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Opportunity for B.Pharm under CSIR GATE scheme at CSMCRI

Clinical research courses

Opportunity for B.Pharm under CSIR GATE scheme at CSMCRI

CSMCRI with much scientific excitement has now achieved technological excellence with several granted patents in the core mandate of the institute and is one among the top performing national R&D laboratories in the country. At the beginning of 2011, the Institute has around 360 staff with 150 S&T staff on its roll and around 250 research fellows and project assistants pursing their doctoral programme.

Post : Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under CSIR GATE scheme

Number of Post : 2 No.
Eligibility : BE / B. Tech degree holders in engineering discipline with valid GATE score
Candidates with B.Pharm degree and having qualified GPAT
Candidates with B.Tech in Biotechnology with valid GATE score and subject to securing a minimum 85.00 percentile in GATE.
Candidates selected for the award of JRF-GATE will be eligible for fellowship subject to getting registered/enrolled for AcSIR PhD program at CSIR-CSMCRI

Who are not Eligible : Candidates with ME / M.Tech degree;
All those eligible for direct CSIR-SRF are not eligible to apply for JRF­ GATE.
Age : The upper age limit for JRF shall be 28 years which is relaxable as per CSIR rule.
Fellowship : The stipend of a JRF-GATE will be Rs 31,000/ p.m for the first two years. On Completion of two years as JRF-GATE, the fellowship will be upgraded to SRF (GATE) and the stipend will be increased to Rs. 35,000/- p.m for the 3rd and subsequent years, on the basis of assessment of Fellows’ research progress/ achievements through interview by an Expert Committee. HRA as per institute rules.

The selected candidate have an opportunity to be registered for PhD program. The duration of the fellowship is maximum five years as per HRDG guidelines.
Interested candidates are requested to send their typed-application (before the last date as mentioned above) along with scan copies of certificate, mark sheets of educational qualification, certificate in the support of the date of birth/categories etcetera in a SINGLE PDF FILE.
Shortlisted candidates have to appear before the Selection Committee for interview (date will be informed by e-mail).

Send application (single PDF FILE along with supporting documents) by E-mail to for any further information you may also contact at the same E-mail ID.  The position is purely temporary and maximum duration of fellowship is 5 years. It would, therefore, not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any candidate for claiming extension or absorption in CSMCRI/CSIR. No TA/DA will be given to attend the interview.

Last date of application : 31st January, 2024 (23.59 hrs. by e-mail)

Application Form

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