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Recruitment of Scientific Officers in the Department of Atomic Energy

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Recruitment of Scientific Officers in the Department of Atomic Energy

The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) was set up under the direct charge of the Prime Minister through a Presidential Order on August 3, 1954. As per this order, all businesses of the Government of India, related to Atomic Energy and to the functions of the Central Government under the Atomic Energy Act, 1948 (XXIX of 1948) were directed to be transacted in the Department of Atomic Energy.

Post : Scientific Officers

Training Schemes and Employment Description
BARC Training Schools provide two Training Schemes to deserving candidates ambitious of pursuing a rewarding career in Nuclear Science, Engineering and Technology and
a. who would relish challenges in frontier areas of Science & Technology,
b. who would like to be part of an expanding program of Nuclear Power / Research Reactors, Accelerators and Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technologies, and
c. who would enjoy pursuing innovative research in frontier areas of Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biosciences and Geology. They are called Orientation Course for Engineering Graduates and Science Postgraduates (OCES) and DAE Graduate Fellowship Scheme for Engineering Graduates (DGFS) respectively. Successful completion of the Training Schemes guarantees employment as Scientific Officer “C‟ in one of the DAE units or Atomic Energy Regulatory Board with attractive career progression opportunities up to the highest echelons. DAE strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.
A. One-year Orientation Course for Engineering Graduates and Science Postgraduates for the academic year 2024-2025 (OCES/DGFS-2024) will be conducted at the five BARC Training Schools situated at Mumbai, Kalpakkam, Indore and Hyderabad. Tables-1a & 1b list Eligible Disciplines for the OCES 2024 programme. Table-2 lists the Eligible Disciplines and Orientation of the Training Programme at each of the Training Schools. A Trainee Scientific Officer (TSO), who scores a minimum of 50% aggregate marks on completion of the Training Programme, is declared to have passed the course successfully.

Successful TSOs will be posted as Scientific Officers in one of the following DAE units : a. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai* b. Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam c. Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore d. Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Kolkata e. Heavy Water Board (HWB), Mumbai* f. Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC), Hyderabad* g. Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT), Mumbai* h. Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL), Mumbai* i. Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Ltd (BHAVINI), Kalpakkam* j. Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL), Jaduguda* k. Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research (AMD), Hyderabad* l. Directorate of Construction, Services & Estate Management (DCSEM), Mumbai*.

