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Opening for B.Pharm, D.Pharm as Pharmacists (229 posts) under Medical Recruitment Board - Government Job

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MRB was constituted by the Government of Tamil Nadu in G.O. (Ms) No.1, Health and Family Welfare (C2) Department dated 02.01.2012 with the objective of making appointments to various categories of staff in the Health and Family Welfare Department by way of direct recruitment, in a speedy manner, keeping in view the nature, importance and essentiality of these posts. The Medical Services Recruitment Board started functioning with effect from 06.02.2012.

Pharmacist (Unani)
No of Posts : 20 [GT - 05, BC-06, BC(M)-1, MBC/DC - 04, SC-03, SC(A) - 1]

1) Diploma in Indian System of Medicine;
2) Diploma in Pharmacy in Unani;
3) Diploma in Integrated Pharmacy (DIP) conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu. “Provided that, if the persons holding the qualification specified in item
(1) is not available, then the persons holding the qualification specified in item
2) shall be considered: Provided further that, if the persons holding the qualification specified in item (2) is not available, then the persons holding the qualification specified in item (3) shall be considered.”

Scale of pay (Rs.) : 9,300 - 34,800 + GP 4,200 (Pre-Revised)

AGE (as on 01.07.2018) :
For all categories : Min 18 years to max 57
Differently Abled Person : Min 18 years to max 57
Ex-Service men : Min 18 years to max 57

Age concession for Ex-servicemen:- “ Notwithstanding anything contained in the Act or in the special rules for the various State and Subordinate Services, an ex – serviceman who has not completed forty eight years of age, if he does not belong to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Backward class or Most Backward Class or Denotified Community and fifty three years, if he belongs to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Backward Class or Most Backward Class or Denotified Community on the 1st July of the year in which the selection for appointment is made, but is otherwise qualified and whose name is suggested by a local Employment Exchange for appointment to a vacancy under the Government notified to it shall be eligible for such appointment.” “ Persons serving in the Armed Forces shall be eligible to apply for posts under the Government if they are due to Complete the specified term of their engagement in the Armed forces within one year from the last date prescribed by the appropriate authority for receipt of the application in respect of a particular recruitment. All such candidates while making their applications shall submit a self undertaking and a form of certificate from their Commanding Officer in the format given in Annexure – 8 of this notification. ” [Section 63 of Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act - 2016]

Age concession for Differently abled candidates:- Eligible Differently Abled candidates can avail age concession up to ten years over and above the age limits prescribed for the appointment to post by direct recruitment. [Section 64 of Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act - 2016]

Selection will be made based on the marks scored by the candidates in their academic and technical qualification(s) for the post of Pharmacist (Homoeopathy) duly following the rules of reservation and communal rotation issued by the Government of Tamil Nadu. There will be no oral test (Interview) for the post.

Minimum educational qualification required for the post
Diploma in Indian System of Medicine / Diploma in Pharmacy (Unani) / Diploma in Integrated Pharmacy
Weightage of marks
Diploma : 50%
HSC / P.U.C : 30%
SSLC / 10th :

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Pharmacist (Homoeopathy)
No of Posts : 23 [GT - 06, BC-06, BC(M)-1, MBC/DC - 05, SC-04, SC(A) - 1]

1) i) Must have passed S.S.L.C.
ii) Certificate of Registration „B‟ or „C‟ issued under rules 11(6) of the Tamil Nadu Homeopathy System of Medicine and Practitioners of Homoeopathy Rules 1972; and
iii) Must have registered under section 15(1)(b) or (c) of the Tamil Nadu Homoeopathy System of Medicine and Practitioners of Homoeopathy Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu Act 5 of 1972) or equivalent thereto; (or)
2) Must have passed the Diploma in Homoeopathy conducted by the Tamil Nadu Homoeopathy Council. (or)
3) Must have passed the Diploma in Integrated Pharmacy course conducted by Government of Tamil Nadu. “Provided that, if the persons holding the qualification specified in item (2) is not available, then the persons holding the qualification specified in item (3) shall be considered”

Scale of pay (Rs.) : Scale of pay of Rs.9,300-34,800 + GP 4,200 (Pre-Revised)

AGE (as on 01.07.2018) :
For all categories : Min 18 years to max 57
Differently Abled Person : Min 18 years to max 57
Ex-Service men : Min 18 years to max 57

Minimum educational qualification required for the post
Certificate of Registration „B‟ or „C‟ issued under rules 11(6) of the Tamil Nadu Homeopathy System of Medicine and Practitioners of Homoeopathy Rules 1972 / Diploma in Homoeopathy / Diploma in Integrated Pharmacy
Weightage of marks
Diploma : 50%
HSC / P.U.C : 30%
SSLC / 10th :

i. The claims of the candidates with regard to the date of birth, educational/technical qualifications and community are generally accepted only on the information furnished by them in their on-line application, without physical verification of their claims. Their candidature therefore will be provisional and subject to the Board satisfying itself, about their age, educational/technical qualifications, community etc. through a physical verification process. The candidature is therefore, provisional at all stages Page 6 of 32 and the Board reserves the right to reject any candidature at any stage, even after the selection has been made. ii. If a candidate claims equivalent qualification, the onus of proving the same rests with the candidate. iii. Persons with required qualification whether registered in employment exchange or otherwise are eligible to apply.

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Pharmacist (Ayurveda)
No of Posts : 38 [GT - 11, BC-10, BC(M)-1, MBC/DC - 08, SC-06, SC(A) - 2]

1) Diploma in Indian System of Medicine;
2) Diploma in Pharmacy in Ayurveda;
3) Diploma in Integrated Pharmacy (DIP) conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu. “Provided that, if the persons holding the qualification specified in item
(1) is not available, then the persons holding the qualification specified in item
(2) shall be considered: Provided further that, if the persons holding the qualification specified in item
(2) is not available, then the persons holding the qualification specified in item
(3) shall be considered.”

