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Job Openings for Pharm.D, B.Pharm in Dr. YSR Aarogyasri Health Care Trust | 21 Openings

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Job Openings for Pharm.D, B.Pharm in Dr. YSR Aarogyasri Health Care Trust

Applications are invited from the qualified candidates for recruitment of Aarogya Mithras and Team Leaders under Dr.YSR Aarogyasri Health Care Trust, Nellore District on Outsourcing basis.

Aarogya Mithra
No of posts :
Pay Salary : 15,000/-
Age : Should be below 65 Years
Qualifications :  (a) Qualifications: B.Sc Nursing, M.SC Nursing, B.Pharmacy, Pharma-D, B.Sc Medical Lab Technology with good academic record.
(b) Skills :
i. Excellent communication skills.
ii.Should have working knowledge on Telugu & English
iii. Should have computer knowledge and efficient in MS office. iv.Shall have basic understanding of Medical /Surgical Specialities, and Hospitals administration.
Method of recruitment : Outsourcing

Team Leaders
No of posts :
Pay Salary : Salary18,500/-
Age : Should be below 65 Years
Qualifications : 
(a) Qualifications: B.Sc Nursing, M.SC Nursing, B Pharmacy, Pharma-D, B.Sc Medical Lab Technology with good academic record.
(b) Experience: Minimum of 2 years of fulltime experience in hospital services.
(c) Skills:
i. Excellent communication skills and leadership qualities.
ii. Should read, speak, and write Telugu and English.
iii. Able to handle difficult and complex situations.
iv. Demonstrated experience with and knowledge of computerized data collection, management, reporting and analysis systems, and
v. Shall have basic understanding of Medical /Surgical specialties, and Hospitals administration.
(d) Additional Qualification: any PG, Experience in Hospital Administration will be preferred.
Method of recruitment : Outsourcing

General Instructions
(1) Candidates applying in response to this advertisement should satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for the post. They must be fulfilling eligibility criteria as on the last date of submission of resumes.
(2) Recruitment shall be done only on the recommendations of duly constituted Selection Committees. The decision of the Appointing Authority shall be final.

Selection Process
1) Academic Qualification
2) Computer test
3) Interview

Documents/ Certificate to be produced at the time of selection process
Following documents/certificates, in original along with one set of photocopies are required to be brought at the time of selection process:

1. S.S.C or Equivalent examination Marks Memo
2. Intermediate or 10+2 examination Marks Memo.
3. Qualifying Examination Pass Certificate.
4. Marks memos of all the years (qualifying examination)
5. Registration and Renewal certificates of respective councils.
6 Internship Certificate if any applicable.
7. Latest Caste certificate issued by the Tashildhar/MRO concerned
8. Study certificate for the years from 4th class to 10th Class. In case of Private stud y residence certificate from the Tashildhar 'MRO concerned for the above period (4th to 10th Class study period).
9. PH certificate (SADARFM CERTIFICATE) in respect of candidates (reservation under PH Quota
10. I photographs duly pasted on the application form with self attestation

Application in the prescribed format may be sent to O/o DISTRICT COORDINATOR, Dr. VSR AAROGYASRI. GOVT GENERAL HOSPITAL, DARGAMITTA, NELLORE from 13.05.2022 to 23.05.2022, working days in working hours i.e.. 10.00 AM to 06 00 PM. The application without signature of the applicant or without any of the following enclosures will be sum manly rejected

Last date for submission of resumes is 23-05-2022

Application Form & More Info>>

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