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Opening for Pharmacy professionals at Staff Selection Board - 499 posts

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Opening for Pharmacy professionals at Staff Selection Board

 Online applications are invited by the Rajasthan Staff Selection Board from eligible candidates in the prescribed form for recruitment to the following contractual posts under Rajasthan Contractual Hiring to Civil Post Rules, 2022 as amended for National Health Mission, Medical and Health Department, Jaipur, Rajasthan and Rajasthan Medical Education Society, Jaipur subject to the terms and conditions mentioned in the advertisement; Direct Recruitment for contractual posts of various cadres of National Health Mission and Rajasthan Medical Education Society-2025

Post: Contractual Pharma Assistant (499 posts)
Unscheduled Areas - 457; Scheduled Areas 42

Salary: 16900 per month

1.    Diploma/Degree in Pharmacy, and 
2.    Registered as Pharmacist in Rajasthan Pharmacy Council

Nationality :- (a) is a citizen of India. or (b) is a citizen of Nepal, or (c) is a citizen of Bhutan, or (d) A Tibetan refugee who has come to India before 1-1-62 with the intention of permanently settling in India; (e) A person of Indian origin who has come to Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries with the intention of permanently settling in India; From Kenya, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tangania and Zanzibar), Zagvia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia Should have been transferred to India. Note:- But the condition is that applicants belonging to category (b), (c), (d), (e) should be given the approval of Home and Justice Department of the Government of India. The required certificate of eligibility provided must be submitted. 

Age:- The applicant should have attained the age of 21 years on 1st January 2026 as per the provisions of Rajasthan Contractual Hiring to Civil Post Rules, 2022 and should not have attained the age of 40 years. As mentioned in the rules, age is calculated from the first date of the next January after the last date of application. Therefore, the age of the applicants should be 21 years. Age will be calculated from 01.01.2026. Relaxation in upper age limit for other special categories will be applicable as follows: 1. Provision of age relaxation:-
 (a) In the case of female candidates of General category, age relaxation of 5 years will be given. 
(b) Age relaxation of 5 years will be given to SC/ST/OBC/EBC/Economically Weaker Section male candidates who are permanent residents of Rajasthan. 
(c) 10 years age relaxation will be given to SC/ST/OBC/EBC/Women candidates who are permanent residents of Rajasthan. 

2. As per Rajasthan Civil Services (Absorption of Ex-Servicemen) Rules, 1988, ex-servicemen will be given relaxation of 10 years in the maximum age limit, but after relaxation under these rules, if the permissible age exceeds 50 years, then the upper age limit of 50 years will be applicable, but in case of direct recruitment where experience of lower post is mandatory, the maximum upper age limit of 55 years will be applicable. Clarification As per the circular of Personnel (A-2) Department dated 22.8.2019, notwithstanding the provisions of Rajasthan Civil Services (Absorption of Ex-Servicemen), any age-related relaxation in the service rules related to any recruitment shall not be applicable. The age limit is payable to other rank servants/candidates. It will be given to ex-servicemen.
3. There will be no age limit in case of widows and divorced women but their age should be less than the retirement age fixed by the State Government. Explanation: - In case of a widowed woman, she must have a certificate of death of her husband from a competent authority. And in case of a divorced woman, a divorce certificate will have to be submitted. 
4. As per the provision made in Rule 6 (A) of Rajasthan Disabled Persons Rights (Amendment) Rules-2021, disabled persons will be given age relaxation of 05 years in the maximum age limit prescribed in the relevant service rules. Age relaxation to differently abled persons of different categories will be in addition to the age relaxation prescribed in the service rules.

special Notes :-
 1. For the above mentioned contractual posts, eligible candidates will have to apply separately for each post (except for the posts of Contractual Nursing Instructor, Contractual Public Health Care Nurse, Contractual Nursing Incharge and Contractual Nursing Tutor of Rajasthan Medical Education Society). 
2. Only one exam will be conducted for the posts of National Health Mission's Contract Nursing Instructor, Contract Public Health Care Nurse, Contract Nursing Incharge and Contract Nursing Tutor of Rajasthan Medical Education Society. It will be mandatory for the candidates to fill the priority of the above posts in the prescribed column Preference Section at the time of applying. The above posts will be allotted to the candidates selected by the board on the basis of category wise merit and merit cum priority filled by the candidates. Therefore, the candidates should fill the priority of these posts carefully in their online application. After this, amendment in the priority list will not be accepted. 
3. Only one exam will be conducted for the following posts of National Health Mission and Rajasthan Medical Education Society. Hence, candidates should give preference to both the departments at the time of applying for these posts. It will be mandatory to fill the prescribed column in the Preference Section :- 
1- Contract Nurse / Contract Nurse Grade. 
2- Contract Medical Lab Technician / Contract Lab Technician,
3- Contract Social Worker / Contract Medical Social Worker, 
4- Contract Audiologist / Contract Audiologist (Speech Therapist) 
5- Contract Biomedical Engineer / Contract Biomedical Engineer 6- Contract Physiotherapist Assistant / Contract Physiotherapist The candidates selected by the board will be allotted the above posts on the basis of category wise merit and merit cum priority filled by the candidates. Therefore, the candidates should fill the priority of these posts carefully in their online application. After this, amendment in the priority list will not be accepted. 

