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Recruitment for Pharmacists (03 Posts) under Ministry of Railways at ICF | Government Jobs

Clinical research courses

The Integral Coach Factory is one of the earliest production units of independent India. It was inaugurated by the first Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru on 2nd October, 1955. Later the Furnishing Division was inaugurated on 2nd October, 1962 and the production of fully furnished coaches steadily increased over the years.  Spread over nearly 511 acres, it has about 10,408 employees to turnout more than 2000 coaches every year which includes conventional and self propelled coaches.

Post : Pharmacist

No of Post : 03 (UR-1, SC-1, ST-1)

Level : 5

Age Limit as on 01-01-2020 : 20-35 years
Born Between
UR : 02.01.1985 to 01.01.2000
SC/ST with 5 years relaxation : 02.01.1980 to 01.01.2000

Qualification : 10+2 in Science or its equivalent with Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognised institution and registered as Pharmacist under Pharmacy Act, 1948 (or) Bachelor degree in Pharmacy (B.Pharma) from a recognised University or its equivalent and registered as Pharmacist under Pharmacy Act 1948.

Application Fee
For General Candidates : Rs 500 /-
For candidates belonging to SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/ PwBD/Female/Transgender/Minorities/Economically backward class.
Note: This fee Rs. 250/- shall be refunded to them at the time of selection. : Rs 250/-

Monthly remuneration including all-allowances i.e (DA, HRA. TA & HPCA) : Rs 47,900/- (Approximate)

General instructions
1) The engagement will be purely on contractual short term basis with a maximum tenure of one year or on or before 31.03.2020, (if the scheme of engagement of Para medical staff on contract basis is further not extended) or availability of a regularly selected candidates whichever is earlier.
2) The services rendered as Para-Medical Staff on contract basis is a stop gap arrangement and will not have any bearing in respect of consideration of their period of service in case of regular selection through RRB.
3) Full time engagement on contract basis will not confer on them any right to claim for regular absorption/extension in the Railway.
4) The contract may be terminated by either side by giving one month notice. However, in case of gross negligence/misconduct/irregularities or in the event of joining of regular candidates selected through RRB, the engagement will be terminated with immediate effect.
5) The contractual staff may be pennitted ;off on Sunday & National holidays. However, they may be called for duty on any day including Sundays & National holidays for which compensatory rest may be given later. In addition, they may be granted two days leave for each completed month of engagement.
6) The engaged contractual staff will not be eligible for any kind of leave viz (CL, LAP, LHAP etc). For absence, if any, appropriate deduction will be made from the monthly remuneration.

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7) The contractual staff are not entitled for any other benefits or facilities except the monthly fixed remuneration stipulated.
8) Selected Contractual staff shall be subjected to prescribed medical fitness for the category in which they have applied.
9) Suitability /Competency of the applicant shall be adjudged by nominated committee before their engagement.
10) The duty hours of the contract based employees would be as prescribed by competent Authority, as per the working conditions of the category with weekly ‘off for one day.
11) The contractual staff shall be governed in respect of matters not referred to these terms and conditions by any orders/amendments to the terms of contract issued by the Railways, from time to time.
12) The contractual staff selected should not perform/involve in any activities that would be considered against the interest of Medical Dept/Railways and if found, his/her services will be terminated immediately.
13) Applicants already working in Govemment/PSU on contract basis will have to provide NOC at the time of application and resign from their present organisation on their engagement.
14) The contractual staff should produce original certificates for proof of his/her date of birth and educational qualification.

How to apply
• Applications complete in all respects in the prescribed proforma alongwith enclosures should be submitted on or before 19.08.2019 at 17:00 hrs.
• The application format is also available in the ICF website
• One passport size photograph should be pasted on the application form at the space specified.
• Along with the filled-in application form an Indian Postal Order or Demand Draft for an amount of Rs 500/- (or) Rs 250/- (as applicable) should be enclosed in favour of FA&CAO/ICF.
• The candidates should bring ail the original certificates when they are called to appear for Document Verification.
• The application should be sent along with the enclosures, duly self-attested. On top of the envelope
"APPLICATION FOR PHARMACIST" Should be written in Block letters and write the category applied for. It should be addressed to the “ASSISTANT PERSONNEL OFFICER/RECRUITMENT, INTEGRAL COACH FACTORY, CHENNAI-600038." and sent by ordinary post only.

Closing Date & Time for receipt of applications : 19-08-2019 @17.00 hrs

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