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BECIL invites applications for post of Consultant

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BECIL invites applications for post of Consultant

Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013 and ISO/IEC 20000:2012 certified, Mini Ratna, Central Public Sector Enterprise of Government of India was established on 24th March 1995. BECIL provides project consultancy services and turnkey solutions encompassing the entire gamut of radio and television broadcast engineering viz; content production facilities, terrestrial transmission facilities, satellite and cable broadcasting facilities in India and abroad. It also provides associated services like building design and construction related to broadcasting, human resource related activities like training and providing man power.

BECIL invites applications for recruitment/empanelment of following Consultants for Project Management Unit of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi purely on contractual basis.

Post : Senior Consultant / Consultant (Project Management)

Consolidated Remuneration : Minimum Rs.1,00,000/- per month for Sr. Consultant and Rs.50,000/- per month for Consultant (Remuneration maybe higher according to the qualifications and experience as decided by PMB)
Criteria : Essential Qualification – BE (Civil) with diploma/masters in management from a recognized university Or - Medical / Paramedical / Biomedical degree with diploma/masters in management from a recognized university Experience - At least 10 years’ experience in construction project management for senior consultant and 5 years for consultant. - Computer proficiency in MS Excel, Power Point, Word and Project management software.
Age – Not exceeding 62 years
Desirable - Experience in management, execution and commissioning of construction projects costing more than Rs. 100 crores (preferably healthcare projects)

- Coordination of various project related activities with all concerned stakeholders / agencies, making follow up reports and presenting the same to AIIMS officials as desired
- Monitoring quality assurance for various going projects on a regular basis & coordination of various quality issues with all concerned stakeholders / agencies
- Preparing and monitoring project timelines
- Coordination and liasoning on behalf of AIIMS between user departments and other agencies
- Minuting and archiving of all projects related activities
- Coordinating with bidders and Project management consultant for various project construction component, equipment & service.
- Liaising work with Statutory bodies & other agencies for getting project approvals, etc.
- Routine project management activities as may entrusted from time to time

The terms and conditions as decided will be as follows
• Consolidated Remuneration:
- Consultant : Rs. 50,000 (or as recommended by Project Management Board,AIIMSND)
- Sr. Consultant : Rs.1,00,000 (or as recommended by Project Management Board,AIIMSND)
- The consultant/senior consultant may be paid higher according to the qualifications and experience as may be decided by the Project ManagementBoard
• Period of engagement: The consultant will be initially engaged for a period of one year through and on the roles of the outsourced agency for AIIMS, New Delhi or its extension campuses. His term may be extended from time to time depending upon the performance of the candidate and requirement at AIIMS, New Delhi as decided by the competent authority
• Consultants shall be eligible for 12 days leave in a calendar year on prorata basis. Therefore, a Consultant shall not draw any remuneration in case of his/her absence beyond 12 days in a Year (calculated on a prorata basis). Also unavailed leave in a calendar year cannot be carried forward to next calendar year. Government & National holidays shall be paid holidays.
• Working hours shall ordinarily from 9:30am – 6:00pm (with half hour lunch break) for six days a week. However, the consultants maybe required to work for longer hours or in different shifts or on holidays due to work requirements&exigencies
• Must have their own laptop with requisite software as per experience clause preloaded & working optimally
• Must possess a functional mobile phone with active SIM card so that communication can be done with him/her at all times
• Allowances: The Consultants shall NOT be entitled to any allowance such as Dearness Allowance, Telephone, Transport Facility, Residential Accommodation, Personal Staff, Medical Reimbursement etc.
• TA/DA: No TA/DA shall be admissible for joining the assignment or on its completion. Consultants will not be allowed foreign travel at Government expenses.
• Termination Notice: The contract for engaging the Consultant can be terminated by either side with one month's notice or by payment of one month remuneration in its lieu or by surrendering one month remuneration by the consultant. The competent authority would be free to terminate the engagement of the Consultant without serving any notice to him/her, in case of continuous absence for more than 10 days without prior permission in a calendar year or if any certificate/declaration furnished by him/her at the time application is later found to be false.
• Conflict of Interest: The consultant is expected to follow of all the rules and regulations of Central Government which are in force. He/She will be expected to work with utmost honesty and sincerity while discharging his/her duties. In case the services of consultant are not satisfactory or found in conflict with the interest of the government, his/her services will be discontinued by terminating the contract without assigning any reasons.
• Non-disclosure of official secrets: During the period of engagement with the institute it is likely that consultant may come across certain information of important nature. Therefore, consultant will not divulge any information gathered by him during the period of his engagement to anyone who is not authorised to know the same. The consultant shall not, except with the sanction of competent authority, publish any article or participate in radio or TV broadcast either ill his own name or anonymously orpseudonymously.
• Work place: The work place of the consultant will be in AIIMS Delhi. The consultant can be posted in any peripheral centre of AIIMS New Delhi (NDDTC Ghaziabad, NCI Jhajjar, CRHSP Ballabgarh, etc) as and when required.

