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Applications are invited for Assistant Professors (05 posts) at Nagpur University

Clinical research courses

The Nagpur University was established on 4th August, 1923 with six affiliated colleges and 927 students. During 1947, the number of students increased to about 9000 accompanied by the improvement and diversification of curricula and expansion in the range of subjects. The expansion of library and sports facilities occurred during these years for the intellectual and physical well being of the students. It was in 1958 that some new Departments in Arts and Social Science faculties were opened; the major expansion, however, came in 1963 when several science and other teaching Departments were started. The Departments were shifted to spacious buildings in the main campus in 1972-73. In later years, several career oriented courses have been started viz., Business Management, Fine Arts, Mass Communication, Library Science, Physical Education, etc.

Applications in the prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates for appointment on full-time teaching posts of ASSISTANT PROFESSOR on contractual basis in various Post Graduate Teaching Departments, Conducted Colleges/Institute and Centres of Specialized Studies of the University in the Academic session 2019-2020 for the period from the date of joining to 30th April, 2020, on consolidated salary of Rs.24,000/- per month.

Pharmaceutical science
Pharmaceutics : 01 Open
Pharmacognosy :  01 ST.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry : 01 OBC.
Pharmacology : 01 SEBC
Pharmaceutical science  : 01 EWS

Eligibility Qualifications
Essential :
(i) A basic degree in pharmacy (B.Pharm.).
(ii) Registration as a pharmacist under the applicable Pharmacy Law.
(iii) First Class Master‟s Degree in appropriate branch of specialization in pharmacy.

Desirable :
(i) Teaching, research, industrial and/or professional experience in a reputed organization; and
(ii) Papers presented at Conferences and/or in refereed journals.

1. Please note that the appointment of Assistant Professor(s) in the University/conducted colleges/Institution is purely on contract basis and strictly only for the period from the date of joining to 30th April, 2020 on a consolidated pay of Rs.24,000/- per month. A person selected shall have no enforceable right against the University for continuation in the succeeding academic session in any circumstances.
2. A person selected will be permissible to avail only 8 general leave during the academic session. No other leave and allowances are permitted to the person selected.
3. Candidates must read all the instructions before filling the application form in a prescribed “Format of Application” from the University website Candidates must ensure that no column is wrongly filled in Application form as the information furnished therein would be used for deciding the eligibility and suitability of the candidates for being called for the interview. Applications not in the prescribed form or incomplete or not submitted as per the instructions herein shall be treated as invalid and shall be liable to be rejected and the responsibility of such rejection shall be on the candidate himself/herself.
4. An applicant is required to submit separate application for each post and each category.
5. Self-attested copies of the certificates shall be attached in support of information given in the application form wherever necessary and serial no. of enclosures shall be indicated in the relevant column of the application form. All the information contained in the application form shall be substantiated by supporting documents.
6. Where the University has followed grading system the candidate must obtain certificate from competent authority of the University certifying the percentage of marks obtained by the candidate.
8. A relaxation of 5% shall be allowed at the Bachelor‟s as well as at the Master„s level for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Classes (OBC)(Non-creamy Layer)/Differently-abled [(a) Blindness and low vision; (b) Deaf and Hard of Hearing; (c) Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid-attack victims and muscular dystrophy; (d) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness; (e) Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness] for the purpose of eligibility and assessing good academic record for direct recruitment. The eligibility marks of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever the grading system is followed) and the relaxation of 5% to the categories mentioned above are permissible, based only on the qualifying marks without including any grace mark procedure.
9. A relaxation of 5% shall be provided, (from 55% to 50% of the marks) to the Ph.D. Degree holders who have obtained their Master's Degree prior to 19th September, 1991.
10. A relevant grade which is regarded as equivalent of 55%, wherever the grading system is followed by a recognized university, at the Master‟s level shall also be considered valid.
11. Candidates belonging to the reserved categories specified by the state Government of Maharashtra only shall be considered for the posts reserved in this advertisement. The candidates from reserved category who are domiciled outside the State of Maharashtra will be treated as Open category candidates as per Maharashtra Govt. Circular No. CBS-1290/23116/Pra.Kra.378/ Mapak.5, dated 24-08-1995.

12. Candidates must attach self-attested copies of caste validity certificate and non-creamy layer certificate wherever applicable.
13. PRESCRIBED APPLICATION FORM CAN BE DOWNLOADED FROM THE UNIVERSITY WEBSITE at Completed application in NINE COPIES, in legal size alongwith ONE SET of self-attested copies of Certificates/Testimonials shall be submitted alongwith Registration fee (Non-refundable) of Rs.500/- for open category or Rs.300/- for S.C., S.T. & V.J.(A)/N.T.(B/C/D) categories, by way of demand draft (Demand Draft to be tagged at the top of the application) drawn in favour of “Finance & Accounts Officer, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur”.
14. Applicant must write name of the post/specialization, reserved/ unreserved post, his/her name and full address on the back of the Demand Draft without fail. 15. Paste (do not staple/pin) a passport size colour photograph in the space provided on the right top portion of the application form duly attested by the applicant at least on two application forms.
16. Canvassing in any form throughout the Selection Process shall entail disqualification of the candidate.
17. The right to fill or not to fill the post(s) or to modify/alter/cancel the advertisement is reserved by the University.
18. All disputes arising out of this advertisement are subject to Nagpur jurisdiction.
19. Proficiency in Marathi language is desirable.
20. Applicants shall not be entitled for any TA/DA towards attending the interview.
21. Selection will be made on the basis of candidate‟s previous record and performance during his/her interview. The University may also utilize seminar/colloquium and/or any other mode as a method of selection.
22. The University shall not be held responsible for postponement or cancellation of scheduled interview for any unforeseen/unavoidable reasons.
23. Applicants are advised to submit the applications to the University well in advance, without waiting till the last date, to avoid postal delay or any other unforeseen problems. The University will not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage.
24. Application received after the prescribed last date is liable to be rejected and no communication in this regard will be made with the candidate.
25. No correspondence will be made with applicants who are not short-listed or not called for interview.
26. Applications received by E-mail and Fax will not be entertained.
28. The set of NINE COPIES of the prescribed application form either handwritten or neatly typed, alongwith the clean and legible self-attested copies (not originals) of all relevant certificates/publications/pre-prints /reprints etc. in proof of all information (date of birth, qualifications, experience, publications, etc.) shall be submitted on or before the last date. 'Enclosure Sr.No._____ ' (as mentioned/filled in the application) shall be written at the right top corner of each copy of the certificate/document enclosed with the application.
29. The completed application form shall be submitted in a cloth lined envelope, writing at the center of the envelope the name of the post, subject/department, specialization (if any) and its category to the “The Registrar, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Administrative Building, Ravindranath Tagore Marg, Near Maharajbag, Civil Lines, Nagpur-440 001 (M.S.), India” on or before 15th July, 2019 up to 5.00 p.m.

Application Form>>

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