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Wanted Principal, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor in College of Pharmacy, Medha

Clinical research courses

The College of Pharmacy, Medha was established in the year 2003 under the auspices of Meruling Shikshan Sanstha, Dare Khurd (Satara). The College is recognized by The Government of Maharashtra and affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur, approved by the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) and All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. It is located at Medha in a sprawling pollution free campus which is 20 KM away from Satara City. The College is housed in a campus with most conducive atmosphere for academic preference. Vision Our Institute will serve as a focus towards the pinnacle of academic leadership for the profession of Pharmacy. Our Institute will elevate with a culture of mutual care and commitment by providing a satisfying and exciting work environment, continuous learning and research opportunities. Our Institute will elevate the culture of mutual care and commitment by providing a satisfying and exciting study environment, continuous learning and research opportunities.

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts to be filled in college’s B. Pharmacy section.

Post : Principal, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant  Professor

Principal - 01 post(open)

Professor : Pharmaceutical Chemistry - 01 post (open)

Associate Professor :
Pharmaceutics-01(open), Pharmaceutical Chemistry-01(open), Pharmacology-01(open), Pharmacognosy-1(open)

Pharmaceutics-1(SC),1(ST),PharmaceuticalChemistry-1(ST) Pharmacology- 1(open),  Pharmacognosy-1(open)

Conditions :  
1. Educational qualifications, pay scales and service conditions will be as per the rules of apex body and Government of Maharashtra.
2. Appointment to the post of principal will be for a period of 5 years from the Date of appointment or up to the attainment of the age of superannuation of the candidates, whichever is earlier. The appointment shall be on the basis of provisions as per 30 June 2010 UGC Notification.
3. Roman figures in the brackets shows the number of times the post is being advertised.
4. Reserved candidates outside the State of Maharashtra will be treated as Open Category candidates.
5. Reserved candidates are advised to send a copy of their application to the Deputy Registrar, Special Cell, Shivaji University, Kolhapur - 416 004.
6. Reservation for female/persons with disabilities will be decided by appointing authorities.
7. Reserved candidates shall produce the Cast Validity Certificates as per the directives issued by the State Government vide circular No. BCC-2011/ 00- 1064/2011/16-c dtd. 12-12-2011.
8.The above teaching posts advertisement is published as per G.R.dtd.24.08.2015 regarding guidelines for reservation provisions.
9.  Those who are already in service should apply through proper channel.
10. Incomplete application will not be entertained.
11. Apply in giving full particulars within 15 day from the date of publication of this advertisement to the undersigned.

Last date : 15th July, 2016

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