4. The posts of all the above cadres are completely contract based and as per the instructions of the state government, the posts of all the above cadres will be only for one year or extended period or project period. The appointment on contract basis will automatically end after the contract period ends. There will be no need to issue any separate order for this. 
5. The Competent Authority shall have the power to increase, decrease or cancel/withdraw the posts of all the above cadres and to amend the terms and conditions of these posts. 
6. The competent authority reserves the right to cancel this advertisement without giving any reasons and without any prior notice. 
7. The candidate should not have been declared ineligible for any Government service or should not have been removed from the Government service on disciplinary grounds. 
8. Candidates who have been found guilty in any case of unethical conduct will not be eligible for the said recruitment.
9. The terms and conditions mentioned in the advertisement and the job description are indicative and the competent authority reserves the right to change/modify the same in the interest of the programme.
10. Any change or update in this advertisement or the terms and conditions mentioned herein will be notified through the Board's website. 
11. Make sure to mention all the desired information in the online application form. Before filling the online application, read this notification available on the Board's website carefully and fill the application keeping in mind the instructions given in it. If any information is filled incorrectly or incompletely, the applicant's application form will be cancelled without any prior notice and he will not be given admission in the examination and his candidature can be cancelled at any stage and legal action can be taken. The applicant himself will be fully responsible for this. The Board will not accept any correspondence regarding correction of incorrect/false information or incomplete application.

Last date for depositing registration fee and filling online application form:-
(a) If the applicant has not deposited the one-time registration fee of OTR (One Time Registration), then the registration fee can be deposited through the state's designated e-Mitra kiosk, Public Service Center (C.S.C.), Net Banking, ATM cum Debit Card and Credit Card from 18.02.2025 to 19.03.2025 till 23.59 pm.
(b) Online application forms can be filled on the Board's website from 18.02.2025 to 19.03.2025 till 23.59 pm (after this the link will be disabled). Applicants are advised to apply online within the time limit without waiting for the last date of online application.

Conduct of Examination :-1. The Board has proposed to conduct the recruitment examination for the above mentioned posts of various cadres of contract from the likely date of 02.06.2025 to 13.06.2025 through Computer Based Test (CBT) / Tablet Based Test (TBT) / Offline (OMR) based examination.2. If any recruitment examination is conducted by the Board in more than one stage then the process of normalization will be adopted in it.

Admit Card: The Board will issue admit cards to all the candidates online through the Board's website only. The Board will not send any admit card by post. Information regarding issuance of admit card on the Board's website will be issued through newspapers and website. Applicants should keep in mind the application number and SSO ID to receive their admit card from the website. On the basis of available resources and facilities, information regarding the admit card can be sent to the applicant's email ID and Whatsapp mobile number.

1. History of India.
2. Indian National Movement with important events in Rajasthan.
3. India & Rajasthan- Geography, Physical, Social & Economic.
4. India & Rajasthan- State & Governance, Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj System.
5. Biodiversity in environmental conditions, climate change. Human (Economic & Social Development) & social problem.
6. Current Events- India, Rajasthan & World.
7. General Science 10,h standard

1. Tenses
2. Rearranging of jumbled sentences
3. Narration (Direct & Indirect)
4. Modals
5. Articles & Determines
6. Comprehension with blanks to be filled in with
a. Phrases
b. Pronouns
7. Homonyms/Homophones
8. Clauses
9. Synonyms and antonyms
10. Pairs of words and their use in meaningful sentences
11.Idioms and phrases
12. Uses of prepositions
13. Active and passive voice

1. Basic Applications of computer and its component.
2. Fundamentals of computer sciences.
3. Concept of open source technologies.
4. Input & Output Devices.
5. Operating system
6. Knowledge of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS PowerPoint, PDF Internet and E-mail.
7. Concept of computer virus and anti-virus.
8. Hardware & software, elements of computers processing system Hardware, CPU, peripherals, storage media, software definition, role and categories firmware and human-ware.
9. Role of information technology in governance & IT Acts & Regulations.

(D) National Health Programs:
1. Knowledge of National Health Mission, its various programs like RCH, Communicable and Non-Communicable Disease Control Programs and their activities.
2. Ayushman Bharat and related health programs.

