Application for the post of Pharmacists (Unani) under CGHS, Delhi, are to be sent to ADO, NG, CGHS(HQ) Office of the Additional Director (HQ), Central Government Health Scheme, R.K.Puram, Sector - 12, New Delhi - 110011.
Post : Pharmacist
No. of Post : 05 (01-SC, OBC-02, UR-02)
Qualification Essential:
1. Matriculation with proficiency in Urdu ora equivalent oriental qualification In Urdu/Arabic/Persian.
2. A Certificate/diploma of a minimum of one year's duration in Unani Pharmacy awarded by a State Board or an Institution of repute followed by one year's practical experience as a Pharmacist in a reputed Unani Hospital/ Dispensary/ Pharmacy.
OR Three years' experience as a Pharmacist in Unani Pharmacy/ Dispensary/ Hospital
Pay Band-Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay: Rs.2800/-(Entry Level Pay -11360)
Age: 18- 30 years
1.The Pharmacist will be personally responsible for the correct dispensing as per prescriptions issued by the medical officer and for the safe custody of the stores received by him. He will issue medicines, mixtures, etc. in accordance with the instructions issued by the Directorate / Medical Stores / Depot / Medical officer Incharge from time to time.
2. He will be personally responsible to see that the dispensing room is kept absolutely clean all the time, bottles are properly croked and well dusted. He will maintain weighing scales and balance in good working condition
3. He will dispense stock mixtures and medicines properly measured and weighed. He will issue an original packing to a beneficiary only after breaking the seal.
4. He will perform any, other duty assigned by Medical Officer Incharge commensurate with the nature of work.
1.The vacancies notified are likely to vary subject to the finalization of SIU reports
2.The screening of applications will be done according to percentage of marks obtained at various levels:
3.The incomplete and ineligible applications on any account will be rejected without any ref-erence.
4.The candidates who had applied earlier for the post are required to apply afresh Certified that while placing this demand, the instructions/ connected with the orders on com¬munal representation in the services have been strictly followed with due regard to the roster maintained in accordance with those orders (to be given only by all the Central Govt, offices/ establishments/ Undertakings etc.
Place of work: New Delhi.
Additional Director ,
CGHS (HQ), CGHS Building.
Sector-12. R.K. Puram.
New Delhi-1-10022
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