pursuance to MCI notification dated 08.06.2020. The posts of Assistant Professor, Sr. Research Scientist and Research Scientist are filled up for the Virology Service Laboratory at ESIC MC PGIMSR & Model Hospital, Rajajinagar, Bangalore
2. The appointment will be for one year only or till the Regular Incumbent joins whichever is earlier. However, the contract may be extended subject to satisfactory performance and requirement or till the posts are filled upon regular basis, whichever is earlier. The Appointment shall not confer any right or preference for regular appointment. Further, such Appointments also subject to Medical fitness.
3. No claim for any service benefit like, PF, Pension, Gratuity, Medical Allowance, Seniority, Promotion and Leave will be admissible.
4. Candidates applying for the post of Assistant Professor must be registered with Karnataka Medical Council or MCI before joining the post.
5. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the interview or joining for duty.
6. ESI Corporation may increase or decrease or cancel filling up of any post without assigning any reasons at the discretion of the Appointing Authority.
7. The application should be submitted in the prescribed format only at the time of interview. The applications found to be incomplete will be summarily rejected.
8. The Dean has the discretion to increase /decrease the number of vacancies depending upon actual requirement/Cancel this recruitment/ withdraw the Offer of Appointment issued after the Walk in-interview.
9. The candidates are advised to bring their application (prescribed format attached) along with 2 photographs and 1 set of self attested copies of:
a) SSLC Certificate for proof of age b) MBBS certificate/PG certificate/DM/MCh Certificates c) MCI/KMC registration d) MD or Ph.D in Life Sciences/Molecular Biology/Computational biophysics/Chemical Sciences/Pharmaceutical Science/Engineering/Proteomics or relevant branch an Institution/Organization of National Eminence e) Experience Certificate as stated in the Qualification part of this advertisement, wherever applicable.

10. The Candidates should bring the original certificates at the time of interview.
11. Candidates are requested to get themselves registered within the time as mentioned above, failing which they will not be allowed to appear for interview.
12. Selection will be made on basis of interview of candidates which will be conducted by the duly constituted Selection Board.
13. The candidate appointed as Sr. Research Scientist, Research Scientist and Assistant Professor shall tender one month prior notice in case he/she wishes to resign from the job or to deposit one month salary in lieu of notice period.
14. Selected candidates are eligible for only 01-day leave per month after completion of month.
15. The selected candidates have to deposit an amount of Rs. 85,000.00 as security deposit. The security deposit will be forfeited in case candidates resigns/leaves within 06 months of reporting or non-fulfilment of Notice Period conditions.
16. Other terms and condition will be applicable as issued by competent Authority from time to time.
17. This being 01'Year contract, absence for period beyond 15 days will be treated as abandonment of duty and the contract will be terminated without any reason and security deposit will be forfeited.
18. No private practice is allowed during the tenure of service in ESIC.
19. For the post of Assistant Professor, retirees from Central/State Govt./ PSU from the equivalent posts are eligible to apply. Persons working in recognized/approved Private Medical Institutions fulfilling eligibility criteria for the post may also apply.
20. Selected candidates will have to join immediately after receipt of Offer of Appointment.

21. The final selection will be based purely on performance in the personal interview.
22. Wrong declarations/ submission of false information any other action contrary to law shall lead to cancellation of the candidature at any stage.
23. On the day of Walk-in-interview, the candidates should produce No Objection Certificate (NOC) from present employer.
24. Canvassing in any form will be disqualification.
25. Upon selection the candidates have to open an SB Account in State Bank of India before reporting for duty.
26. The selected candidates shall have to submit an agreement incorporating the terms and conditions of appointment on a Rs. 100/- Stamp Paper in the format provided by the Office.
27. Hostel Accommodation/Quarters will not be provided.
28. The selected Medical/Non-Medical Officer at any time found guilty of any gross misconduct or negligence of his/her duties shall be terminated without any notice or payment in lieu of notice period.
29. The selected candidates have to wear his/her own white coat/Apron with name badge during the duty hours.
30. The MS/Dean will be the Controlling Authority for Sr. Research Scientist, Research Scientist and Assistant Professor

Date of Interview : 02-08-2021
Reporting Time for Registration : 9.30 AM to 10.30 AM

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