(E) Topic Related to Professional Qualification:
Introduction of different dosage forms, Metrology, Packaging of pharmaceuticals, Size separation, Mixing and Homogenization, Clarification and Filtration, Extraction and Galenicals, Distillation, Introduction to drying process, Sterilization, Aseptic techniques, Processing of Tablets, Processing of Capsules, Study of immunological products.
Prescriptions, Incompatibilities in prescriptions, Posology, Dispensed Medications, Powders, Liquid oral Dosage forms: Monophasic, Biphasic Liquid Dosage Forms: Suspensions, Emulsions, Semi-Solid Dosage Forms: Ointments, Pastes, Jellies, Suppositories and pessaries, Dental and cosmetic preparations, Sterile Dosage forms: Parenteral dosage forms, Sterility testing, Ophthalmic products.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry:-
Acids, bases and buffers, Antioxidants, Gastrointestinal agents, Topical Agents, Antimicrobials and Astringents, Dental Products, Respiratory
stimulants, Expectorants and Emetics, Antidotes, Major Intra and Extra cellular electrolytes, Inorganic official compounds, Radiopharmaceuticals and contrast media, Quality control of Drugs and pharmaceuticals, Identification tests for cations and anions.
Introduction to the nomenclature of organic chemical systems, The chemistry of pharmaceutical organic compounds (Antiseptics and Disinfectants, Sulphonamides, Antileprotic Drugs, Anti tubercular Drugs, Antiamoebic and Anthelmintic Drugs, Antibiotic, Antifungal agent, Antimalarial Drugs, Tranquilizers, Hypnotics, General, Anaesthetics, Antidepressant Drugs, Adrenergic drugs, Adrenergic antagonist, Cholinergic Antagonists, Diuretic Drugs, Cardiovascular Drugs, Hypoglycemie Agents, Coagulants and Anticoagulants, Local And esthetics, Analgesics and Antipyretic, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, Diagnostic Agats, Anticonvulsants, cardiac glycosides, Antiarrhythmic, Antihypertensive & Vitamins, Steroidal Drugs, Antineoplastic Drugs.

Definition, history and scope of Pharmacognosy, Various system of classification of drugs and natural origin, Adulteration and drug evaluation, Brief outline of f alkaloids, terpenoids, glycosides, volatile oils, tannins and resins, Occurrence, distribution, organoleptic evaluation, chemical constituents including test wherever applicable and therapeutic efficacy of various drugs, Pharmaceutical aids, Miscellaneous drugs.

Clinical Pathology and Biochemistry:-
Introduction to biochemistry, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Vitamins, Enzymes, Therapeutics, Introduction to Pathology of blood and urine. Lymphocytes and platelets, their role in health and disease, Erythrocytes. Anatomy of the Human and Physiology, Scope of Anatomy and physiology, Elementary tissues,
• Skeletal System, Cardiovascular System, Respiratory system, Urinary System, Muscular System,
• Central Nervous System, Sensory Organs, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Reproductive system.
• Health Education & community pharmacy
• Concept of health, Nutrition and health, First aid, Environment and health, Fundamental principles of microbiology, Communicable  diseases, Respiratory infections, Intestinal infection, Arthropod borne infections, Surface infection, Sexualty transmitted diseases, Non' communicable diseases, Epidemiology. 

Toxicology and Pharmacology 
Introduction to pharmacology, Routes of administration of drugs, General mechanism of drugs action, Drugs acting on the central Nervous system, Drugs acting on respiratory system, Autacoids, Cardiovascular drugs, Drugs affecting renal function, Hormones and hormone antagonists, Drugs acting on digestive system, Chemotherapy of microbial diseases, Disinfectants and antiseptics 

Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence 
Origin and nature of pharmaceutical legislation in India, Principles and significance of professional Ethics, Pharmacy Act, 1948, The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, The Drugs and Magic Remedies (objectionable Advertisement) Act, 1954, Narcotic Drugs and psychotropic substances Act, 1985, Latest Drugs (price control) order in force. Poisons Act 1919 (as amended to date) Medicinal and Toilet preparations (excise Duties) Act, 1955(as amended to date). Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971(as amended to date). 

Drug Store and Business Management 
*Part-l: Commerce- Introduction, Drug House Management, Sales, Recruitment, training, Banking and Finance.
Part-ll:Accountancy - Introduction to the accounting concepts and conventions. Double entry, bookkeeping, different kinds of accounts, cash book, general ledger and trial balance, profit and loss account and balance sheet. Simple techniques of analyzing financial statements. Introduction to budgeting. 

Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy 
• Part-1: Hospital Pharmacy-Hospital and Hospital Pharmacy, Drug Distribution system in Hospitals, Manufacturing, Sterile manufacture, 
Hospital Formulary system, Drug Information service, Surgical dressing, Application of computers.
• Part II: Clinical Pharmacy- Introduction to Clinical pharmacy practice, Modern dispensing aspects, Common daily terminology used in the practice of Medicine. Disease, manifestation and patho-physiology, Physiological parameters with their significance. Drug Interactions, Adverse Drug Reaction, Drugs in Clinical Toxicity, Drug dependencies, Bioavailability of drugs.


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