*These units have their Head Office at the indicated locations. Placement can be at the Head Office or at other facilities of these units located in different parts of India. Allocation of a successful OCES TSO to a DAE unit is carried out based on the needs of DAE’s programmes and the TSO’s performance in the OCES programme. DAE reserves the right to place TSOs in any of its other units and the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) also. Appointment in DAE units shall be as a “Group A” Gazetted Officer of the Government of India except in BHAVINI, NPCIL and UCIL which are governed by the service rules of Corporations. Trainee Scientific Officers in Engineering disciplines who successfully complete the Training Programme and whose performance meets a minimum eligibility criterion are allowed to enroll for M.Tech. in Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), a Deemed to be University. Those not desirous of pursuing M.Tech. are entitled to a Post-Graduate Diploma of HBNI provided their academic performance is above a specified threshold.
B. Two-year DAE Graduate Fellowship Scheme for Engineering Graduates for the academic session beginning in 2024 (DGFS-2024). Under this scheme, Engineering Graduates who have excelled in the Selection Interviews for the BARC Training Schools’ programmes and who have also independently secured admission for M. Tech. in select Institutes and specializations as listed in Table-3, in the same academic year in which they are selected for OCES are paid stipend and tuition fee to pursue a M. Tech. degree while retaining their employment in DAE. After successful completion of one-year course work at the Institute, DGFS Fellows undertake project work, which is assigned by DAE and supervised jointly by a DAE and the DGFS Institute guide. On successful completion of M. Tech. DGFS Fellows are posted as Scientific Officers in DAE. Appointment in DAE units shall be as a Group “A” Gazetted Officer of the Government of India. On joining, they are required to first undertake a four-month Orientation Course for DGFS Fellows (OCDF) at the BARC Training School, Mumbai. The placement** of the DGFS Fellows on successful completion of DGFS programme will only be at BARC (in case of Fellows who complete their M.Tech. at IIT Bombay) and IGCAR (in case of Fellows who complete their M. Tech. at IIT Madras). **Placement can be at any of the BARC facilities located in different parts of India. Allocation of a DGFS Fellow to a DAE unit is done at the beginning of the M.Tech. programme based on the needs of DAE’s programmes and their Selection Interview merit.
C. Stipend and Allowances during Training : OCES TSOs are paid a stipend of Rs. 55,000 per month during the period of their Training and a one- time book allowance of Rs. 18,000. DGFS Fellows are paid a stipend of Rs. 55,000 per month for two years and reimbursed the tuition fee for M.Tech. and are additionally paid a one-time Contingency Grant of Rs. 40,000 per annum for 2 years to meet M.Tech. project related expenses. Boarding and Lodging in DAE Hostel is mandatory for OCES TSOs during the Training period. Boarding and lodging in DGFS Institute hostel is mandatory for DGFS Fellows during M. Tech. programme. Selected candidates are required to execute an agreement and a Personal Indemnity Bond to serve DAE for at least three years after completion of Training. Indemnity Bond would consist of stipend, tuition fees paid to DGFS institute and contingency grant along with additional funding up to a sum of Rs. 4,00,000 under the BRNS Fast Track Project scheme to purchase equipment/consumables deemed necessary for completion of M.Tech. project, as per actual paid. No third-party surety is required.

Grade and Pay Scale
Appointment in all the units shall be as a Scientific Officer “C‟ (SO/C) in the Level 10 - Rs. 56,100 of the 7th Central Pay Commission Pay Matrix. Appointment will be at the beginning of the pay scale with OCES TSOs getting two or three increments depending on their performance during the OCES programme and the DGFS Fellows# getting three or four increments depending on their performance in M. Tech. and four-month Orientation Course for DGFS Fellows (OCDF). #DGFS Fellows whose performance in the M.Tech. and OCDF programmes is below a specified threshold will get zero increments. Monthly emoluments (with three increments) at the time of joining including Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance and Transport Allowance at the present Mumbai rate, will be approximately Rs. 1,20,000. In addition, other Allowances such as Leave Travel Concession by air, every year up to first eight years (subject to conditions) and once in two years thereafter, Children’s Education Allowance Professional Update Allowance and Performance Related Incentive scheme (PRIS) as per Government norms subject to approval and revised time to time, are also payable. A comprehensive Contributory Health Service Scheme or equivalent for employees and their dependent family members is also available at all DAE Units.

