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Combined Computer Based Recruitment Tests for recruitment to:
(i) 147 posts of Drugs Inspector in Central Drugs Standard Control Organization under Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
(ii) 7 posts of Drugs Inspector in Drugs Control Department, Health and Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi.

26.07.2015 -from 02:00 PM TO 04:00 P.M. (SUNDAY)
Combined Computer Based Recruitment Tests for recruitment to:

(i) 147 posts of Drugs Inspector in Central Drugs Standard Control Organization under Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
(ii) 7 posts of Drugs Inspector in Drugs Control Department, Health and Family Welfare Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi.

Candidates reporting at the Centre venue: 12.30 PM
Authenticating the Admit Card and registering the candidate: 12.30 P.M. onwards
Candidates will be allowed inside the Lab: 12.30 P.M. onwards
Candidates entry will close at main entrance: 1.15 P.M.
Password Announcement: 1.50 P.M.
Candidates will open the secure browser & read instructions: 1.50 P.M. - 2.00 P.M.
Test start time: 2.00 P.M.
Test end time: 4.00 P.M.
Candidates will move out in an orderly manner: 4.00 - 4.15 P.M.

Candidates Entry Instructions
- Candidates must queue outside the entry gate and enter in an orderly manner.
- While entering, the candidates must show their Admit Cards to the security at the Main Gate.
- Candidates are allowed to enter the Test Venues and registration would start from 12:30 PM onwards.
- Entry to Computer Labs starts at 12:30 PM
- Candidates’ entry shall NOT be allowed into the test venue after 1.15 P.M. under any circumstances.
- The candidates registration closes at 1.30 P.M.

(a) The test will be of two hours duration and the medium of the test will be English only.
(b) The test will be an objective type with multiple choices of answers and will carry a maximum of 100 marks.
(c) There will be penalty for wrong answers. Every wrong answer will carry a deduction of onethird of the marks assigned to that question. If no answer is marked for a question, there will be no penalty for that question.

Syllabus : It comprises the following broad areas:
(i) Basic Knowledge in Pharmaceutical Chemistry – Chemistry of Drugs, their uses- Pharmacological and Toxicological effects of Drugs.
(ii) Knowledge in manufacturing and evaluation of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms.
(iii) Knowledge in Analysis of Drug formulations and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.
(iv) Procedures involved in collection of blood and preparation of its components.
(v) Procedures involved in production of Vaccines, Sera and Biotech products.
(vi) Good Manufacturing Practices in manufacturing activity.
(vii) Good Laboratory Practices in analysis of Drugs and Cosmetics.
(viii) Good Clinical Practices.
(ix) Knowledge of Investigational skills.
(x) Drugs and Cosmetics Act and Rules with respect to Clinical Trials, Manufacture, Sale and Import of Drugs, Medical Devices and Cosmetics.
(xi) Basic Principles of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics.
(xii) Basic Knowledge of Computer Applications
(xiii) English Language Proficiency.

(A) The Candidate must take the Test only at the Test Venue indicated in the Admit Card only. If the candidate appears at any other Test Venue, his candidature is liable to be cancelled.
(B) Shortlisted Candidates would be asked to submit the documents in support of their claim for the posts. Their documents will be scrutinized and those Candidates who fulfil all the eligibility conditions of the posts shall be called for Interview.
(C) The Candidates are directed to undertake the Recruitment Test at their own risk i.e. after verifying that they fulfil the qualifications as prescribed in the Advertisement, and their admission to the Test is purely ‘Provisional’.

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- Duration of the Test is 120 minutes.
- The medium of test will be English only.
- Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
- Maximum marks are 100 and all items (questions) carry equal marks.
- This Test carries negative marking. For every wrong answer, 1/3rd marks will be deducted.
- If a question is not attended i.e., no answers is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that item.
- Password will be announced at 1.50 P.M. Candidates will open the secure browser and read instructions from 1.50 PM to 2.00 PM. However, candidates will not be allowed to start their Test before 2.00 PM even if they read instructions before 2.00 PM as the time is synchronized with server. Candidates will have to enter their roll number as user ID and password announced by the invigilator in the Test log-in page.
- Rough worksheets will be provided to the candidates on demand.
- In the event of the Test being disrupted, the candidate should immediately inform the invigilator. The invigilator will help the candidate to re-login to the test. This will start the exam from where it had stopped.
- Numbered list of all questions will appear at the right side of the screen.
- Keep a close watch on “Time Left” while appearing for the test.
- Question once attempted, would be final. However, answer can be changed at any time during the Test before final submission including unattempting the question using ‘Clear Response’ button.
- You will be automatically stopped from answering questions when the time of test is over and the test will auto-submit.
- Candidates should not carry any books, paper, mobile phone or any other electronic item to the test venue. UPSC will not be responsible for the safekeeping of such item.
- Impersonation (to assume the identity of another with intent to deceive) is forbidden.
- Candidates must not, on any pretext whatsoever speak to or have any communication with any other Candidates; such communication will be regarded as a breach of the Test regulations.
- Candidates in the Test venue, who is found to have unauthorized materials in his/her possession, shall be deemed to have indulged in breach of the test regulations. Any breach of test regulations shall be considered to constitute unfair practice. In case any candidate is found to be indulging in unfair practice, he will be liable to be debarred from this and future Tests/Exams of UPSC and/or disciplinary action.
- At the conclusion of the test, candidates must remain seated quietly and must not communicate with one another.
- No candidate shall be permitted to leave Test Lab till expiry of the allotted time.
- No candidate shall be allowed to go to the toilet during the last 30 minutes of the Test.
- The candidate must abide by the instructions and such further instructions as may be given by Supervisor/Invigilator of the Test. If the candidate fails to do so or indulges in disorderly or improper conduct, he/she will render himself/herself liable to expulsion from the Test and/or such other punishment as the Commission may deem fit to impose.
- The candidate will furnish such necessary and correct information as may be required from him/her in the Test Lab by the Invigilator/Assistant Supervisor/Supervisor/other persons so authorized.

- The candidate must note that his/her admission to the Test is strictly “Provisional”.
- The mere fact that an e-Admit Card has been issued to him/her does not imply that the candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission or that the entries made by the candidate in his/her application for the Test have been accepted by the Commission as true and correct.
- The candidate must note that the Commission takes up the verification of eligibility conditions i.e. age, educational qualifications, community etc. with reference to original documents only of those candidates who qualify in the Recruitment Test. Unless the candidature is formally confirmed by the Commission, it continues to be “Provisional”.
- The candidate must also note that if subsequent to the issue of e-Admit Card, ineligibility is detected at any stage before or after the Test or if the conditions prescribed in the Rules and Instructions given in the advertisement or any other additional information/documents called for at any stage are not complied with within the time specified therein, the candidature would be rejected.
- Travelling and other expenses must be borne by the candidate himself/ herself.
- The Commission does not make arrangements for boarding and lodging of any candidate.


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