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IICB Summer Internship program 2025

Clinical research courses

IICB Summer Internship program 2025

IICB Institute was established in 1935 as the first non official centre in India for biomedical research and was included within the aegis of CSIR in 1956. IICB today is engaged in research on diseases of national importance and biological problems of global interest, employing sophisticated state-of-the-art technology in keeping with the rapid and unprecedented momentum that life science research has gained globally over the last 50 years.

Summer Internship program : 2025

About the program : The objective of the program is to let young minds feel the thrill and excitement of science by working on a project requiring application and critical appreciation of scientific principles. It also aims at active participation of the students in the learning process through experimentation and putting into practice the knowledge acquired in the classrooms to nurture their research aptitude and assist career growth. 

Who can apply?
The program is open to the students pursuing postgraduate courses in all branches of chemical and life sciences at any recognized Indian University/ College/ Research Institute. 
Minimum eligibility criteria : 
i. Final year students of M.Sc./Integrated Masters/Dual degree courses/M.Tech/M. Pharm/related masters courses from a recognized University/ Institute /college in the relevant discipline. 
ii. Candidate must have secured at least 65% marks throughout their academic career (starting from 10th standard or equivalent examination). 
iii. The internship program must be a mandatory part for the candidate’s course curriculum.

Opportunities are also available for short-term trainee/summer-fellows through the sponsored program from the government agencies such as Academy Summer Fellow (INSA/IAS), INSPIRE, RISE etc. In such cases, CSIR-IICB will accept application or recommendation from the concerned sponsored agencies. No direct application from the student will be accepted under this category. Selected students from RISE program (under Govt. West Bengal) are also accepted as per admissibility.

Intake timeline and duration of the program : 
Institute will accommodate trainees once a year commencing during April – July 2025. The joining date during this tenure will be according to the requirement and recommendation of the concerned Univerity/College etc. Duration of the program will be minimum of two months and maximum of one year. Tenure will be strictly dependent on the selected candidate’s academic curriculum requirement, as recommended from concerned Head of the Department/Institution /University and available vacancy under the supervisor at CSIR-IICB.

Application procedure
Willing students satisfying the eligibility criteria may apply Online link notified during the application timeline. In addition to the online application candidates are required to send the hard copy of application ‘APPLICATION FORM’ [Form A] provided below along with the RECOMMENDATION LETTER. Submission of both Google sheet and hard copy of the application is mandatory. Hard copy application should reach us by the application timeline, 28th Feb 2025.

Before applying keep the soft copy (documents in pdf format only) of the following:
a. Scan copy of the duly filled Application Form- A, with Brief Statement of Purpose on ‘what fascinates you in science and how this internship would be beneficial for your career’ (in max. 250 words).
b. A single PDF file of the following documents/forms must be uploaded: 
i. Marksheet of 10th class 
ii. Marksheet of 12th class iii. Marksheet of the undergraduate degree (UG) program (year wise and final degree) 
iv. Marksheets of post-graduate/ dual degree program/ integrated degree (semester wise or year wise, as applicable) 
c. Recommendation letter from the concerned college/University/ Institute (strictly as per the sample provided) 
d. A passport size photograph (jpeg, png, less than 20 KB) needs to be uploaded.

Address for application submission : Envelope must be superscribed as “Application for Summer Internship Program”- Session: 2025 
To Dr. Sanjay Dutta 
Sr. Principal Scientist Head, 
Human Resource Group (HRG)
CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology 
4- Raja S.C. Mullick Road, P.O. Jadavpur Kolkata 700032

Selection : Selection will be based on academic excellence, Statement of purpose of the applying candidates. The candidates will be selected for two disciplines-Biological sciences & Chemical sciences depending on laboratory requirements and available vacancy at CSIR-IICB. The selected candidates will be notified via website notification / email. 

Few important points
• No accommodation is provided by the institute. 
• No fee is applicable for the program. 
• Incomplete and invalid applications in any respect will be summarily rejected & no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. 
• The decision in view of the selected candidates taken by the institute will be final in all respect. No further communications will be entertained in this regard. 
• During the project tenure the students have to follow strictly all the rules and regulations of CSIR- IICB. Strict compliance of the safety rules by the student is a must inside the laboratory. 
• University/college/institute must take responsibilities of any misconduct by the student(s). 
• The schedule of the entire program and related policy is subject to change as per institute requirements.

When to apply : Application timeline: 28th Jan 2025 – 28th Feb 2025

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