Eligibility Criteria
Qualifying Degrees and Other Academic Requirements for OCES/DGFS-2024: Candidates whose qualifying degree name includes the core degree name with any specialization are also eligible for OCES/DGFS-2024 programme. Also refer to names of the degrees which are NOT eligible for OCES/DGFS programme as mentioned below
a) For Engineering OCES Disciplines (Exam Discipline Codes ME (21), CH (22), MT(23), EE(24), EC(25), CS(26), IN(27), CE(28),) as per Table-1a ): i. B.E. / B.Tech / B.Sc (Engineering) / 5-year Integrated M.Tech. with a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent) in one of the above mentioned nine engineering disciplines mentioned in Table- 1a. ii. Applicants opting to be considered on the basis of a GATE Score must have GATE-2022 and/or GATE-2023 and/or GATE-2024 Score in the same GATE paper/subject as the qualifying degree discipline. The applicable GATE paper / subjects are listed in Table-1a. iii. Those having qualifying degree in branches like Aerospace, Automobile, Automotive, Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical & Automation Engineering, Industrial Production Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Mining Machinery Engg., Industrial Metallurgy Engineering, Reliability Engineering, Ceramics Engineering, Architecture Engineering, Geology Engineering, Mining Engineering, Marine Engineering, Bio-Medical Electronics/ Instruments Engineering, Communication Engineering, Information Technology, Mechatronics Engineering, Dyes & Dye Intermediates, Electrochemical Engineering, Energy Systems, Chemical Engineering with specialization in Refining & Petrochemicals, Chemical Technology with specialization in petrochemicals, Chemical Technology, Biochemical Engineering, Oils & Fats Engineering, Paints & Varnishes Engineering, Refining & Petrochemicals Engineering, Petrochemicals Engineering, Plastics Engineering, Paper Engineering, Sugar Technology, Textiles Engineering, Computer Science & System Engineering, Master of Computer Applications, Control Engineering, Power Engineering, Power Plant Engineering, Software Engineering, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Information Science/ Technology, Biomedical Electronics Engineering, Biomedical Instrumentation Engineering, Chemical Science & Technology, Chemical Technology, Biochemical Engineering, Energy Engineering, Environmental Science Engineering, Structural Engineering, Biotechnology and Biochemical Engg., M.E. in CAD/ CAM, M.Sc in Computer Science, M.Sc in Computer Applications (MCA), B.Sc Computer Science, B.Sc. Electronics, M.Sc Electronics, BSMS programme in Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, BS in Chemical Engineering, Mechatronics, BSMS in Electrical & Computer Engg. BSMS(3 +2 yrs) programme in Electronics etc., are NOT eligible.
b) For Physics Discipline (Exam Discipline Code PH (41)) (Table-1b): i. M.Sc or Integrated M. Sc. in Physics / Applied Physics with specialization in Nuclear Physics, Solid State physics, Condensed matter physics, atomic and molecular physics, Particle/ high Energy physics with Physics and Mathematics at B.Sc. / BE / B. Tech./ B.Sc. (Engg.) or at subsidiary and/or ancillary level in case of 5-year integrated M.Sc. or B.E./ B.Tech. / B. Sc. (Engg.) / Integrated M.Tech in “Engineering Physics” with a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent) in the qualifying degree. ii. M. Sc. or Integrated M. Sc. candidates (other than those applying with a 5- year integrated M. Sc. degree) must additionally have a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent) in B. Sc / B.E. / B. Tech. / B. Sc. (Engg.). iii. Physics postgraduate applicants opting to be considered on the basis of a GATE Score should have GATE-2022, GATE-2023 or GATE-2024 score in “Physics‟ GATE paper. iv. Applicants having B.E./ B. Tech / B. Sc (Engg.) in “Engineering Physics‟ as qualifying degree can apply on the basis of GATE-2022 and/or GATE-2023 and/or GATE-2024 score either in “Physics‟ or in “Engineering Sciences‟ GATE paper. v. Those having M.Sc. with specialization in Nanoscience & Technology, Medical Physics, Chemical Physics., Astronomy, Geophysics, M. Tech. in physics (Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology) etc. are NOT eligible.
