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Pharmacy Recruitment at Border Roads Organisation

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Pharmacy Recruitment at Border Roads Organisation

The Border Roads Organisation is a road construction executive force in India that provides support to and is now a part of the Indian Armed Forces. BRO develops and maintains road networks in Indias border areas and friendly neighboring countries. Nations most reputed, multifaceted, transnational, modern construction Organisation committed to meeting the strategic needs of the armed forces with enlightened leadership, a strong, skilled and committed work force, a well ingrained value system and a strong environment conscience. Playing a national role in socio economic development through its large scale contribution to infrastructure development.

Post : Multi Skilled Worker Nursing Assistant

Educational and Other Qualification :
(a) (i) 12 class pass with Biology from a recognized Board.
(ii) One year certificate course in Nursing or Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery (ANM) certificate or any other equivalent or higher qualification in the field of Nursing or Pharmacy from recognized institutions.
Or (iii) Passed Class II Course for Nursing Assistant from Armed Forces Medical Services or General Reserve Engineer Force Training School. (b) Should qualify in proficiency test in the trade to be conducted by Border Roads Organisation.
(c) Should qualify physical tests as per Border Roads Organisation guidelines.
(d) Should meet physical and medical standards as per Border Roads Organisation guidelines.

Age Limit/ Relaxation :
Between 18 and 27 years of age. (Relaxable for the Government servants upto the age of 40 years in case of General candidates, upto the age of 43 years in case of OBC candidates and upto the age of 45 years in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in accordance with instructions or orders issued by the Central Government from time to time.)
(a) UR & EWSs : NIL
(b) SC/ST : 5 years
(c) Other Backward Class : 3 years
(d) Central Government Civilian employee and departmental candidates who have rendered not less than three years of regular and continuous service : Up to 45 years for SC/ST, 43 years for OBC and 40 years for UR
(e) Ex-Serviceman : Ex-Serviceman who has put in NOT less than six months continuous service in the Armed Forces shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from his actual age plus 3 years in addition to age relaxation admissible to OBC/SC/ST category.
(f) Jammu & Kashmir Migrant : 05 years

1. No age relaxation is allowed to SC/ST/OBC/EWSs candidates applying against unreserved vacancies.
2. Age and experience where required will be reckoned as on closing date of application i.e. 45 days from date of publication of this advertisement in Employment News.
3. Age relaxation as applicable to SC/ST and OBC will be applicable in addition to the above relaxation for J&K migrant.

Candidates must pay the application fee (Non-Refundable), directly through online URL link in favour of Commandant, GREF Centre, Pune-411 015. No other mode of payment will be accepted. The Candidate must attach the copy of e-receipt along with his application form. Application fee for each category mentioned as below:-
(a) General candidates and EWS including Ex-servicemen : Rs 50/-
(b) Other Backward Class candidates : Rs 50/-
(c) Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe : NIL

Note : Candidates of ST/SC Category are not required to pay application fee or attach the copy.

(a) Application will be filled up in English/Hindi only.
(b) No candidate will send more than one application for the same post. The candidature may be cancelled, if candidate applies more than one application for one post.
(c) Candidate should affix latest photograph in application form and Admit Card. The candidate should be in possession of adequate number (Min 08) of photographs with him.
(d) Candidates applying for more than one post should send separate application with separate fee. One envelope should contain one application for one post only. However, dates for Written Test, Physical Efficiency Test & Practical Test (Trade Test) will be decided by the Department.
(e) If a candidate has changed his name or dropped or added part of his name after Matriculation/SSC/Hr Secondary/Sr Secondary, he will be required to submit an attested copy of Gazette Notification to the effect that he has changed his name after matric or otherwise for appearing in further recruitment process. The changed name should also have been indicated in the Gazette Notification.
(f) Candidates are advised to go through the general instructions carefully as mentioned against Advt No 01/2022. Candidate should carefully go through all the provisions in the advertisement to ensure that he is eligible for the post for which he is applying in terms of requirements of age, educational qualification etc. AS ON CLOSING DATE.
(g) Copies of certificates for proof of residence, essential educational qualification, date of birth, caste certificate, proof of EWS status etc should be enclosed with application form. All testimonial copies be attested by Gazetted Officer or self attested. The Caste certificate for SC/ST, OBC and EWS income & assets certificate should be as per format given at Appendix ‘B’, ‘C’ & ‘D’ respectively. SC/ST, OBC and EWS Certificate (date of issue should not be older than one year as on closing date for OBC and EWS Candidates), should be signed by competent authority and should have OFFICE ROUND SEAL AND APPOINTMENT SEAL DULY AFFIXED ON it at the place provided.
(h) PROOF OF RESIDENCE ISSUED BY THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY. Gorkhas of Indian domicile will produce Permanent Residence Certificate (PRC) issued by the competent authority.
(j) Any certificate in language other than Hindi or English should be enclosed with translation in Hindi or English duly attested by a Group A Gazetted officer.
(l) EXPERIENCE CERTIFICATE (WHEREVER REQUIRED) FROM PRIVATE EMPLOYER SHOULD BE ON PRINTED LETTER HEADS QUOTING THEIR REFERENCE NUMBER WITH RUBBER SEAL. THE CERTIFICATE MUST INDICATE REGISTRATION NUMBER GST NO, TIN NO. NATURE OF WORK DONE, PERIOD OF EMPLOYMENT WITH DATE AND MONTHLY SALARY. (m) CASUAL PAID LABOURERS (CPL) are required to attach experience certificate indicating CPL Code number signed by OC unit, countersigned by Commander BRTF and duly verified by concerned Accounts Officer with their application. The Casual Paid Labourers (CPL) should forward their application to Commandant GREF Centre, Pune, alongwith the Experience certificate.
(n) Casual Paid Labourers (CPLs) who have worked for 179 days as CPL in GREF during the last one year and continues to work in the Organisation on Muster Roll as on the date of publication of advertisement in news paper is entitled for grant of 10% additional weightage while arriving at cut off marks for issue of call letters subject to meeting the eligibility criteria and educational qualifications as per Recruitment Rules of the post applied for.

(o) Candidates are required to super scribe the word APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _______ Category UR/SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD/ESM/CPL, WEIGHTAGE PERCENTAGE IN ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION ________________________ on the top of the envelope while sending the application form.
(p) All applications quoting this advertisement number and post applied for should be submitted so as to reach to Commandant GREF Centre, Dighi camp, Pune- 411 015 within 45 days from the date of publication of this advertisement from the candidates staying in plains and 60 days from the candidates those in the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Lahaul and Spit District and Pangi Sub-division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh division of Leh & Ladakh (UT), Andaman & Nicobar Islands (UT) and Lakshadweep (UT), as per format of application enclosed as Appendix ‘A’ to this advertisement.
(q) Candidates who had applied in response to previous advertisement are required to apply afresh.
(r) Physically Handicapped Candidates. The Physically Handicapped Candidates are not being recruited for posts under this advertisement as per departments service criteria’s. The suitable posts adhering to present guidelines would be advertised in future vacancies for suitable posts under PwBD scheme.

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