Scale of pay (Rs.) : Rs.9,300-34,800 + GP 4,200 (Pre – Revised)

AGE (as on 01.07.2018) :
For all categories : Min 18 years to max 57
Differently Abled Person : Min 18 years to max 57
Ex-Service men : Min 18 years to max 57

Minimum educational qualification required for the post
Diploma in Indian System of Medicine / Diploma in Pharmacy (Ayurveda) / Diploma in Integrated Pharmacy
Weightage of marks
Diploma : 50%
HSC / P.U.C : 30%
SSLC / 10th :

The claims of the candidates with regard to the date of birth, educational/technical qualifications and community are generally accepted only on the information furnished by them in their on-line application, without physical verification of their claims. Their candidature therefore will be provisional and subject to the Board satisfying itself, about their age, educational/technical qualifications, community etc. through a physical verification process. The candidature is therefore, provisional at all stages and the Board reserves the right to reject any candidature at any stage, even after the selection has been made.
ii. If a candidate claims equivalent qualification, the onus of proving the same rests with the candidate.
iii. Persons with required qualification whether registered in employment exchange or otherwise are eligible to apply.

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Pharmacist (Siddha)
No of Posts : 148 [GT - 46, BC-39, BC(M)-05, MBC/DC - 30, SC-22, SC(A) - 5, ST- 01]

1) Diploma in Indian System of Medicine;
2) Diploma in Pharmacy in Siddha;
3) Diploma in Integrated Pharmacy (DIP) conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu. “Provided that, if the persons holding the qualification specified in item
(1) is not available, then the persons holding the qualification specified in item
(2) shall be considered: Provided further that, if the persons holding the qualification specified in item
(2) is not available, then the persons holding the qualification specified in item
(3) shall be considered.”

Scale of pay (Rs.) : Scale of pay of Rs.9,300-34,800 + GP 4,200 (Pre – Revised)

AGE (as on 01.07.2018) :
For all categories : Min 18 years to max 57
Differently Abled Person : Min 18 years to max 57
Ex-Service men : Min 18 years to max 57

Minimum educational qualification required for the post
Diploma in Indian System of Medicine / Diploma in Pharmacy (Siddha) / Diploma in Integrated Pharmacy
Weightage of marks
Diploma : 50%
HSC / P.U.C : 30%
SSLC / 10th :

The claims of the candidates with regard to the date of birth, educational/technical qualifications and community are generally accepted only on the information furnished by them in their on-line application, without physical verification of their claims. Their candidature therefore will be provisional and subject to the Board satisfying itself, about their age, educational/technical qualifications, community etc. through a physical verification process. The candidature is therefore, provisional at all stages and the Board reserves the right to reject any candidature at any stage, even after the selection has been made.
ii. If a candidate claims equivalent qualification, the onus of proving the same rests with the candidate.
iii. Persons with required qualification whether registered in employment exchange or otherwise are eligible to apply.

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SC / SCA / ST / DAP(PH) : Rs. 250/-
Others : Rs. 500/-

The details regarding on-line/off-line remittance can be seen in Annexure-1. On-line applications once registered / completed will not be allowed to be withdrawn and / or the fee paid towards the registration / application will not be refunded / adjusted for any reason.


a. Candidates should apply only through online in the Board‟s Website
b. Before applying, the candidates should keep a scanned image of their colour photograph and scanned image of their signature. (Preferably stored in a CD/DVD/Pen drive as per their convenience).
c. A valid e-mail ID and Mobile Number is mandatory for registration and email ID and the given mobile number should be kept active till the declaration of results. MRB will send intimation regarding certificate verification, other Messages etc. only through the registered e-mail ID.
d. The candidates shall register their mobile number in the application to receive SMSs. All communications from the MRB will be through e-mail and SMS to the candidate’s registered primary mobile number/registered email only.
e. Please note that all the particulars mentioned in the online application including Name of the Candidate, Post Applied, Communal Category, Date of birth, Address, Email ID, etc. will be considered as final and no modifications will be allowed after the last date specified for applying online. Candidates are requested to fill in the online application form with utmost care as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained.
f. Payment of fee can be done through either on-line mode or offline mode. While filling up of on-line application they shall select the appropriate payment method.

Online Payment (Net Banking, Credit card/Debit card/Mobile Wallet)
g. For payment of fee through the online payment gateway, i.e. Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit card and Mobile Wallet Payment, an additional page of the application form will be displayed, wherein candidates may follow the instructions and fill in the requisite details to remit payment.
h. After submitting the payment information in the online application form, please wait for the intimation from the server, DO NOT press Back or Refresh button, in order to avoid double charge.
i. If the online transaction has been successfully completed a final Registration Number and Password will be generated. Candidates should note the same for future reference.

Offline Payment through Indian Bank
j. For offline mode of payment, candidates have to select Indian Bank.
k. Click “SUBMIT” to submit the Application form.
l. On Submission, system will generate the payment challan which the candidate need to take print out and visit any of the branches of Indian Bank to make the payment.(Please note that offline Indian bank payment challans will be generated only during 8 am to 8 pm only.) m. Online Application Registration will be taken as successful one, only if the payment is made in any of the Indian Bank branches within two working days from the date of registration/submission of application, failing which the application will be rejected.
n. If the transaction is successful, Registration number and password will be generated. The same should be noted for future reference.

Date of  issue of Corrigendum : 10.07.2018
Last date for submission of Application (Online Registration & Online payment) :

Last date for offline payment of fee through Indian Bank : 01.08.2018



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