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Opportunity to Work as JRF in Indian Institute Of Technology

Clinical research courses

Tissue Regeneration is an immerging and highly interdisciplinary field of research which required multidisciplinary skill set. Tissue regeneration evolved from the field of biomaterials development and refers to the practice of combining biomaterials, cells, and biologically active molecules into functional tissues. The goal of tissue engineering is to assemble functional constructs that restore, maintain, or improve damaged tissues or whole organs. Our laboratory works at the interface of materials engineering (including polymeric Biomaterials) and biology to develop next-generation approaches in the generation of tissues such as bone, cartilage, and skin etc. We are seeking for talented, motivated and passionate individuals, eager to learn multidisciplinary skill set and ready to explore their talent/idea in the improvement of human health care, and to join our efforts in a leading-edge translation research on “Novel Polymeric Biomaterials for Tissue Regeneration ” . The candidate will get highly interdisciplinary work environment to perform cutting age research.

Post : JRF

Essential Qualification:
M. Sc. in Chemistry, M. Tech (pharmaceutical chemistry, materials science, chemical, nanoscience and technology) with 60% marks or equivalent CGPA. Relevant research experience would be preferred. Candidate should have strong interest to pursue PhD.

Duration of project:
Three years. The appointment will be on temporary basis for a period of one year. Based on performance in the first year, the appointment could be extended till the end of project. Candidate should have strong interest to pursue PhD. Depending on the performance; candidate will be offered to continue this work for PhD.

Work Experience: Minimum 1-2 years of working experience on following areas will be strongly considered.     
Chemistry: Strong Knowledge on Physical, Organic Chemistry and solvent chemistry, worked with Biopolymers, Basic organic synthesis, Polymer synthesis and modification (optional), Polymer blending, Biomaterials fabrication    
Biology (Optional): Basic knowledge in Biology, if not, then eager to learn. Cell and culture and different biochemical assays

Emoluments: Will be decided based on the candidate qualification and experience.

Eligible candidates should apply with their CV via email to on and before July. 15th, 2016, with the subject marked as “JRF Position”. Candidates will be short listed for the interview based on merit and experience and will be informed via email. (Interview will be conducted between 18th July to 26th July 2016)

Preference: will be given to the candidates of highly motivated in this research and eager to learn the multidisciplinary skill set with relevant experience on the above mentioned project. CSIR/UGC/NET holder with strong interest on this research field also will be given priority as well. Candidate should have strong interest to pursue PhD.

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