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Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission opens for M.Pharm, M.Sc pursuing (15 posts) for PvPI Research Trainee Fellowship

GPAT courses

The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) is an Autonomous Body under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India is primarily set up with the objectives of regularly updating the Indian Pharmacopoeia by publishing new edition and its addenda, National Formulary of India and other related tasks such as preparing, certification and distribution of reference substances & functions as National Coordination Centre (NCC) for Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI).

PvPI is offering Pharmacovigilance Research Trainee Fellowship for academic year 2017-18

Name of the fellowship : PvPI Research Trainee Fellowship

Eligibility: Students must meet all of the following criteria.
- Pursing M.Sc (Pharmacology, Clinical Research) or MS (Pharmacy Practice)/M.Pharmacy (Regulatory Affairs, Pharmacology, Pharmacy Practice,
Clinical Research, Pharmacovigilance) 2nd year in an affiliated
Institutions/Universities during 2017-18.
- Must have minimum 70% marks or should be GPAT exam qualified.
- Good communication skills in English & operating computer.

Preference will be given to the candidates hailing from rural areas

The objective of this fellowship is to promote the growth in Pharmacovigilance based research at NCC-PvPI, IPC, Ghaziabad.


Total amount of Fellowship : Rs.20,000/9 months (August 2017- April 2018)

Location of research project : NCC-PvPI, IPC, Ghaziabad

Duration of research project : August 2017- April 2018

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Terms & Conditions:
1) The selected candidates will be required to work at IPC for a period of nine months (August 2017-April 2018)
2) They will be required to spend their time for doing Pharmacovigilance related research work towards collection of data from the field for their research project on Pharmacovigilance. In addition they will be given some specialised work related to PvPI. 3) Candidate must submit a approval letter from Principal/Head of the Department of the Institute to pursue research project at NCC-PvPI

Disbursement of Fellowship Amount
The fellowship amount of Rs.20,000/- (Twenty thousand rupees only) will be released in two instalments. The first instalment of Rs. 10,000/- will be released after completion of four months period. The second instalment of Rs.10,000/- will be released after completion of research project (nine months).

How to Apply
The application format can be downloaded from the website: of the Commission. The applications along with the self attested documents in support of the claims for eligibility must reach this office (through email i.e. with in10 days from the date of publication of the advertisement given in IPC website.

- In case of multiple applications received from a particular Institution, maximum one candidate will awarded this fellowship.
- The data analysed at NCC-PvPI for research project should be kept confidential and should not be used for preparing of any manuscripts/research publications.
- Certificates will be issued to the Candidates by the Secretary-cum-Scientific Director, IPC for pursuing the research projects at NCC-PvPI, Ghaziabad on successful completion of the projects.
- The research topics will be identified by NCC-PvPI by keeping the view on current trends & emerging areas of Pharmacovigilance.

Last Date : 4th August, 2017

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