The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) was set up by Govt. of Odisha as a statutory body in the year 1994 for carrying out direct recruitment against Group-C posts in the State cadre (as against District cadre) as may be scheduled in the OSSC Rules, 1993. There are some 85 different cadres of posts/ services under various departments of Government to which recruitment is made through this Commission.
Indicative advertisement inviting applications online for Scientific Assistant under Directorate of Export Promotion Marketing
Post: Scientific Assistant
No.of post: 14
SCALE OF PAY: Rs.9300 to 34,800/- with Grade Pay Rs.4200/- in Pay Band-2
CONDITIONS OF SERVICE: Appointment is contractual initially to be guided by the Odisha Group-B (Contractual Appointment) Rules, 2013 notified vide G.A. Department Notification No. GAD-SC-Rules-0061-2013-1147/Gen dt. 17-01-14
Age: Must not be below 21 years and above 32 years of age as on 1.1.2014.
Upper age relaxation limits: 5 years in case of SEBC,SC,ST and Women, 10 years for PwD For in-service contractual employees as per provisions contained in the concerned Rules.
Minimum Educational Qualification:
Scientific Asst.(Mech. Branch) & Sr.Inspector- B.Tech.(Mechanical)
ScientificAsst.(Chemical Branch)-B.Tech.(Chemical) or M.Sc(Chemistry)
Scientific Asst. Pharmaceutical Branch- B.Pharma/M.Pharma
OPTION: The candidates may give their option in order of preference for the posts having the desired qualification.
PLAN OF EXAMINATION: Main written Examination consists of two papers, (Paper I-Composite paper -General English-25 marks & Odia Language-25 marks & GeneralStudies-100 marks, Paper II-Technical Paper-200 marks from respective subjects), viva voce test-25 marks. Total 375 marks.
EXAMINATION FEES Rs.100/- (can be remitted online through Odisha Treasury Portal (e-chalan) or Treasury Chalan in any Treasury/ Sub-Treasury under the prescribed Head of Account. “0051-PSC-104- UPSC/SSC-Examination Fees-0047-Fees collected for conducting examinations-02041-Examiantion Fees”.
The ST, SC & PwD candidates are exempted from paying any examination fee.
This advertisement is indicative in nature and provisional. The candidates are advised to go through the details in the detailed advertisement uploaded in the official website of the Commission
Odisha Staff Selection Commission
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