1. Candidates are required to apply online through website or only. No other means/mode of application will be accepted. (Before applying for registration candidates are advised to have their Photo, Signature, Birth Certificate/10th Certificate, Caste Certificate scanned images for upload the file size should be not more than 100kb.) If you want to apply for more than one post against the same advertisement, you need to register once only. The fee chargeable will vary according to the number of posts applied for.
2. Candidates are required to have a valid personal e-mail ID. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new E-mail ID before applying online
3. Candidates are required to go to the website of BECIL i.e. or and click on the link “Career”.
4. Candidates are required to follow below process for registration.
5. Registration to be completed in 7 steps:
• Step 1: Select Advertisement Number
• Step 2: Enter Basic Details
• Step 3: Enter Education Details/Work Experience
• Step 4: Upload scanned Photo, Signature, Birth Certificate/ 10th Certificate, Caste Certificate
• Step 5: Application Preview or Modify
• Step 6: Payment Online Mode (via credit card, Debit card, net banking, UPI etc.)
• Step 7: Email your scanned documents to the Email Id mentioned in the last page of application form.

6. Candidates will have to upload scanned copy of passport color photo, signature scan copy, size of these scanned copies should be within 100 kb and in jpg/.pdf files only.
7. Only online payment of registration & application processing fees (non-refundable) is applicable. There will not be any other mode of payment of registration & application processing fee. Demand Drafts, Cheques, Money Orders, Postal Orders, Pay Orders, Banker’s Cheque, postal stamps etc., will not be accepted, towards registration & application processing fee.
Category-wise registration & application processing is given below:
• General - Rs.750/- (Rs. 500/- extra for every additional post applied)
• OBC - Rs.750/-(Rs. 500/- extra for every additional post applied)
• SC/ST - Rs.450/-(Rs. 300/- extra for every additional post applied)
• Ex-Serviceman - Rs.750/-(Rs. 500/- extra for every additional post applied)
• Women - Rs.750/-(Rs. 500/- extra for every additional post applied)
• EWS/PH - Rs.450/-(Rs. 300/- extra for every additional post applied)
Note: The GST and Bank charges will be borne by the candidates.

8. BECIL will not be responsible for any network problems in submission of online application.
9. Candidates are advised to fill the post judiciously as per the advertisement released by BECIL.
10. Candidates are requested to enter the details in the online application format carefully. Before final submission of application, there will be a preview available to the candidates in case of modification required. After submission of the application, no modification will be permitted and fees once paid will not be refunded.
**Candidates are advised to apply through above mentioned website only, candidates will be solely responsible for submitting their through any other website. The candidates are requested to check their email & messages regularly. BECIL will inform the selected candidates through email & sms. BECIL will not be responsible for any delay on candidate's part. **

Last date for submission of application forms is 15TH July, 2021.


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