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Vacancy for Research Associate at NIBMG

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Vacancy for Research Associate at NIBMG

National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG) Kalyani is an Institute of Government of India, Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Biotechnology. The Institute has created necessary physical infrastructure and critical platform technologies to support research, translation, and training in biomedical genomics. NIBMG is looking for motivated and bright individuals interested in exploring career opportunities in this multi-organization research project as follows.

Post : Research Associate-I (01)

Interview will be conducted for the position of Project Linked Personnel for extramural projects to be executed by the National institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kalyani. Selected Candidate will be appointed for 1 year.

Project Name & Funding Authority : “Validation of Circulating tumour cells (CTCs) based diagnostics in Prognosticating Oral Squamous cell carcinoma: an approach to Personalized cancer Management under thematic area of Diagnostics group under ICRC” (ICMR)
Essential Educational Qualification :
1. PhD*/MD/MS/ MDS or equivalent degree with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.
2. Age below 40 years (Relaxati on of 2 years for Women Candidates Only)
Desirable Qualification : Extensive hands-on experience in cell culture (human primary and cell lines), in vitro functional assays and related molecular and cell biology experimental work

Nature of Duty : Designing and conducting experiments, gathering, organizing, and summarizing data; writing manuscripts; presenting results at meetings, writing experimental protocols; preparing various reports; contributing to grant applications and progress reports; training new personnel.
Consolidated and fixed monthly emolument : Rs. 47,000/- +9% HRA = Rs. 51230/-.

*Candidates who have submitted their PhD thesis but are yet to be awarded PhD degree can also apply. If selected, he/she will get remuneration of Rs. 35000/- + 9% HRA (SRF scale) until the award of the PhD degree.

• Please apply online at (no other form of application will be accepted).
• Only the shortlisted candidates will be called for Interview/Test. Date of Interview will be notified later to the shortlisted candidates. The option will be given to the candidates to appear for the interview in person or online.
• No TA/DA will be provided for attending the Interview/Test.

Following documents are required at the time of interview :
1. Curriculum Vitae along with reprints of publications and PhD thesis.
2. Printout of the online submitted application form.
3. One Passport- size colored Photograph.
4. Original along with Self-Attested Copies of Certificates of Educational Qualifications
5. Original along with Self-Attested Copies of Experience Certificates
6. Original and one Self-Attested Copies Govt. issued Photo ID proof (Preferably Aadhar Card)

How to reach : The Institute is located close to the Kalyani Main Station. If you are coming by train, please get off at Kalyani Main Station, cross the railway tracks towards Platform# 3 using the over- bridge and take a Rickshaw/ e-Rickshaw from Sangam Cinema Hall to “NIBMG Campus or Project Site”

The last date of application is 29th January 2024, 5PM.

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