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Job Openings for M.Pharm, B.Pharm as Consultant (12 posts) at NPPA - Government of India | pay upto Rs 60,000/- pm

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National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) was constituted vide Government of India Resolution dated 29th August, 1997 as an attached office of the Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP), Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers as an independent Regulator for pricing of drugs and to ensure availability and accessibility of medicines at affordable prices.

Senior Consultant (Pharma) - 2 Post.
Qualification Essential: B. Pharma/ M. Pharma from a recognized University or M.Sc.
(Chemistry, Biochemistry, Life science, Microbiology).

Desirable: Good working experience of computer software package like MS Word, MS Excel and MS Power-point and ability to work on computer independently.

Experience: Retired or working officers from Govt./ PSUs/ Private sector having minimum 4 years working experience in field of Pharma production/ drug anaylsis/ drug delivery/ drug marketing/ drug pricing/ Pharma research etc.

Consolidated monthly payment per person [excluding TDS as applicable] : Rs 60,000

Consultant (Pharma) - 2 Post
Qualification Essential: B.Pharma/ M.Pharma from a recognized university or M.Sc (Chemistry, Biochemistry, Life science, Microbiology).

Desirable: Good working experience of computer software package like MS Word, MS Excel and MS Power-point and ability to work on computer independently.

Experience: Retired or working officers from Govt./ PSUs/ Private sector having minimum 2 years working experience in field of Pharma production/ drug anaylsis/ drug delivery/ drug marketing/ drug pricing/ pharma / research etc

Consolidated monthly payment per person [excluding TDS as applicable] : Rs 50,000

Consultant (Cost) - 2 Posts
Qualification Essential: CMA / CA with 2 years experience or CMA Inter / CA Inter with 4 years working experience

Desirable: Expert knowledge MS Excel, MS Word and MS Power-point.

Experience: Retired or working officers from Govt./ PSUs/ Private sector having minimum 2 years working experience of handling costing / pricing related matters etc.

Consolidated monthly payment per person [excluding TDS as applicable] : Rs 50,000

Consultant (Legal) - 2 Posts
Qualification Essential: L.L.B.

(i) Candidates should have knowledge of Pharma activities.
(ii) Good working experience of computer software package like MS Word, MS Excel and MS Power-point and ability to work on computer independently.

Experience: Retired or working officers from Govt./ PSUs/ Private sector having minimum 2 years working experience of handling Legal work etc.

Consolidated monthly payment per person [excluding TDS as applicable] : Rs 50,000

Consultant (Medical Device) - 2 Posts
Qualification Essential: Phd./ B.Tech./ B. Sc./M.Sc. in Technology/ Engineering in Biomedical Engineering.

Desirable:Good working experience of computer software package like MS Word, MS Excel and MS Power-point and ability to work on computer independently.

Experience: Retired or working officers from Govt./ PSUs/ Private sector having minimum 2 years working experience in field of Pharma production/ drug anaylsis/ drug delivery/ drug marketing/ drug pricing/ Pharma research/ Medical Devices research/ Biomedical data analysis etc.

Consolidated monthly payment per person [excluding TDS as applicable] : Rs 50,000

Consultant (Data Analysis) - 2 Posts
Qualification Essential: B.Sc./ M. Sc. in Mathematics/ Statistics/ Computer Science/ IT.

Desirable: Good working experience of computer software package like MS Word, MS Excel and MS Power-point and ability to work on computer independently.

Experience: Retired or working officers from Govt. / PSUs/ Private sector having advance knowledge of data management system, programming, cloud, data integration. Minimum 2 years working experience of Data Analysis/ Data Management work etc.

Consolidated monthly payment per person [excluding TDS as applicable] : Rs 50,000

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General Terms and Conditions for Hiring of Consultants in NPPA
1. Candidates shall be hired on contractual basis for a period of one year from the date of their joining. The term can be extended depending on the performance of the candidate and need of the NPPA.
2. The services of the candidates shall be hired up to the age of 65 years only. Thereafter his/ her engagement will be discontinued.
3. Eligibility of the consultants is enclosed at Annexure-B and Format of application at Annexure-C. Selection would be made by a Selection Committee set up by the Government of India.
4. Consolidated fee shall be paid to Sr. Consultants/ Constants as per details given below. In respect of retired Government officials, total emoluments paid, i.e. pension + proposed emoluments should not exceed from the last pay drawn, subject to overall ceilings as mentioned
5. The contract can be terminated at any time by the NPPA giving one month’s notice without assigning any reason. Services of Senior Consultants/ Consultants can also be terminated, if the competent authority is dissatisfied with the performance.
6. The Consultants shall perform the duties assigned to them. The competent authority reserves the right to assign any duty as and when required. No extra/ additional allowance will be admissible in case of such assignment.
7. Consultants shall be eligible for 8 days leave during the period of one year beside the Gazette holidays. However, unavailed leave shall not be carried forward, in case of extension beyond one year.
8. ‘No work no pay' will be applicable during the period of contract, if more than prescribed leave are taken.
9. Basic support like office space, furniture, stationary, computer access to internet etc, wherever required, will be provided where needed by the NPPA so that assigned duties may be handled smoothly.

10. Since this is the purely temporary assignment on contract basis, the Consultant shall not be entitled to any benefit like Provident Fund, Pension, Insurance, Gratuity, Medical Treatment, Seniority, Promotion etc. or any other benefits available to a Government Servant appointed on regular basis.
11. NPPA will not be responsible, if there is any mishappening/ untoward incident etc. inside or outside NPPA.
12. The Consultant will not be granted any claim or right or preference for regular appointment to any post in NPPA or in the Government set up.
13. The Consultant shall not be entitled to any TA for joining the work.
14. If any declaration given or information furnished by Consultant proves to be false or if he/she is found to have willfully suppressed any material information, he/she will be liable for removal from such contract and also such other action as the Government may deem necessary.
15. The contract will be subject to physical fitness and the Consultant is required to submit a certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner to this effect at the time of joining.
16. Selected candidates will be required to join within the prescribed period as and when communicated by NPPA.
17. T he Associate shall not be entitled to any travelling allowance, etc. for attending the test/ interview or for joining the work.
18. The associate during the contractual period cannot accept/ engage himself/ herself in any other part-time job/ profession of whatsoever kind.
19. Incomplete applications or applications without self-attested copies of certificates of qualifications, age, etc. are liable to be rejected.

Interested candidates may send in closed envelope their application (clearly mentioning the name of the post on the envelope), in the prescribed format only, along with self-certified supporting documents, within twenty one (21) days from the date of publication of this Notice in the Employment News to Director (Admn), National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, 5th Floor, YMCA Cultural Centre Building, 1, Jai Singh Road. New Delhi 110001.


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