c) For Chemistry Discipline (Exam Discipline Code CY (42)) (Table-1b): i. M.Sc or Integrated M. Sc. in Chemistry, Physical chemistry, Organic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, and Analytical chemistry with Physics up to B.Sc. or up to subsidiary and / or ancillary level in case of 5-year integrated M.Sc and Mathematics at Std. XII or at B. Sc or at subsidiary and / or ancillary level in case of 5-year integrated M.Sc, with a minimum of 60%* (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent) aggregate marks in M.Sc. ii. All candidates (other than those applying with a 5-year integrated M.Sc degree) must additionally have a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent) in B.Sc. iii. Applicants opting to be considered on the basis of a GATE Score should have GATE-2022 and/or GATE-2023 and/or GATE-2024Score in “Chemistry‟ GATE paper. iv. M.Sc or Integrated M. Sc. in Nanoscience / Nanotechnology Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Textile chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Chemical Science & Technology, Applied Natural Science, Chemistry (with specialisation in applied chemistry), M. Sc in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, M. Pharm. in Pharmaceutical Analysis, etc. are NOT eligible.
d) For Bioscience Discipline (Exam Discipline code 43) (Table-1b): i. M.Sc. or Integrated M. Sc. in Biosciences, Life Sciences, Agriculture, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Genetics, Botany, Zoology, Plant Science, Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Food Technology, Food Science, , Animal Science, Biomedical Sciences, Bioinformatics /Computational Biology and BSMS in Biosciences with a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent) in M.Sc. as well as in B.Sc. (except for 5-year integrated M.Sc.); or B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Sc. (Tech) only in Food Technology with minimum of 60%* aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent). ii. M.Sc. applicants should have studie done out of Physics or Chemistry or Biochemistry or Agriculture Chemistry as a subject at the B.Sc. stage or at subsidiary and / or ancillary level in case of 5- year integrated M.Sc. iii. Applicants opting to be considered on the basis of a GATE Score should have GATE-2022 and/or GATE-2023 and/or GATE-2024 Score in “Life Sciences‟ or in “Biotechnology‟. iv Those having M.Sc. with specialization in subjects like Fisheries, Horticulture, Forestry, Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Marine Biology, Bio-analytical Sciences, Home Science, Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology Nutrition Biology, Environmental Science, Bio-analytical Sciences, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Agriculture with specialization in Environmental Science, Climate Science, Virology, Agricultural Entomology etc. and B.E. / B.Tech. / B. Sc.(Tech) in Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Food Process Engineering, B. Sc. in Biotechnology, M. Tech. in Food Science & Technology etc. are NOT eligible.
e) For Geology Discipline (Exam Code 45) (Table-1b): i. M.Sc or equivalent M.Tech in Geology, Applied Geology, Applied Geochemistry with Geology at B.Sc or upto subsidiary and / or ancillary level in case of 5 or 6-year integrated M.Sc or 5 or 6 year integrated M.Tech. in Geological Technology. ii. Eligible candidates must have two subjects out of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry up to B.Sc or at subsidiary and/or ancillary level in case of 5 or 6- year integrated M.Sc/5-year integrated M.Tech., with a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent) in M.Sc/M.Tech. iii. All eligible candidates (other than those applying with a 5-year integrated M.Sc / M.Tech. degree) must have a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent) in B. Sc. also. iv. Additionally, eligible candidates must have passed Mathematics in Std. XII. V, All applicants opting to be considered on the basis of a GATE Score should GATE- 2022 and/or GATE-2023 and/or GATE-2024 Score in GATE Paper/subject “Geology & Geophysics”. vii. Those having B. Tech in Geology, Mining Engg., M. Sc. in Geo-informatics, Environmental Science with specialization in Remote sensing and GIS etc. are NOT eligible.
j) Only regular M.Sc. degree is eligible. Those having M.Sc. (by research), M.Sc.( distant education), MSc. (part time) are not eligible. *A minimum of 60% aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA# on the scale of 10.0 or equivalent) means the marks as per the ordinances of the respective university. Applicants, who have been awarded with LETTER grades, should convert into percentage as per the ordinances of the respective university. #Coversion of CGPA marks to the percentage should be as per the ordinances of the respective university, if available.

