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Research Associate and Junior Research Fellow in Bharathidasan University

Clinical research courses

Bharathidasan University established in February 1982, and was named after the great revolutionary Tamil Poet, Bharathidasan (1891-1968). The motto of the University "We will create a brave new world". The University endeavours to be true to such a vision by creating in the region a brave new world of academic innovation for social change"(NAAC, - 2005, p.69). The year 2006-07 is the Silver Jubilee year for this great and vibrant University.

Post: Research Associate- 01 and Junior Research Fellow- 02

One Research Associate and Two Junior Research Fellow positions are available at National Facility for Marine Cyanobacteria, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, to work on INDO - UK - DBT - BBSRC project titled “Sustainable bio - energy from microalgae - A systems perspective” funded by DBT Govt. of India.

For the above positions applications are invited from individuals who have high motivation to do research. For Junior Research Fellow, I Class M.Sc in Microbiology/Biotechnology/Life Science and for Research Associate, candidates possessing doctoral degree, in relevant subject from recognized institutes are eligible to apply. Candidates with research experiences in molecular biology and bioinformatics are preferable.

Interested candidates can send their complete CV in plain paper with a passport size photograph, with details of Marks secured in all subjects from plus two stage (with proof), full postal address, sex, date of birth, community etc, along with additional qualification or experiences and two address of references whom could be contacted (One of whom should be PG teacher/guide).

Application should reach the Principal Investigator within 10 days from the date of advertisement by Email/Registered post/ Speed post, with subject subscribed as “Application for Research Fellow or Research Associate position”. Qualifying candidates will be short listed and communicated with date of interview. No TA and DA will be given for attending the interview.

Address for Communication
Dr. L.Uma
Principal Investigator
National Facility for Marine Cyanobacteria
Bharathidasan University
Tiruchirappalli- 620024, Tamil Nadu


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