 Maximum Age Limit (Maximum Age as on August 1, 2024)
i. General Category - 26 years,
ii. OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) - 29 years,
iii. SC/ST – 31 years,
iv. Dependents of those who died in the riots of 1984 (Dep 1984) - 31 years, v. Persons domiciled in Kashmir Division of Jammu & Kashmir State from 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989 (Dom Kashmir) – 31 years
vi. Physically Challenged persons of all categories are eligible for age relaxation of 10 years. Person with physical disability with extent of disability 40% or more will be considered for age relaxation and may be permitted a scribe. vii. The minimum age limit for all the applicants is 18 years as on August 1, 2024.

Application Fee : i. A non-refundable Application Fee of Rs. 500/- is chargeable from the male applicants belonging to General and OBC categories, Dependents of those who died in the riots of 1984 (Dep 1984), Persons domiciled in Kashmir Division of Jammu & Kashmir State from 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989 (Dom Kashmir).
ii. Woman candidates, candidates belonging to SC/ST, candidates belonging to transgender, Dependents of Defence Personnel Killed in Action (DODPKIA) and Physically Challenged candidates with extent of disability of 40% or more are exempted from payment of Application Fee. Candidates awaiting final results and / or appearing in qualifying exam in academic year 2023-2024 or for GATE-2024 may also apply. If selected, candidates who are eligible in all other respects but are graduating in the academic year 2023-24 and awaiting final results will be allowed to commence training course work. However, retention of these candidates in the OCES or DGFS programmes is subject to the mark-sheet of their final result, which meets the eligibility requirements of the OCES/ DGFS-2024 programme, being submitted by December 31, 2024 in case of OCES TSOs and as per the requirement of the concerned DGFS Institutes in the case of DGFS Fellows. It may also be noted that all the academic requirement for the award of qualifying degree must be completed before 31st July 2024. All the candidates whose final result is awaited need to bring the certificate issued by competent authority about their completion of academic requirement for the award of qualifying degree on the date of joining of training programme. EXERCISING AUTHORITY: in all matters concerning the OCES/DGFS-2024 recruitment, the decision taken by the Competent Authority in BARC, Mumbai shall be final and binding on the Applicants and they shall abide by the decision in totality. The Applicants while representing the matter shall not directly approach the Courts and will wait till the outcome of the decision by the Competent Authority in BARC. In case of any claims or disputes arising with respect to the OCES/DGFS-2024 recruitment, the venue of such proceedings, suit, action, or proceedings arising out of or related thereto will be governed / maintained in accordance with the laws of Republic of India subject to exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Mumbai, India.

About Online Exam
'Online Exam' means that the candidate sits in front of a computer at the examination center and the questions are presented on the computer monitor and the candidate answers the questions on the computer through the use of mouse.
Online Exam Pattern : All questions of the Online Exam are of objective type (multiple choice questions with only one correct choice of answer). Each correct answer fetches 3 marks, while each incorrect answer has a penalty of one mark (-1 mark). No marks are awarded for questions not attempted. While answering a question, the candidate will not be allow to choose more than one option as correct answer. Candidate can skip a question, if he/she wishes. There will be 100 questions in all. The questions are so designed that a good candidate will be able to answer 100 questions in 120 minutes. Syllabus : The syllabus for the Online Exam is specific to the Science/Engineering examination discipline which a candidate has selected. The questions are intended to assess the basic understanding of subjects in the area of the Science/Engineering exam discipline selected by the candidate. Emphasis would be on the knowledge and problem-solving ability rather than on the memory of the candidate. General English, General Knowledge, Aptitude etc are not assessed.
General Instructions : All the questions and instructions of the test will be in English only. Candidates should bring a pen for the purpose of rough work, signing etc. Blank sheets for rough work will be provided, if required. Calculators and logarithmic tables are not allowed in the test centers. Candidates are not allowed to bring any other personal belongings such as mobiles/cameras/laptops/notebooks/text books/ digital watch etc. However, an on- screen calculator will be available/enabled during the online examination. Each candidate who registers for the Online Exam will be instructed to download the 'Admit Card' after confirmation to their participation in online exam on web portal. A candidate's entry into the test center is subject to the verification of the admit card. In addition to the admit card, each candidate is required to bring the following for verification: 1. A printed copy of the Admit Card is to be submitted for verification at the time of the examination. At least one original and valid photo identification card (i.e. not photocopied or scanned or expired) such as Voter Card, Aadhaar Card, printout of e- Aadhaar, Driving License / PAN card, Passport, Identity Card issued by School / College/University, SSLC/HSC mark sheet with photo must be presented failing which candidate will not be permitted in the examination. Photocopy of the ID proof will not be allowed. 2. Candidates who have availed fee exemption under the category SC/ST/Dependents of Defence Personnel Killed in Action (DODPKIA)/Physically Challenged are required to bring valid proof of category for verification at the test center. All test centers are closely monitored for security and candidates' identity and activities.

How to Apply
Candidate can apply for only one OCES screening discipline.
• Candidates have to fill up the Online Application form provided on this website.
• Candidates need to register through “Click here for New Registration‟ link by providing essential information like name, salutation (Gender), mobile number., e-mail ID (Registered email ID of candidate is the default User ID for online exam registration portal), OCES screening discipline, etc. It may be noted that the details provided at this stage cannot be modified later on, and hence the candidates are advised to be careful in entering the details.
• Upon successful preliminary registration, the Candidates have to verify the registered mobile & registered mobile email ID. The registered mobile no. will be verified using OTP sent to registered mobile no. after clicking the “Verify button” provided against Mobile no. on verification page. Similarly registered email ID will be verified using activation link sent to registered email ID after clicking the “Verify button” provided against Email ID on verification page.
• Once the candidate’s account is activated, he/she can subsequently log in multiple times through “Candidate's Login‟ link to fill in the Online Application form.
• While filling the form, the candidates are required to upload their recent passport sized photograph (4.5 x 3.5cm) in JPG/JPEG format (of size between 20- 50 kb) and a scanned copy of their signature (2 x 4.5 cm, in JPG/JPEG format with size not exceeding 20 kb but greater than 10 kb).
• Candidates availing the application fees exemption should provide the detail of valid ID card/category/ PWD certificates as per their eligibility and also upload the valid supporting documents.
• After filling in all the required details, the candidates who are required to pay the Application Fee (Rs. 500 plus applicable bank charges) may make Online payment using net banking / debit card / credit card. On clicking on the "Make Payment" button in the payment page, the candidate is directed to the SBI Payment Gateway through which they can pay the application fee using any of the payment modes listed above. If the payment is successful, the candidates can proceed to final submission stage and complete their application. The candidates must make the payment of Application Fee, if applicable, only once and no requests for refund of Application Fee will be entertained from any candidate.
• Finally, the candidates need to submit the filled form. Please note that no modifications / alterations would be permitted in the application form after final submission. Hence the candidates are advised to verify the correctness and adequacy of the information filled by them before the final submission. It is to be noted that only applications where 'Final Submission' process has been completed before the last date will be considered valid applications. Candidates have the following options available: i. "Final Submission"- On clicking this button, the details of the candidate are submitted and a Registration Number is generated for the candidate. ii. If the candidate wishes to do some modification before final submission, he I she is advised to click the "Home" link provided on the top of the page. However, it must be noted that the candidate must click the "Final Submission" button after the modification.
• A unique Registration Number will be generated for every candidate who has completed the Final Submission process, which must be used for all future correspondence.
• The candidates who wish to apply for screening on the basis of GATE-2024 score are required to fill in their GATE details after declaration of the GATE results, whereas those who wish to apply on the basis of a GATE-2022 or GATE-2023 Score must upload their GATE Score during the Application Process. Applicants with a GATE-2024 Score must register and fill in all details relevant to the admission process, prior to the declaration of GATE-2024 results, and on or before the last date of online application/ registration (please visit the for latest updates) for the same. No new applications, on the basis of a GATE score or otherwise, will be accepted after the last date of online application/ registration. Once the GATE 2024 results are declared, the link will be provided to registered email ID of these candidates, who opted for screening on the basis of GATE-2024 also during online application, to upload their GATE-2024 Score Card and GATE marks on this portal for a limited period of time. Candidates are requested to see the “Important Events/ dates” part online application portal ( for latest update of Important dates. Note: Candidates need not send any documents such as proof of age, proof of category, proof of application fee payment, supporting documentary proof for availing fee exemption of plication etc., or hard copy of application.

Last date for Registration for Online Application 30 January, 2024

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